I was pulled out of a harbour by two policemen, someone had spiked my drink with acid and the water looked pretty with lights reflected on it. Can I emphasise I was only 19 and didn't take drugs ever!
2007-05-14 06:55:13
answer #1
answered by CLAIRE 2
When I was 2yrs old my other was washing in the kitchen.She went into the back garden to peg it out.I fell into the dolly tub which was full of water.My sisters friend called at the front door and when there was no answer she looked through the letter box to see if anyone was in.She caught sight of my little feet sticking out of the tub.She rushed in(no locked doors in those days) and rescued me.My mother was so grateful she wanted to reward her but had no money,and goods were rationed, so she gave her a tomato!I learnt later that my great-grandmother had lost a little girl (in the1840's)aged 2yrs who had drowned in the dolly tub!I have always found this a very odd coincidence.
2007-05-14 14:49:03
answer #2
answered by Xtine 5
I was sucked out into the ocean by a big wave when I was four. The last thing I remember was looking down at the little green bucket full of clams we were carrying as the water rushed past my feet. My grandmother took the time to ask if I wanted to keep them or leave them and run. She said they would probably be gone if we left them, but hurry up and make up my mind. In hind sight she had really bad judgment. we went under and the little plastic bucket we were holding broke apart. All of the sudden there was nothing attached to the handle she was holding. she said she started frantically waiving her arms and then caught her finger on the hood of my jacket. The next thing I remember was looking up and there was a circle of people pulling us out of the water. I remember a physically fit older bald man smiling on the other side of the circle saying everything was going to be alright and then it is blank again until the sand was going down the drain later.
2007-05-14 14:23:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes. After a speedboat crash in the Maldives (The driver fell asleep and we went into a concrete breakwater). I had to be rescued from that mess (by a fellow passenger and subsequent onlookers).
How about you?
2007-05-14 13:51:14
answer #4
answered by Ginny Jin 7
My brother
I went down a small mountain the wrong way and got stuck atop a percipe. My brother threw down a big rope and I climbed back up to safety.
2007-05-14 13:51:11
answer #5
answered by Captain Galactic 6
My husband. He rescued me from so many of my problems. I moved with him, escaping my evil sister... he paid off my credit card debt from college... he loves me for who I am, overlooking, having patience with, understanding, or even loving my many flaws... me makes me laugh at myself when I get worked up over some little thing... he's there for me when I need him.
2007-05-14 13:51:42
answer #6
answered by KC 7
My wife and her new boyfriend fasely accused me of child abuse.
My children rescued me by telling all who would listen:
"We were never abused by our Dad and if Mom wants a divorce, we want to live with our Dad."
The judge agreed and awarded me sole legal custody of our children.
Pastor Art
2007-05-14 13:51:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
when i was about 8 or 9 my friend had a swimming party and well i sorta want too deep and couldn't swimm very well ( just enough to barely keep my head up ). so my friend who was hosting the party dove in and took me to the shallower end.
2007-05-14 13:52:07
answer #8
answered by Favre's #1 GIRL Fan!! :) 3
I was as a child when my head was stuck in railings.
2007-05-14 13:55:09
answer #9
answered by Angel Bonnie 4
naw im still waiting.....
2007-05-14 13:50:05
answer #10
answered by un-winable war 4