i know this is morbid, but how can we? we have curfews to avoid being murdered. 100s of women are raped daily children are kidnapped and whos knows what else. murders are happening all around us. we have to lock everything to keep out other people and we can not even cross the street without the chance we'll die. And durring all of this we're going and watching the same old movies over and over again which have failed to come up with an original plot line? Our lives revolve around sex and food and time. Without them humanity would be pointless. Really what is the point in life? go through life with the fear of death never really appreciating it. And why do we fear death? It's always death. How about torture? Death is mercy, it's heaven. what comes before it is just hell sprinkled in with maybe some happiness which everyone is after and what is so great about being happy? It only lasts a moment. Lets go through our lives only longing to feel one emotion through out.
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Society & Culture
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and in the end we're all just going to be dead. Maybe we'll be famous. Maybe if we're lucky our great grand children will know our names. So when someone is screaming, you know about to be murdered lets hear the passing car singing I want to %&()) you. Shallow, nice he wants to marry her because she has a nice butt?
04:48:29 ·
update #1
so how can we smile and giggle and whatever when others lives are just... what if i get the spontaneuous urge to hug someone? couldn't do it, because who knows who I could be hugging. so just that.
04:51:46 ·
update #2
It's just frustrating. I guess I'm ranting. No I'm not doing anything to help but ignorance doesn't help at all. And yeah worrying about these things could drive me a little insane but it's the world we live in. People love to watch movies about police catching bad guys well maybe we should figure out a way so we actually catch more. America is suppose to be a democracy~.
1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
2. a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies.
3. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.
4. political or social equality; democratic spirit.
5. the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.
07:10:01 ·
update #3
Most people don't want to bother even caring. I don't know what someone could do. But there should be something! we're all like it's never going to happen to me. I'm going to be lucky some other girl's/boy's gonna die.
07:16:48 ·
update #4
I may have gone overboard.
But this is my life! Why are there leaders in the first place? Okay maybe people need some people to tell them the facts but it's like they're so isolated from us. It's like they aren't even part of the people they're leading. Just guys in big houses. UGhh. I don't even know. I don't like the world. I don't like how every item we wear millions of other people have. How our houses- the designs we can't even choose unless we're rich are just ununique. And another thing people are always replying to questions like Am I pregnant? Boyfriend this? Should I dye my hair? Teeth whitener? Does anyone but me actually want to know the color of their teeth? And whats with all the mirrors. On tv we make fun of vain people who spend hours looking at themselfs.There is no modern bathroom without a mirror because while on the loo you need to look at yourself. How many times a day do people look at themselves?
07:33:25 ·
update #5
Crap i am starting to talk nonscence. nevermind.
07:35:07 ·
update #6