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Other - Society & Culture - 21 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2007-05-21 07:24:32 · 1 answers · asked by shirley j 1

Most guys always judge me from my out side apperance.How do i know who to trust.

2007-05-21 07:12:52 · 4 answers · asked by redms.jones 1

I was coming out of our restrooms at work and this lady was at the sink wiping off her toe. She was wearing sandals and smashed her big toe into the wall or something, and her nail split across the center and was bleeding really bad. She was in pain but seemed to be handling it ok, so I left. I found band-aids in our first aid closet so i went back to the bathroom and offered her one. She was headed sort of out the door, as was my boss, so I felt kind of akward and just offered it to her. She thanked me and put it on her foot, but I felt like I had to explain to my boss what I was doing, so I was just like "her toe was bleeding everywhere, ouch" but I feel embarassed now like I got caught. Weird. Anyone ever have this happen?

2007-05-21 07:11:41 · 5 answers · asked by wendaylou2 3

My hope for tomorrow is,
After all these years,
I could wake up tomorrow,
And there'd be no more tears.
There'd be no more moon,
For there would be no more night.
Everyday so full of sunshine,
And bright sunlight.
I hope tomorrow,
You will find true love.
As it descends from Heaven,
Formed like a dove.
That you could,
Start every morning with joyful smile.
And wake,
Feeling like a little child.
So tomorrow,
We can make new friends.
And then tomorrow,
We can do it again.

2007-05-21 06:59:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Rush Limbaugh, is he our new poster child for distasteful behavior when it comes what a radio guy says. I watched a report this morning on the Today Show about the "magic *****" song (re Sen Obama) and after what Imus did, and Rosie stepping down from ABC (you know she would have gotten herself canned if she didn't, and she took the easy way out).

Rush I don't care who did this little song. You sir, had the right to not play it, and to ridicule a man, based on his race and then to blame it on someone else by saying "well I didn't write the song" or words to that effect, is no excuse.

Rush you are another example of rich, White America, believing you can do or say anything and get away with it. You and Mr. Imus and Ms. Hilton. I think the FCC should go after you with the same vengence that the Govt went after Martha Stewart. And all she did was the samething many fat cat business men have been doing for years.

al 4 now B

2007-05-21 06:34:11 · 14 answers · asked by ImJstBob 4

2007-05-21 05:53:23 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a cadette and I got my community service pin and my 10 year pin and I can't find my books so I don't know where to put them. Can someone help me??

2007-05-21 05:26:01 · 4 answers · asked by Sabby 2

Will this cause a change in the way goods are transported and what effect will it have on the economy of the US and Canada?

2007-05-21 05:25:37 · 4 answers · asked by Fluffy Wisdom 5


2007-05-21 05:15:17 · 9 answers · asked by Fluffy Wisdom 5

How are you different from anyone else? What makes you special or unique?

2007-05-21 05:10:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

That the tornament was unfair because the judges were friends of the winners, and you really didn't want to sound like a sore loser, but wanted to speak up for your child that worked hard.

2007-05-21 04:10:32 · 2 answers · asked by Toolegit 5

1. The challenge (and I'm challenging myself as well) is to simply refuse to entertain the trolls and bigots especially in the Society & Cultures forum. Trust me, it's not easy! Every fiber of my being would love to reach through cyber space just to smack these people back to reality!

2. Instead of responding to a troll or bigot, read the question and report it. I'd love nothing more than to see a troll or a bigot who has posted a malicious question, but has no responses to that question. We can't get rid of them but we can choose to ignore them and maybe, just maybe they'll become few and fewer. If you're serious about this, please star this question. Comments are welcomed.

2007-05-21 04:06:47 · 19 answers · asked by Kooties 5

ive just bought my 1 bed flat and want alot of work done on it example new doors and frames. re plastering .new kitchen/bathroom.new radiators etc.bassically a total makeover but where do i start should i phone a few builders who will do all the work or get seperate people who deal in different areas of work that needs doing any advice greatfully appreciated.cheers.

2007-05-21 04:04:35 · 9 answers · asked by shmily 1

I can spent hours playing with my collection of G.I. Joes. Sometimes I catch myself making machine gun noises or helicopter sounds and I think to my self if I have problems.

I know only kids play with toys but I have a blast making adventures. Is this wrong?

2007-05-21 03:28:11 · 6 answers · asked by sfumato 1

2007-05-21 03:12:47 · 13 answers · asked by epicwolf 4

" And...........................................................?

2007-05-21 03:06:09 · 24 answers · asked by ? 3

My answer is simple my children.

2007-05-21 02:46:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am asking this question as i found that the typical life of a singaporean is hectic and high-pressure. in addition, cost of living is so high but standard of living is low compared to developed western country. most singaporean can only live in public flats, medical fees are expensive, people are unfriendly, strict laws enforcement, competitive lifestyle, hot and humid weather, high density ....

2007-05-21 02:43:48 · 6 answers · asked by gk G 1

2007-05-21 02:29:38 · 12 answers · asked by Scratch N 3

Clarkson has been slated by a tv Watchdog for referring to a poncey little car as "a bit ginger-beer" i.e queer. A massive 5 (yes, FIVE) people complained about this remark. Personally I think too much has been done already to make everyone tread carefully and watch what they say - enough is enough and I think the nation has gone overboard with it's overprotection of individual groups & minorities. Any normal person can tell the difference between a poisonous comment and an off the cuff light hearted jest. Im sure Clarkson had no intention of offending anyone, and Im also sure the majority of TopGear's gay audience had no problem with it. No wonder Britain as a nation has become such a weakened farce of a country; people are afraid to speak their minds, and as a result are losing their identities and ability to think for themselves. Get a grip, lay off the politically correctness and let us all have the right to so called free-speech.

2007-05-21 02:26:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-21 01:56:51 · 11 answers · asked by pomosimulacrum 2

2007-05-21 01:18:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm assuming that you don't already have one, of course.

I would like to be able to fly, but I think that's reserved for the top-tier superheroines.

I think I would have rays that come out of me eyes and confuse people into submission, since I already seem to be pretty good at that.

2007-05-21 01:04:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

to get less upset about human suffering than animal suffering?

If I hear a news item about an animal that has been mistreated or abused, it breaks my heart. Whereas stories about the awful things people do to one another or kids with cancer or whatever... are sad but somehow I don't care as much. I think maybe it's something to do with animals being so defenceless. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

2007-05-21 00:05:16 · 6 answers · asked by WileECoyote 2

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