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Other - Society & Culture - 11 August 2007

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suddenly the door opens and a red bit of tar comes in the black bits of tar go quiet the red bit of tar has a drink and leaves the bar man approaches the black bits of tar and says i thought you were hard we are they said but he's a cycle path

2007-08-11 10:33:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you complete?

If not, what do you believe would make you complete? And do you believe you have any hope of achieving it?

2007-08-11 09:40:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like, if you could just get over this. Everything would be easier to handle.

2007-08-11 09:26:09 · 14 answers · asked by Black 3

...are you so lazy that you can't be bothered to make yourself laugh?

2007-08-11 08:42:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2 years ago my wifes realtor friend told her she better by now, i told her we should save our money and wait, she wanted to remodel and i said i dont want to, she said she would divorce me if i didnt buy it, this house is costing us an extra 1000 a month over renting, i am 50 and will never see it paid off,,,30 years,,she said its good for the kids when we die, i told her we could get a 3 million dollar life insurance policy for about the same and the kids would be better off, we will never get that out of this house, who was right

2007-08-11 08:33:11 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

No need to respond. I'm just writing this to make a point. Every American must be born with a Bible now-a-days (it's mandatory, look it up ;) and we get our religious brain-washing by the age of thirteen (right when our "bad parts" start to grow hair), so I was wondering if God so loves our Canadian neighbors too?

Seriously, if you do want to write something, tell me how bad is religious influence in Canada? American's can't take a crap without saying a prayer. I was hoping it's not as bad up there...

2007-08-11 08:03:26 · 13 answers · asked by freewainwright 2

2007-08-11 07:19:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a hippy, or a yippie (politically active hippie). Where are all you guyz? Now that the greatful dead concerts are ... well dead, where can we meet and concentrate on peace love and togetherness?

2007-08-11 06:30:55 · 22 answers · asked by Robert B 2

What's it all ultimately about ?

2007-08-11 05:30:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

These older women who say 45 is the new 30 seem to be in denial about their age. Do they think by saying their younger it will make the wrinkles and old eyes go away? People can see their not 30.

2007-08-11 05:17:30 · 4 answers · asked by Joe 1

Is it legal for a group of guys to place an add for a girl needed for a train? Is it O.K. for a girl to say they need extra cash and are willing to put out for it? As a man, Wouldnt it be just as easy and hurt just as many to take into consideration that I can use my fist
(not for fisting) and braun to get what I want as it is for a woman to
lay down? FRee right? Fists--open legs? Both were given. both we own. How is it O.K.? Is that a double standard.
Because I'm not like that, is it fair that I should have to work longer and harder just to survive knowing that there is an easier and free way? And, Once a man in a power position can take advantage of these offerings, is it possible that he will treat his fellow man less and give him less because the cookie is so easy, as that is more important sometimes than anything else in life. Without the need for religeouse reference, where is this leading as far as the working class man goes?

2007-08-11 05:10:03 · 3 answers · asked by Dan C 2

I've witnessed this in other successful/well-off people and in myself. I'm not successful, yet, in the work sense, but I'm pretty well off, happy, and like to dress well, and I like fashion. So when I go out in public, I do like to wear current clothing, etc.

What I noticed are a few things.

1)Some retail workers would roll their eyes, and just look frustrated or sigh, upon me entering their store, and be more rude/mean to me at the checkout counter.

2)I'd get dirty looks, or "whatever" types of gestures by other people as they walk by me, at a public place, such as a mall.

3)(this is a funny one), If I'm driving parallel to someone, sometimes that person upon making eye contact with me, gives me a dirty look and veers to the lane next to them.

4)I get my car purposefully vandalized

among other things.

I mean, I just like to go out there and be the best person I can be, in ALL ways, and people don't seem to like that.

They hate on it.


2007-08-11 04:42:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

By that, I don't mean just someone who lies compulsively, but tells way over-the-top stories that have you wondering, "What makes him/her think we would even remotely believe it?"

I had one co-worker at an office job that claimed to have had 26 different girlfriends, a trust fund and a jetset lifestyle that included trips to Tokyo, London and the Bahamas.

2007-08-11 03:48:46 · 12 answers · asked by senzuri 3

I think I would sleep.

2007-08-11 03:45:06 · 5 answers · asked by Cody 2

you people who keep saying the most awful things about the mc,cans ..why dont you give them support for a change...we know they did wrong in leaving maddie..but they are certainly paying for it with the likes of you people...if you ca,nt write any thing good about people ..dont write at all...every time I come on here there is somebody pulling them apart...as they said there leaving no stone unturned ..and I would do exactly the same...if I was in there shoes...so shut up ..and do something positive for a change....

2007-08-11 03:44:31 · 5 answers · asked by JBKS_10 6

The youth advisors at our church are stepping down because of having a new baby and stuff. So I am trying to throw them a thank you party as a way to show our appreciation for all that they have done. Any ideas for how to make it special? We are trying to go with a coffee house theme. I'm just not sure what to get the kids to do to show their thanks.

2007-08-11 03:35:37 · 1 answers · asked by melinda 2

2007-08-11 03:34:47 · 6 answers · asked by Jay 2

I love to be at home. Its comfortable and peaceful. After working all week from 8 to 5, I like to enjoy my time at home working in the yard, doing stuff inside, relaxing or just plan old doing nothing. I do enjoy going out however. I like going to the movies and out to eat, the occasional shopping. But it is not something I have to do. I'm not a hermit or antisocial. Every Sunday I go to church and eat with the family but when I get home I love it. I guess I"m a homebody. Can anyone else relate to this?

2007-08-11 03:32:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

How comes everytime something British goes over to America, it's changed? For example harry potter and the philsopher's stone, telly tubbies, the office etc etc

They completely changed the cast of the office for American actors and changed the storyline so that it's 'relvant' to Americans'. It's not the office then if it's a different cast!!!! I watch American programs all the time and i can get the drift 99.9% of the time to their references. Why cant it stay as it is? Is it that hard to understang what's happening/accents?

2007-08-11 03:20:49 · 7 answers · asked by Secret Cola Ninja 4

Although India's Muslims are ONLY 12% of the Indian population, they constitute the world's second largest muslim population. A reality which is even more saddening when one considers the fact that they were all supposed to leave India in 1947 and that India should theoretically not have a single Muslim living there.

At the rate that they are breeding, estimates indicate that by 2050 they shall possibly be 50% of the Indian population. This will have catastrophic consequences for India's already depleted and underdeveloped resources, infrastructure. But more importantly it shall cause great social and religious conflict, a civil war with another masses of killings and may even possibly bring about another partition of the country.

Do you agree with me that it is about time the Indian government starts to introduce incentives for Muslims to emigrate from India, in an endeavour to preserve Hindu demographic predominance and to preclude any possible future genocides???

2007-08-11 03:18:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you don't smoke, and someone asks you whether you mind if they do, what do you say? I always end up being polite and telling them that it's OK, only to regret it 5 seconds later when they are virtually blowing smoke up my nose.

I usually know that there will be a bad atmosphere if I say no, and it's hard to tell a friend or family member that they can't smoke.

Does anyone else have this problem?

2007-08-11 03:16:27 · 13 answers · asked by RainDrop 3

These Yahoo questions are mainly completely idiotic. I can't believe these people get drivers licenses, graduate high school and then go on to breed more idiots. I truly get scared reading how stupid some of these questions are.

2007-08-11 02:41:20 · 20 answers · asked by bible_thumping_killer 1

2007-08-11 02:21:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or takes the silver spoon in your mouth and shoves it down the back of your throat?

How do you respond to a week like that?

2007-08-11 01:44:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know if you look around you will see animals of diffrent species living together in harmony. But here we are, thomo sapiens, the choosen ones, 'the smart ones', we are of the same species but cant even stand each other. Kids dying of hunger, kids and women being raped, people dying of curable diseases, but no lets worry about aliens and spend billions building space crafts neh that is more important.

2007-08-11 01:39:08 · 12 answers · asked by NUNU 3

2007-08-11 00:57:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just wondered how many just can't sleep or don't want to sleep or just want something to do, at night.

2007-08-11 00:45:56 · 12 answers · asked by sparkeysbaby 2

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