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Other - Society & Culture - 20 July 2007

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I think it would be awesome to be in playboy, the girls are beautiful, but if someone wanted to be a scientist and were in playboy would they not be taken seriously?

2007-07-20 05:17:15 · 13 answers · asked by aznvegan 1

i want to say;the hell with what people think of me..im not going to change anyway!!

2007-07-20 05:07:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

In college I had all these plans, beautiful home, wonderful job, loving spouse, obedient children. Now, 25 years later.....overweight hubby, arguing children, barely making the ends meet in the middle......do you ever wonder how you ended up where you are?

2007-07-20 04:42:51 · 2 answers · asked by momatad 4

Read an obituary about someone I knew from school passing from a long illness (ALS) and couldn't help feeling that somehow he deserved it because he was a cruel bully in school and the years after he was out of school he took over his father's company and treated his employees like indentured servants. Then I felt wrong for feeling he got his just desserts. Ever have this happen to you?

2007-07-20 04:40:33 · 5 answers · asked by momatad 4

Saw and obituary for a high school class mate the other day. Felt smug because he was a pompous son of a biscuit eater then guilty about feeling that way. Any other similar occurrances?

2007-07-20 04:37:27 · 5 answers · asked by momatad 4

About a year ago, my troop began planning a trip to Yellowstone National Park for 2008. We set up a seperate committee incuding boys and adults. My scoutmaster though, is not in favor of the trip what-so-ever because he thinks that the cabin we are staying in is too nice for Boy Scouts. A few months ago he came to a Yellowstone committee meeting for the first time so far. The only thing that he said though is that he is banning all of the boys from the yellowstone meetings because it is not a trip that we should be planning. All of the other adults though want us to be there so that we can give our opinion on what we want to do on the trip. The adults do not want to tell him this because it will start an argument, and he may then try to cancel the whole trip. Also, every few days he will bring up the trip to us and he keeps telling us that if we do not raise enough money or have enough boys go, that we will not be going on the trip. Is it right for him to ban us all from the meetings?

2007-07-20 04:18:40 · 7 answers · asked by Bradley K 1

right out of the blue

2007-07-20 04:01:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you ever give a 'thank you' wave when someone lets you in in traffic? Its an effortless and easy gesture that, when you see, makes you feel good about what you did, and generally feel friendlier about the people around you.

What are some other ideas for easy things to do that help make everyone's day a little better, and generally make things a bit friendlier?

2007-07-20 03:59:26 · 4 answers · asked by StormKnight 4

Why do you like to buy expensive stuff?Because you wanna showoff and your friends also have same kind of expensive stuff and you still want to buy expensive stuff even you can't afford it?

2007-07-20 03:52:40 · 12 answers · asked by A Yahoo User 4

Is it important that you make a conscious effort to make your work environment as stable as possible? Should you go the extra mile not to make waves with your office mates, drive like a maniac in the parking lot or clean up after yourself in the break room etc.....

I beleive it is. Because if you don't you will begin not to only hate your job, but your existence as well.

2007-07-20 03:43:27 · 3 answers · asked by that guy 2

When I was a child in the late 60's, early 70's I remember the local pub had a door that led to a special partitioned area, like a small corridor that led to the bar. It was separated from the public and saloon bars with frosted glass and tiled walls (from the Edwardian era). My Aunty would pop in there to buy cigarettes I seem to recollect & if I was lucky I'd get some crisps. I have mentioned this to several people, but nobody knows what I am talking about. Does anybody else remember these in pubs and if so what were they called and do any still exist?

2007-07-20 03:35:20 · 6 answers · asked by Peter B 4

O people
In a hut made of tin and clay
A small boy dreams away
Of clean water and a meal a day
And not to fear mines as he plays each day

O people
Somewhere dark and out of the way
Aids has found yet another prey
To save his life he just couldn’t pay
Tell me what we’re going to do

For our brothers in Durban
For our sisters in Darfur
Show me what we’re going to do
Are we just going to sit there?
Nice and cosy on our armchairs
Will we not even make a prayer?

You might ask yourself
Why should I help these people?
They’ll tell you why
We’re not so different from you
We have dreams just like you
But they were buried with the
bodies of our loved ones

O people
Are we deaf, dumb, and blind?
What is going through our minds?
Don’t we care for the rest of mankind?

O people
We claim to love peace and justice
Why do we preach what we don’t practice?
Let’s help them out of this darkness

Tell me what we’re going to do
For our brothers in Ethiopia
For our sisters in Rwanda
Show me what we’re going to do
Are we just going to sit there?
Nice and cosy on our armchairs
Will we not even make a prayer?

2007-07-20 03:04:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What happened to the tramp wondering the countryside lanes?, a regular feature of British life until, perhaps the 1980's

2007-07-20 03:00:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was working in a nursing home. I don't remember anyone being very disturbed or shocked by the event, including the elderly clients who saw it on the news. Although most did agree it was nasty.

2007-07-20 02:27:29 · 64 answers · asked by purplepeace59 5

What do you think of a gay man say on Myspace that has 50 blogs and 45 out of that 50 are about being gay and gay sex?

Why do gay men act like that?

Imagine being left handed. Imagine posting 50 blogs, and 45 out of those 50 are about being left handed...why?

Or even on here, where you will see a gay dude and all he asks is Gay related question, and all he answers are gay related....sad...

I think it's almost as sad as the boy in the bubble..which by the way at least had a deck of cards....sigh...ok thats a simpsons joke ..my bad..

point is...life is not about being gay, left handed or whatever. It should be more than that...

It just makes me feel sad to know that there are people like that.

2007-07-20 02:20:56 · 10 answers · asked by spink_is_not_dead 4

There are four types of person on here.....which catagory do you fall into (i.e which type of answer do you usually give)
A: I dunno (the idiot touting for points)
B: Wow you're so stupid (the attitude, everyone hates me and I dont care angst ridden person...)
C: Go to the doctor...(the unsympathetic, doesnt really get the need for reassurance person)
D: A actual useful, intelligent answer...(the point of this forum)

have a good weekend!!

2007-07-20 02:17:32 · 38 answers · asked by KB 4

I've experienced a flood in England, a drought in Africa, an eath tremor (quake whatever) in Canada and a huricane in Englang. Apparently when I was a kid sand from the Sahara desert was blown over England and deposited on peoples cars etc, don't remember that though.

2007-07-20 02:03:59 · 13 answers · asked by purplepeace59 5

As a child I woke up, looked out of the window and saw my neighbours wading in their swimming costumes outside in the street. It had rained continually and flooded Guildford and surrounding area. 1968 I think. I also woke up in the middle of the night to find my father in my bedroom. He was closing the bedroom window because there was a hurricane outside. Farnborough 1986-87.

2007-07-20 01:57:49 · 20 answers · asked by purplepeace59 5

Why is sex outside the marriage automatically 'dirty', etc, etc - whereas sometimes Married Man&Woman do things to each other that are cruel and much more 'dirty' than an unmarried 'wrong' couple would ever do? Marriages can be and often are Very unhappy.. And yet for churchy people they would still be more 'right' than anything outside the standard option... What do you think? .. I am sad because I face stubbornness from my church friends and I have seen not one ruined life because people dared to follow their hearts and not what the Bible./ church told them to do.. I am stuck in-between the two.. I know the question is controversial - but please share.. Thanks

2007-07-20 01:57:29 · 14 answers · asked by mwade 1

teen pregnancy...teens w/ stds...teenage drinking...teenage smoking...teenage gangs...sexual music...teens dressing provacatively...and society allows all of this...=(...no consequences anymore...

2007-07-20 00:53:01 · 7 answers · asked by elvlayarvvi fEisty wife and mom 6

Any tips of survival for someone who is a better leader than a follower of the crowd?

2007-07-20 00:39:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

or any other cartoon character that is most like you?

2007-07-20 00:37:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I was a child back in the 1950’s, paying with cash was a sign that someone had their financial affairs in order. Even paying by check, except to pay a bill by mail, was not that accepted. Later, paying by check was acceptable too. I remember my Mom cashing my Dad’s paycheck and separating the money into individual envelopes to pay the various household bills and expenses.

As we all know, credit cards soon became the rage, and now money is almost never used. I mention this because of the recent commercials for a credit card (Visa I think) that poke fun at people using money because it disrupts the smooth flow of customers paying with credit cards. With the “swipe and go” technology prevalent today, paying by cash (or Lord forbid – by check) takes longer.

This got me thinking about how often I use cash and checks. Well I wrote 4 checks last year, down 2 from the year before, because I pay most bills on-line. Except for tipping at restaurants, paying for my haircut, and using vending machines (some of which accept credit cards), I seldom pay for anything in cash. I do use cash in casinos, but as you know, you can’t use coins there anymore. Most of the things I do use cash for could be adapted to accept credit cards.

So my question is - do you think we will become a cashless society (at least in the US), will that be soon, and do you think that is a good, bad, or neutral development.

2007-07-20 00:37:12 · 3 answers · asked by ghouly05 7

If you saw a post from a 12-year-old girl saying she's suicidal and asking if she might be depressed, and you check her profile to see how long this has been going on (has she asked other questions about depression), and you find a post from TWO hours earlier saying she didn't know how to tell her mom that her period had started, and another message from ONE hour earlier asking if it was abnormal for her period to not have started yet, would that raise your eyebrows just a little bit?

Do I smell a rat, or a troll?

2007-07-20 00:29:08 · 8 answers · asked by mrscjr 3

is this missing out and is it difficult to start late, be honest girls would a guy need experience

2007-07-20 00:26:44 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

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