in whole my life I have never ever heard of cutting. those councellors in schools never mentioned this (I live in central europe).
on all those forums there are so many suicidal teenagers talking about how they keep cutting. I thought they just like to be sadistic, that they enjoy in pain. I've met bunch of suicidal and depressed people and no one mentioned cutting. I guess its because we are such a traditional country. microwave is so strange to have, we dont need that.
have you ever seen a 30 or 40 yeard old man or a woman cutting to cope with pain? you see, all this cutting is just a bad thing that came from the west. I would block movies like 13.
people survived wars and they dont cut, my two relatives survived genocide in srebrenica and they dont cut.
is this just a new fashion?
be popular and cut yourself.
btw all those suicidal teenagers dont appreciate how lucky they are that they live, while people are begging and praying to live. they dont know what horror is.
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