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Other - Society & Culture - 12 June 2007

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What's the biggest ethical dilemma you have ever been in?

A thief who is in a terrible emotional state these days took stole something from me and informed me later. Should I report this to the authorities?

2007-06-12 15:20:57 · 6 answers · asked by Razor 5

2007-06-12 15:16:45 · 16 answers · asked by Razor 5


This recieved almost no news coverage but I feel like someone should report it.

I'm latino btw...

2007-06-12 15:08:43 · 1 answers · asked by Bill 1

2007-06-12 14:53:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like when someone says their name.... you know it's an Italian, Polish, German.... How do you know?

2007-06-12 14:38:49 · 10 answers · asked by fiestyredhead 6

Shows like "Dinosaur Park" and there was one where probes were sent to an alien world to document alien life. Other than a few blurbs at the beginning about "imagination," these are presented as if they are real.

Several kids in the neighborhood believe that dragons are real after watching a Dragons World mockumentary. One kid thinks we've sent probes to alien planets and found life there after watching Alien Planet. A bunch of them think there's a group of people getting dinosaurs from the past and making a park to go there.

I like watching some of them with my kid because there is some science involved and it is interesting, but I am bothered that the Discovery Channel presents this stuff as if it's real to an audience that doesn't necessarily know how to tell when a documentary is factual or fictional.

Any other thoughts?

2007-06-12 14:28:45 · 2 answers · asked by Muffie 5

ok so i have an aunt and uncle [well she is my aunt cause she married my uncle, just wanted to be precise]. my uncle has been cheating for years with plenty of women, everyone knows it including his wife. ok so the other day everyone found out that the wife was cheating also and suddenly she is called a slut! dont get me wrong two wrongs dont make a right but why didnt he get called any names and she gets to be called a whore??? i asked my relatives that same question, and the only reply i got was the a woman is different from a man....what the hell is this world coming to???

2007-06-12 14:27:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


After you read it, you probably won't want to respond, because it's only popular to hate white people. This recieved NO MEDIA COVERAGE. Why is that?

2007-06-12 14:26:56 · 17 answers · asked by Bill 1

Do you like it? (looking for ideas on jobs)

2007-06-12 14:15:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-12 14:10:15 · 9 answers · asked by Laptop Jesus 3.9 7

first i read a book bout sororities that made tehm sound like a meth+coke+extasis brothel more than a girl group

than i hear that 1 in 20 kids in college does math at least once.. than i hear bout hazing

i am about to go to colleges.. people is it really that bad? i am mad scared.. i don't wanna be hazed to death or forced into drugs... please the more u share the better thanx

i am really upset about this like i don't know waht to do... is this a lost generation?

2007-06-12 14:08:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am. Do you believe in heaven? I do.

2007-06-12 14:04:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not asking you who you are voting for or for any political statements. I just want to know what the average person is going to be looking for in our next leader?

2007-06-12 13:52:12 · 4 answers · asked by kayboff 7

I'm of the opinion that there are a lot of people in this country (UK) who complain and moan when everything isn't 'just so'. The health service, taxes, public services... the attitude seems to be 'I deserve better'. A case in point - I was at a train station yesterday, at about half seven in the morning. A woman was 'disgusted' that the ticket office wasn't open and she had to use the machine - she was genuinely livid, as though her life had become quite unbearable. So I thought to myself 'No, it's not disgusting, it's mildly inconveinient. Poverty is disgusting, people being massacred is disgusting'.
So my point is - when you feel like you're being treated like a prince rather than a king, just remember how lucky you are.

2007-06-12 13:48:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm thinking that I'll probably sleep in a minutes, because it's already 02.48 am in here, and I'm sooooo sleppy that I could probably sleep for 12 hours.

2007-06-12 13:46:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you a totally different person now from then? And would your teenage self approve, or would (s)he shoot his/her self to keep from becoming you?

2007-06-12 12:21:19 · 8 answers · asked by z 3

2007-06-12 12:00:35 · 24 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6


lotzzz of people say me and mii brother look liek twins and that we are exactly alike...are weeee?

2007-06-12 12:00:25 · 13 answers · asked by im so so crazy 1

why do so many people answer the question then proceed to give other free advice that has nothing to do with the question? shut the hell up. answer the question simply as posible and no more free advice.

2007-06-12 11:43:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

this planet.... I work a job where i talk to some extremely rude people and i cannot believe that people actually think it is ok to go around spewing anger and malice to make themselves feel better. I am so sick of peoples negative attitude and people that complain alllllllll the time...does anyone agree?

2007-06-12 11:41:32 · 12 answers · asked by Mrs! 2


Two plus two equals four
Two plus two is not equal to four

2007-06-12 11:39:35 · 7 answers · asked by ? 7

Welfare is a benefit to an entitlement and while i do not begrudge it going to help people with genuine needs or who have earnt it (aged penioners, tpis and veterans affairs pensioners) I do feel that australia is creating a generation of welfare dependants with one generation breeding another generation thanks to the baby bonus, not to mention those who rort the system so they dont have to put in a days work and yet still get the money in their pockets, all these people should feel ashamed, I have known people with down syndrome and serious defects that still hold down a full time job and frankly I cant see how people with moderate disabilitys (ie depression and aniety etc) cant be placed at work places that are suitable for their conditions rather than being a burden on society in general. If not this then certainly there needs to be stricter testing to ensure that the right people (those who need it) get the welfare payments not those who are just to lazy to get a job.

2007-06-12 11:38:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cannot but look in horror and despair at some of the questions posted in the "Society and Culture" forum. There are people slugging each other off on their skin colour or ethnicity. There is the eternal battle between Christian and Non-Christian and religion versus science. Are the people asking really wanting to know what others think, or are they just voicing out their opinions? Is this intolerance shown here reflective of todays reality?

2007-06-12 11:24:28 · 9 answers · asked by Otavainen 3

2007-06-12 10:58:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and my friend werent that close but we were pretii cool..then her brother was sent to iraq for the army and all of a sudden she is making fun of me and yelling at me and saying ima terrorists and its all my fault...shes realii meen sometimez and just wont stop.. it makez me feel sad and it makes me feel sadder for my people cause its not even iraqs fault that all this **** is happening.. i dont even know what to say becuas i know her family life isnt that good and i know her brother is in iraq now during the war....help

2007-06-12 10:53:58 · 6 answers · asked by im so so crazy 1

okay, i want you to tell me why you have respect for yourself..why you are proud, of who you are.

I respect myself because;
* i dont give into peer pressure.
*i try not to judge people.
*i'm not easy.
*I think before i act.
*I respect my body.
*I dont do anything bad, to the point where i have regrets.

2007-06-12 10:30:49 · 2 answers · asked by cabsleeper 4

And no prostitution.

2007-06-12 10:30:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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