I have blisters on my blisters...my parents and I are food vendors(you see us at art fairs, festivals, county fairs.. etc.,) april-october is our busy season. A different event everyweekend in 3 sstates.. wa., or., and Id., we have some excellent foods we sell and people love all of it,,, ya know?? .... and we work HARD for our money. I love it, I like hard work, and making people smile. we are at a 2 day show in Kirkland, WA. very upscale. VERY busy. 17 hours on our feet, nonstop When we closed, we could almost drop dead.... and that is when some fuc**r slithered into our parameter, when we turned our backs for 1 second and walked off with $5,000 cash. our blood sweat and TEARS for the day!! I'm sick, my kids will be without things they NEED.. while some lowlife is highfiving on the big score....Reality check for me... I'm broken... what kind of people can live with themselves doing that???? Get a life, a REAL job.. YOUR OWN PAYCHECK ***hole!!
Has anyone heard of Karma????
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