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Other - Society & Culture - 18 June 2007

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This is what I try to stick to
If something your worried about/ thinking about isn't going to help you or that in a year or even 6 months you would have forgotten about then why waste your time worrying or thinking about these things?
If something is going to better your future...your life and your general outlook on life then its worth the time!

....and believe me...its made a huge diffrence in prioritising stuff my life.

2007-06-18 23:57:35 · 17 answers · asked by Em 3

Whould you die for someone you love?

2007-06-18 23:34:22 · 30 answers · asked by KittyKat 3

With the state of the nation the way it is you have to wonder what a possible cause for the downward spiral of our youth is... we've already attacked TV, but is the Radio 1-esque approach to the mainstream, the 'get them in and get them out' attitude, that's creating a lacklustre and uninspired generation?

The mainstream ideals of processing artists and building them up until the next 'big thing' comes along isn't creating the inspiring pop culture world we once had... and what's the effect it's taking on society?... We're not saying certain genres, i.e. rap etc are necessarily bad, rather the way in which the industry machine handles artists that is creating such a negative outward view on the youth of Britain.

Would you catch a New Order fan wielding a knife or gun? Unlikely!... So do you think the music we listen to, controlled mainly by Radio 1 has any impact on the restless, yobbish culture we now have?

2007-06-18 23:08:47 · 7 answers · asked by alex lee 2

2007-06-18 23:00:36 · 12 answers · asked by Karoly 2

2007-06-18 22:37:57 · 2 answers · asked by Blackstar 3

why are african - americans referred to as "black" people when they are mostly brown colored (no offense if offense taken)

2007-06-18 22:16:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are those who will fess up when they are caught then there are others who will just take it to their grave. Which one is you and why?

2007-06-18 22:10:34 · 4 answers · asked by JuDyLicious 3

How many people agree with me?

2007-06-18 22:09:30 · 4 answers · asked by rachie 3

2007-06-18 21:29:18 · 14 answers · asked by Saki 3

Circumcision rates in the US are declining even though doctors have shown that men who are circumsized have lower rates of penal cancer, certain std's, urinary tract infections, and HIV - AIDS. ( Research it if you disagree )
Are people who are telling parents what to do with their children using a form of AntiSemitism to eliminate some of the Jewishness of Jews?
Circumcision is still widely practiced in America, but if this trend continues, will Jews be targeted with "child endangerment" by people who think they know better when they are doing what they feel is best for their children?
I am looking down the road a bit, but will these really be discrimation cases? Against freedom of religion?
Many of my friends and family members are Jewish.

2007-06-18 20:14:54 · 9 answers · asked by inzaratha 6

I really, really hate people and human nature... yet I come across these certain people for whom my heart strives to keep beating. I always cast them away from me, I guess, because I am incapable of communicating with them in regards to the way I feel about this species, this planet, our social and technological evolution, etc. I feel that not only can anyone grasp my rage, anyone who loves me will be driven away when they hear me laugh at the sight or sound of death. I used to be a pacifistic humanist.... can I simply forget all the reasons why I hate everyone and everything, and return to a life of peaceful, oblivious, lovable ignorance? I can think of more than a few people who would love for that to happen.

2007-06-18 19:39:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

just curious. I would like to know if I am one of many or if I am alone. I hate human beings and I wouldn't cry if any of you died.

2007-06-18 18:32:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 16 and I really want don't want to waste my summer doing nothing. I'm taking a class, but other than that, I have lots of free time. I've tried looking for jobs, but usually they want someone over 18. Any suggestions on what I could do?

2007-06-18 18:14:08 · 11 answers · asked by hellothere 1

My friend and I are trying to think of famous Serial killer couples names that we can make our avatars with. Can you tell me some famous Serial killer couples names? Male/ Female

2007-06-18 17:32:38 · 9 answers · asked by An Angels Kiss 1

a guy won the lottery and his last name was "everybodytalkabout"

2007-06-18 17:27:10 · 11 answers · asked by Shane 4

or if you are in the progress of making it better, what are you doing?

If not the world, what area are you making better and how?

Do you need help?

How could we assist you?

I'm looking for concrete steps.

2007-06-18 17:25:12 · 5 answers · asked by theFo0t 3

Well is it?

2007-06-18 17:16:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know how to small talk with people. I think I'll probably always be moving around because I never keep relationships with people. I just can't ever think of what to say around certain people I don't really know. I'm the girl that blends in with the wallpaper, but I have so much to say when I'm by myself. I don't like talk to myself, I can be chatty sometimes, but I just don't know anyone that is like me.
I stargazed and smoked gange tonight. I usually get quieter when I smoke though so plaese don't think of me differently just because I have this habit. I will get better with talking though, to new people, I just hate talking about getting drunk, and dumb gossip. I mean there are a few exceptions though, I have a couple close friends, but no one calls me..
Maybe I just need to make new friends. Join the Peace Corps and leave my small town, NY family and "friends" and travel the world. I just need to meet a nice boy that will go with me.

Does anyone else feel like this sometim

2007-06-18 17:12:31 · 2 answers · asked by smakale 2

And then they act stupid like they don't know what you mean to say. Like if I say possetive and they write me just to say I don't know what possetive means. Or I say Missiori and they say they don't know where Missiori is. I think people shouldn't answer the question if they're only answer is going to be freaking out over a word being wrong and have no advice to offer that's reletive to the question.

2007-06-18 17:02:52 · 10 answers · asked by Melissa Y 1

I know the term starts with a 'D', but i can't remember...

2007-06-18 16:57:05 · 13 answers · asked by Laura A 2

Why is it that so many people believe that sex before marriage is wrong? Everytime someone on here asks a question about sex, its always wait until you get married, if you don't want to get married are you supposed to never have sex. Am I crazy for feeling this way, or are all these other people crazy?

Maybe I should go over to the mental health section.

2007-06-18 16:49:41 · 10 answers · asked by mianjo413 5

Well this guy that works with me asked me what to do I turned to ANSWERS because ther is a lot of feedback from good citizens. My friend works at a car dealership as a porter and he is of the middle eastern descent, he tells me that a couple of characters continuously harrass this poor soul daily with racial remarks, remarks about his physique, remarks about his descent etc, he by the way is a very soft spoken and a polite person, single father of four kids, just trying to survive and support his kids, but now he is sick and tired of all this, he has told them on many occassions to stop it but they keep on doing it, he wants to take the neccessary steps in getting this situation taken care off and worst come to worse sue the company, can someone please let me know what to tell him, I have seen and heard myself how they treat this guy, its simply pathetic.

2007-06-18 16:11:45 · 3 answers · asked by bizmanchicago 1

Okay, I don't want to sound conceited, but the bulk of my question is about this: I am 16, a senior in high school and have a 4.5 GPA. Anybody else who is similar in this respect at my school is hailed a "smart god" and is known to be a genius. The thing is, I'm also a model...and I get vibes that people just don't take me seriously because (I'm sorry for my lack of modesty, I don't know how to put this delicately!) I'm good looking also. I feel that they feel that in order to be smart, you have to look like the steryotypical nerd and if you're even remotely good looking, you must be a air-headed bimbo who doesn't know anything....how can I get people to realize that I'm smarter than they think I am? That they should judge me on my academic achievements rather than my looks?

2007-06-18 15:59:38 · 5 answers · asked by olira 2

If someone could invent anything what would you most like them to invent?

2007-06-18 15:11:03 · 9 answers · asked by mafiosu 5

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