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Other - Society & Culture - 14 May 2007

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For example my hair dryer has a sign telling me not to use it in the shower! My pot noodle in their instructions told me to remove the lid.

2007-05-14 08:35:26 · 13 answers · asked by Grinning Football plinny younger 7


Not sure if you have heard this, but I thought you would like to know that there has been a development.

It seems as though the police have a man 'helping them with their enquiries'

2007-05-14 08:21:04 · 8 answers · asked by footynutguy 4

In case you don't know what's MTV cribs, it's a show on MTV where they show music stars homes and rides.
I usually don't watch MTV but when i'm switching channels sometimes i see this show and watch some of it. Gosh i get soo pissed when i see these rap stars having the best of the best rides , houses and some stupid things that cost thousands of dollars and they don't need it but they have just to brag or because they're so stupid. these people made money from calling each other N****** and caling their women B******. they have no education, do drugs and make tons of money.
this is so ridiculous. i know a lot of people will disagree with me.

2007-05-14 07:51:39 · 7 answers · asked by nounou 3

Why do we bother ourselves to answer the other's questions?
we do that for our own good??we want to express our feelnigs??
we want to sound pompous or important?we want to earn points!!?
or we feel sympathy?
or is it...

2007-05-14 07:47:31 · 13 answers · asked by Farzad manda 2

Most Americans spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on their pets every year, yet they are perfectly content to see millions of their fellow citizens go without basic health care. What kind of twisted people are we?

2007-05-14 07:44:00 · 13 answers · asked by cdrfish8000 1

2007-05-14 06:46:43 · 10 answers · asked by : 6

when people abbreviate every single word. i mean, is it really that much harder to type "with" than "wit"?

2007-05-14 06:38:54 · 23 answers · asked by good gollum 4

just for fun and curious...

2007-05-14 06:36:08 · 8 answers · asked by metal 2

Why or why not?
And if you do, have you ever had an experience with ghosts or spirits or anything like that?

2007-05-14 05:40:35 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-14 05:35:51 · 16 answers · asked by Future Pastor Lady States 2

Why can't all things be so easy.

2007-05-14 05:34:20 · 16 answers · asked by technocase 3

Back at the turn of the century, women wore dresses and men wore suits.....

Now , all you see is obese slobs in sweats and flip flops .....what the hell happened to society in 100 years?

2007-05-14 05:30:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok now find a new name 4 my hubby>wayne chad tully<

2007-05-14 05:25:14 · 9 answers · asked by Lilly-ann 2

For me, I was late for an interview, as I was stuck in traffic for over an hour and to make matters worse - my petrol guage started flashing - I was running very low on petrol!
Not my Monday really was it?

2007-05-14 05:08:17 · 25 answers · asked by beausbreeches 4

Im on the Central Africa Timeline... in South Africa. +2 hours from the greenwitch - for all that matter....
I guess just tell me the time you thing is best, and in which country you are, i'll try to convert it to my time.

love to all


2007-05-14 04:28:31 · 1 answers · asked by Philly 2

The Chicago School District is being sued because a substitute teacher showed Brokeback Mountain to an eighth-grade class. One student claimed to have been "traumatized." Her grandparents are seeking a cool half-mil--$500,000--in damages.


Personally, I think the movie's great, but not for eighth-graders and not for school. I also think it shouldn't "traumatize" a kid, at least not to the tune of 500 K. (Just don't call in that substitute again!) In 2005, this student's grandparents, who are her guardians, complained about books with curse words.

What do you think of this?

2007-05-14 04:17:32 · 8 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7

Ther are African-Americans,Asian-Americans,Arab-Americans,Native-Americans,& Arab-Americans.Who represents the REAL AMERICANS?

2007-05-14 03:52:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

"You are born, you live, you die. You are born only to die. But in your death you make room for others to have life. If you shouldn't think of yourself think of the people who havn't started life yet and think 'Why wait?'"

What do you think about this? Is it something more people should live off of? What group of people do you think would take this statement to heart?

2007-05-14 03:26:04 · 4 answers · asked by ehmissraquel 2

they have a hard time understanding us? I had to interupt him several times to repeat what he had just said, due to his thick accent. What do you think?

2007-05-14 02:44:25 · 6 answers · asked by dudley997997 6


And then someone comes on here and posts this...


Why is everyone agreeing? She may not be the Hollywood ideal, but she looks like a normal girl- if that's not good enough for the showbiz industry then that's one thing, at least we can all agree Hollywood is overly brutal... but now we're saying she's not good enough for us normal people either?!?!

If we don't stop openly judging women's appearance and weight, to the point of kicking someone when they are already down, then how do we expect the little girls of today's world to grow up thinking about anything other than what they look like and how much they weigh?

2007-05-14 02:33:35 · 18 answers · asked by - 5

I have a whole house full of stuff to liquidate. My neighbor was having a lawn sale Saturday, so I put some things out too. I was set up by 10AM. Nobody even stopped until after 1PM and only about 4 cars stopped all day and I only sold $1 of stuff! It wasn't because of a lack of traffic by our houses. I didn't see anyone leaving the neighbors with any purchases either. I had a sale years ago and there was a better turnout and more buyers. What's going on with garage sales?

2007-05-14 02:27:18 · 11 answers · asked by debodun 2

My nomination would be a clean, dirt-cheap source of power to make electricity. Nuclear fusion? Think of electric powered vehicles everywhere, electric pumps at rivers in Africa, refrigeration in remote tropical places, lower cost production and transportaion of necessities, etc. What do you think?

2007-05-14 01:53:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm reading "Speaking in Gods Name" by Khalid Al Fadl. and i recommend it to all muslims out there...even non muslims if they are interested.

2007-05-14 01:26:42 · 11 answers · asked by coolred38 5

2007-05-14 01:13:55 · 11 answers · asked by Beso 1

between humans and humans (parents beating merciless their 1-2 years old kids), humans and animals (people beating to death dogs and throwing kittens out of their window). Does this gives satisfaction to some of our kind?

2007-05-14 01:02:15 · 18 answers · asked by bizkit_ 3

I was talking to a friend recently and she said that the cable company put HBO on her service by mistake so she is getting it, but not charged for it.
When I asked if she was going to do anything about it, her rationale was, it's their screw up. I don't watch it much anyway.
It's easy for even the most honest person to rationalize getting something for nothing.
Like going to Wal-Mart and when you look at your receipt, you realize they might of not charged you for that $5 item. But if someone were double charged, you know most would make a "v-line" to the customer service counter.
So be honest, do you get something for free, and how do you feel about it?

2007-05-14 00:49:55 · 5 answers · asked by Kari 4

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