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Other - Society & Culture - 30 May 2007

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about, well..anything?

2007-05-30 23:57:57 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the pros and cons?
Facts, please - not emotional or religious opinion.

2007-05-30 23:39:37 · 5 answers · asked by RadTech - BAS RT(R)(ARRT) 7

2007-05-30 22:17:10 · 14 answers · asked by Jadochop 6

I was told a joke by a family member who is dyslexic that she thought was hilarious about a dyslexic dwarf. I wrote a joke on here yesterday (A JOKE REMEMBER), in the jokes section and got a bit of an ear bashing for it. Why cant people take the piss out of themselves?

2007-05-30 21:58:30 · 10 answers · asked by mandy 3

I am working in close quarters with one other guy in a control room on 12 hour graveyard shifts. He has the most annoying personality. He belches all the time. He is 52 years old, he blames it on that, but I can tell, when he his belching that he is vocalizing it as best he can. He talks all the f^cking time. He is your know-it-all type. When he hardly knows much, he is just very opinionated. He doesn't really want to hear what you have to say. Anyway. I don't know how to tell to shut up without hurting his feelings, but damn! I can't listen too much more to his Republican Rhetoric and Farting, he is just blowing gas as we speak. And he yawns ridiculously loud, like the guy is just begging for attention.. Do I just put up with this? He is somewhat my boss also, by the way.

2007-05-30 20:39:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-30 20:33:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-30 18:48:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you could change one thing you did in your life. what would it be and why?

2007-05-30 18:18:09 · 6 answers · asked by carriec 7

I am a retired soldier for 20 years I was prepared to lay down my life for the America I know exists. I love America for many reasons, I acknowledge some errors on our part but walls of history are piled high with mistakes from all nations. What do you love about America. I love our Diversity and our commonalities.

2007-05-30 18:09:17 · 7 answers · asked by Thomas from Miisk 2

i hafta do a project for school about something we belive in. not like religon, but things like fate or karma & such.
any ideas?
please help

2007-05-30 17:50:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My foster mom & biological mom are JUST alike but have big time beef with each other. They both treat me the same & they both try to tell me what I CAN'T do, as far as trying to achieve my goals.

2007-05-30 17:46:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I googled a few different ways and couldn't find any hard facts. In which part of the world do people in general tend to live the longest? Please provide links to research if you can. Thanks in advance!

2007-05-30 17:40:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-30 17:39:17 · 16 answers · asked by john a 1

even if your life depended on it............

2007-05-30 17:32:03 · 9 answers · asked by ♥*_*♥ 2

My answer - I can easily see the rabbit, but need to really concentrate to see the man on the moon. It's full moon tonight, please go out and check it out. What do you see first, beside the moon?

2007-05-30 17:28:41 · 13 answers · asked by ? 6

If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you spend that year doing?

2007-05-30 17:24:17 · 5 answers · asked by Squeakers 4

besides Sex... what is the next funnest thing ya done in the buff.

2007-05-30 17:21:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Honestly, does it matter? Do people honestly go around asking every person they meet what kind of ethnic group they belong to?

And what's the deal with people who try to be so politically correct about it? Like, one guy asked if I was Hawaiian. "Dude, don't be afraid to label me Asian."

2007-05-30 16:24:06 · 6 answers · asked by Joey T 3

2007-05-30 15:52:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

As I emerged from the local Chapters bookstore today, I saw customers coming out with bags full of stuff from the various huge department stores that made up the strip mall. I suddenly got the urge to go spend money which I did not have (credit card), on something that I did not need.

We live in a society of so much excess, getting ourselves into so much debt. We think that we must have the perfect home or the perfect dinner party to make our friends go "ooh" and "aah", when all we really need is shelter to keep out the rain, a strong sense of hospitality, good food, good drinks, and great conversations to entertain our guests. But we think we need the mansion, the nice car and the silver and crystal...


Is this Capitalism at its best or worst?

2007-05-30 15:18:47 · 3 answers · asked by Optimistic 6

2007-05-30 14:55:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had/have a bully. she is a cousin in my family, and for a long time, the way she treated me (giving me the silent treatment, ignoring me, insulting me in front of others) did not really affect me. But for the past four years this has really ruined my life. I have started smoking, heavy drinking, depression, severe weight gain, low self-esteem, insomnia, nightmares, and feeling hopeless. How do I get over this? I am really miserable and need some help. Since she is in my family it may be hard to avoid her....but what can I do???????

2007-05-30 14:54:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'll be turning 30 soon. what's your opinion? do you think i'll be old? i remember when i thouht 30 was old. i'm not looking forward to it, but that's life i guess.

i'm an american... i wonder if turning 30 in the good ol' usa has the same negative image as it does turning 30 somewhere else in the world.

2007-05-30 14:52:45 · 20 answers · asked by rogue 2

Probably the most rude arrogant asses in the world, despised for it to Why ?

2007-05-30 14:44:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can understand needing help thru a bad spell, but if you've been on welfare for more than a year, I think it's time you got your *** in gear. I just want someone who's been enjoying these "government" benefits to admit that they are getting something for nothing at the expense, blood, sweat, and tears of hardworking Americans working 2 and 3 jobs to not only make ends meet, but to pay their taxes so that people like you can sit on their butts and have kids that they can't afford to take care of. I guess my question is, when you get that welfare check, do you even FOR ONE MINUTE stop to think about the sacrifices that others are making just so that you can continue be lazy?

2007-05-30 14:41:41 · 3 answers · asked by getaclueppl 3

Serious question on society and culture.

There is clear evidence of defaming intelligence, academia, and a general mood of disparaging scientific methodologies in films, tv, and online media from the USA. Clever students are called geeks and nerds, medical research is attacked from religious nuts, science and technology are sometimes blamed for all the world's ills.

Hollywood fiction is preferred over actual history, the etymology of words in the English language is ridiculously quoted and perpetuated (e.g. I recently read that "History" is apparently derived from his and story because it's a male-dominated world!), and religious dogma over-rules scientific evidence. It must be the only country on the planet whose citizens seriously question the evolution of life. Learning a 2nd language is discouraged, and geography is limited to one continent. There are so many examples of perpetuating this culture of ignorance, it's impossible to list. What do you think?

2007-05-30 14:27:32 · 13 answers · asked by Inkskipp 4

human trafficking is disgusting and america is one of the largest importers of human sex and labor slaves. why the hell havent the authorities and politicians done anything about this? i do understand that because these victims are stripped of their identity upon arrival and concerned about threats toward their families, this is an extremely hard thing to prosecute. its also a billion dollar industry.... i read something a while ago about how being a prostitute is illegal and if the sex slaves came forward they would receive the blame as well...wtf? this is disgusting and people need to do something about it. im trying to educate pplz at school about it and what not. thoughts ?

hmmm maybe if we werent out waging a pointless "war on terrorism" and ignoring a genocide we'd gain some compassion for people enslaved in our own country...just a thought...

this website is awesome! go there! do it!...NOW! lol


2007-05-30 13:37:55 · 3 answers · asked by Gone, Gone, Gone. 4

If castration lowers or eliminates testosterone and resulting in weakness decrease of muscle mass and other serious symptoms. Why make that a automatic punishment for any felony
or petty crime? Castration from what I hear lowers aggression and other thought processes from low testosterone. Before anyone goes through this process they should have some of their sperm saved to continue fertilizing other embyos. Should anyone have sex anymore because it proves to be a more of a health hazard then benifical to humanity. Im sure alot of you have a good reason but think of not contracting any STD's or worring about crime very often because castraction and no sex will equall a almost perfect society that can be controled on anyones whim to a better life.

2007-05-30 13:27:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not trying to imply that all humans are evil, I just wonder if there's anything out there that can be evil besides a human.
And if so, would it be things like hard synthetic drugs and the a-bomb? As in, things that require direct human activation?
Or would it be things like predators and storms? Remember, I don't mean tough or inconvenient or challenging or even dangerous. I mean malevolently, odiously evil.

To make this question worse, I'm a philologist (aspiring linguist). And to make it at the same time simpler yet more difficult, no extensive semantics please; remember the proverb "Wooden knife in the blacksmith's house".

2007-05-30 13:02:47 · 6 answers · asked by A Box of Signs 4

We need to learn to be open minded enough to discuss this issue based on rational grounds. I do not feel that homosexuality is a manifastation of a deficit in character or emotional or mental ability. A person who is gay or has gay tendencies may be "wired" differently from birth. I know this is a throw back to the nature versus nurture argument.

We must come to grips with the reality that the human sexuality is the most complex of any animal. This is probably because we as humans have the most complex and higly evolved minds. Therefore, unlike most species our sexual envolvement is not simply an act of procreation but it is also an expression of love and communication on a very intimate level. Sometimes our interest or connection with others does not come in the package of the opposite gender.

In addition, the psychologists "Freud and Erikson" suggest that the lines human sexuality are not clearly marked. (Most people are not 100% heterosexual or 100% homosexual) Most people are some where right or left of center along a continuem.

Culture, tradition and religion has created taboos that have discriminated against certain groups based on unrational grounds. We all know that homosexuality will never be normal or normative behavior in western and especial American culture. However, homosexuality should not be viewed as an act or a transgression against God and Humanity.

I know that many of you are going to tow the line with a literalistic interpretation of scripture from the Old Testament to the New Testament. However, I will caution you, that the same scriptures were used to justify African/African American oppression from Leviticus, to the Letters of Paul. So I do not think that we should use, misuse and abuse the Sacred scriptures to justify anyone elses oppression; homosexuals.

We must be broad minded enough to look at the big picture. The cooresponding theme from the Old Testament to the New Testament is a theme of Liberation. In a literal since, in the Old Testment, the Bible talks about the Liberation of a wayward people who are looking to a Messiah to help them re-establish the Kingdom of Yehwah and deliver them from their multiple international enemies. The Gospel shares with us a Savior who will bring this Kingdom down through an act of LOVE, which led to His death on the Cross!!!! (John 3:16)
(Yes, Jesus died to liberate his people and all people)

I believe that we should share in the mission of the Long awaited Messiah. We should embrace God's Kingdom, expressed through Jesus Christ and share it with others. Abernachy called The Kingdom, "God's Beloved Kingdom."

One way to share in the Kingdom of God is to untie ourselves from the cultural and religious chains that oppress other people. We need to fight for the cause of liberation of everyone even if it leads to our own cross and blood shed.



2007-05-30 13:02:26 · 8 answers · asked by Andre L 1

fedest.com, questions and answers