How do you Get a Hand gun liscence and liscence to carry a hand gun in Pennsylvannia????
Why do i need it? Id rather carry a hand gun then a shot gun around first off. I deal with precious metals and gems, and at times i have much more cash on me than i feel comforatble with carrying. Not only that but with how things are getting I would feel safer with a hand gun strapped to my side. I need to know how to go about doing this, can a gun shop get me the liscence? Do i need to go to a municipal building, what?
Before I get dumb comments from anti Gun activists, do you think criminals have a liscense? Guns dont kill, people kill. Are you gonna try and band baseball bats next? A gun is a tool, a very effective one at that.
I would just feel safer with a firearm than a stun gun or can of mace, my life is important to me and i would enjoy keeping it.
Any usefull info would help. Thanks
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i am corban