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Religion & Spirituality - 13 February 2007

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What is the nature/meaning of "Logos"?
Please give your opinions and reasons.
Such an interesting concept yet rarely discussed outside of more academic Christian thought!

2007-02-13 09:14:21 · 5 answers · asked by Tirant 5

Hindus believe in many MANIFESTATIONS of God, not many different Gods. In the same way that Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are one but also a Trinity. The atman is the God that Hindus worship, and it has different forms such as Vishnu, Ganeshi etc. (sorry if I can't spell their names)

2007-02-13 09:12:27 · 11 answers · asked by serf m 2

2007-02-13 09:09:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

christians don't believe in abortion but dems do, christians don't like war dems are ok with it, christians don't like lying, stealing, cheating but dems do this, yes repulicans do some but we don't like war unless for a good reason, we don't like abortions at all, so how can dems call themseleves christians when they believe in somthing that goes against what the bible says?

2007-02-13 09:08:48 · 16 answers · asked by Aflac2345 2

I just cant help but notice how hypocritical some christians can be.and also what i find all to often is christians who come across other people not of their faith have such intolerance for it.my sister works with a few born again christians and they try and force their words down peoples throats who dont believe in god.i just think its a bad state of affairs.anyone else noticed any other hypocritical things.

2007-02-13 09:08:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The disease in my family

There is a horrible disease in my family. It came up again yesterday and slapped me around. I feel so sad and powerless and hopeless.

It started with me trying to do the right thing. My mom sounded sad on the phone. Her daughters don't speak to each other! My mom, well, she ain't getting any younger, so I decided to do my part. It was time to phone my sister who hadn't talked to me in two years.

I kept my voice even, pleasant and said "for mom, can't we heal the..." was met with rage touched by a little bit of insanity. The phone call lasted two minutes. I won't be calling her again. My sister has the disease in my family pretty strongly. The other sister, she's got it worse. The disease is Jesus.

We were all raised with Jesus - but the ones that caught him the most, that stayed with him the most, are the sickest now. My brothers and I, we get along fine! We get along fine with our parents too. But the sisters - you can judge how ill they are by how MUCH Christ they have. The one that's the sickest? Her husband is a pastor. She is fearful, cruel and speaks to nobody in my family. She and her husband have roaming wars with just about everybody I know. They aren't "friends" enough with anyone in the family to even go to their houses. They don't stay with a church for a year before they end up breaking off in a bitter war. They have had child services called on them for beating their children. They refused to go to their own childrens weddings when they marry the "wrong" people. She started out kind, loving - a wonderful sister. It's not much better with the other one. Though she and I were once so close, she now literally has no friends in her life. She has never been to her brothers house, tho he lives in our town. She hides in her house and home-schools her boys who have various degrees of mental illness (one is obsessive compulsive with trash and lives with 8 bags of garbage in his room).

If "by their fruits ye shall know them" why are the ones who soak themselves in Jesus, the most intollerant hateful jerks who tear my family apart? Why, in spite of how nuts I know they are, objectively, does it hurt so much that I can't have relationships with them anymore? I comfort myself with "but NOBODY in my family has relationships with them. They even hate each other..." but it still hurts. You'd think I could apply "science" and detatch from the pain.

2007-02-13 09:07:59 · 16 answers · asked by lookn2cjc 6

my vote is "embarrassed by"

Mark Twain said, "Faith is belief in something you know ain't true"

2007-02-13 09:07:28 · 9 answers · asked by Tiktaalik 4

2007-02-13 09:06:31 · 8 answers · asked by sockerkid1283 1

mine isn't

2007-02-13 09:05:17 · 7 answers · asked by Tiktaalik 4

2007-02-13 09:04:49 · 21 answers · asked by Sara 5


When I was a kid, I attended a number of different churches when my parents went looking for the right one. I noticed that a lot of churches will pass collection plates around during prayer (while many people's eyes are closed). Is this done so the people who are desperate enough to steal from a collection plate can do it discreetly? I know its a stupid question, but something I've always wondered about. Are churches trying to help people in a very subtle way by waiting until prayer for collection plates to be handed out?

2007-02-13 09:02:47 · 10 answers · asked by B-Hole 2

He instanly can convert atheists into Christians by the power of God. Just watch.



2007-02-13 09:01:52 · 17 answers · asked by The resistance 1

Where in the world are you? If you would like to share your age, that would be good too.

I just love how the internet makes the world so small.

I am in San Antonio, Texas. I am getting too damn old at 52.

2007-02-13 09:00:02 · 39 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7

i know this sounds naive but i'm jus wondering becuz i'm leaving tha Christian faith and i've become a Christ Follower yes there is a diff. tha definition of a christian may be a Christ Follower but a Christ Follower is completely diff. i believe whut tha bible really teaches, not whut tha christians preach. i won't get into that becuz when i did tha last time when i asked a question i got a few bad reactions and sum confrontations so to speak. anyvay i've always like tha jewish scene and always thought it was very cool, but there's one problem i'm a Christ Follower i worship Christ. i don't only follow tha laws of moses i follow tha laws of Christ.

2007-02-13 08:58:47 · 15 answers · asked by andrew 2

Are Christ's teachings not considered anymore? Have so many Christians really not considered how much their money, spent wastefully, could help the lives of poorer peoples, starving children at the very least?

Why are Christ's teachings to give to the poor and to be of service to society ignored so often by today's Christians?

Why is there no outrage when a congregation spends millions on building a decadent church, and ignores the starvation in poor countries?

I really cannot comprehend when today's Christians spend more resources fighting stem-cell research, gay marriage, and abortion, than they do relieving poverty. Why is this acceptable?

2007-02-13 08:56:10 · 49 answers · asked by manic.fruit 4

or some quote, or credo, by which you live? What's your motto?

2007-02-13 08:55:35 · 45 answers · asked by -skrowzdm- 4

to perform sodomy? if so is it a sin if it happens by accident, ie a slippy wrong hole incident, and at what point does it become a sin? ls this a parodox which keeps anyone else awake at night too?

2007-02-13 08:55:35 · 2 answers · asked by amos 3

could you give me some neagtives and positives for the following religions and non religions

4.paganism (all forms of paganism)
5.polytheism (all forms of polytheism)
8.luciferianism (both forms of luciferianism theistic and philosophical)
9.satanism (both forms of satanism theistic and philosophical)
and if you can think of any other religions then go for it anyway i want both negative and positves aspects of all of these. now before you get angry i asked the atheists and agnostic and all other nonreligious folks to answer this question as well i didn't give them as many options oh well but still what's fair is fair. i think you will be surprised by certain answers. anyway whaich group or groups do you find the most annoying? which group or groups do you dislike the most? please don't egg out on me.

2007-02-13 08:55:26 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

Please explain your reasoning.

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-02-13 08:54:50 · 21 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

2007-02-13 08:52:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The person who inspires me is my sweet sweet dear mother and God. (This is for the ones who believes in God) i'm not trying to discriminate against anyone. If you want to answer this question whether you believe or not... you can.

2007-02-13 08:51:11 · 25 answers · asked by Charming 1

Where did he get the bones? If he made them, what did he make them of?

Please, no sarcasm or insults. I am trying to understand this theory. I know that not all creationists think this is likely. I am addressing those who *do*. Thank you.

2007-02-13 08:51:04 · 6 answers · asked by UFO 3

My father died suddenly on Saturday. It was unexpected because I had just visited with him Friday evening and he seemed his normal self.
I had brought my father to Michigan from South Carolina to live closer to me. He was a disabled stroke victim and lived in an assisted living facility.
He seemed very sad over the last few months and I could tell that his desire to live was not very high. I know that he is in a better place because he had accepted Christ in his life.
He was my only relative in this state. I brought him up here to be closer to me and now suddenly he is gone. I miss him so much and am still in shock that he is gone. I really didn't see this one coming. Prayer has helped me carry on as well as the support of my church family and friends.
Is there anything more that I should be doing to help deal with my grieving period? I am all alone now and not exactly sure what I should do?

2007-02-13 08:50:00 · 30 answers · asked by joyce 5

Heres a link to a story that explains how zebras got their stripes. Many native american tribes created stories like this to explain different things in their lives.

If you dont want to read it, basically it just says that zebras got their stripes from getting all the zebras everywhere to paint themselves with stripes, because it looked better than just white.

Granted, it was written by an 8th grader, but many people long ago used to wrote stories similar to this, and believed in them just as much as a Christian might believe in creationism.

Is that story really that much more ridiculous than proposing that Adam and Eve single handedly repopulated the whole world in a couple thousand years or so, and that most of us happened to turn out normal despite the fact that we all share the same two ancestors?

2007-02-13 08:48:00 · 15 answers · asked by this Mike guy 5

2007-02-13 08:46:00 · 26 answers · asked by The Church Lady 3

It's a simple and fast procedure to do.

2007-02-13 08:44:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I´m mean look around you. Except for mountains, the earth is flat. And God only created people on earth so the sun must revolve around us. I know science has tried to prove other wise, and I´m afraid we will go to Hell if we believe the Satan deceiving scientists

2007-02-13 08:43:16 · 29 answers · asked by Honest Opinion 5

2007-02-13 08:42:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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