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19 answers

NO, unless you are an oil company, or Haliburton, or Big Bussiness outsourcing jobs.

2007-05-14 04:59:16 · answer #1 · answered by sally w 2 · 2 0

No. He shaded the truth regarding Iraq and got us involved in a place we should never have gone, and now is failing to resolve the situation. He was wrong to get us in there, and was wrong not to plan for long term, wrong to disband the armed forces of Iraq, wrong on oh, so many things. I am among the 70+% who are not pleased with his performance. I saw in the news that his approval rating has dropped to the lowest ever, under 30%, which means to me that his disapproval rating exceeds 70%! "You are doing a heck of a job, Brownie!" - what Dubya told FEMA head Brown when Dubya toured after Katrina decimated the Gulf Coast. I think Dubya is doing just as good a job as Brown did. I'm counting the days until January 20, 2009, when we will have a new president and the bum will be out of office. Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him.

2007-05-14 05:44:30 · answer #2 · answered by rowlfe 7 · 1 1

i personally believe that President Bush is doing a terrible job, and as for his doing what he has to do...If he wasn't so egotistical we wouldn't be in Iraq still. We went there for the wrong reasons, and they were his own personal vendettas..ie..Hussein almost blowing up his father. I believe that even if 9/11 did not happen he would have found a way to send us to war no matter what

2007-05-14 05:02:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anne D 2 · 1 1

A good job at what?

I do not believe he is doing a good job of leading the country. I believe it is impossible for him to be the functional leader of our country. He cannot do an about-face on his Iraq policy without committing political suicide, yet his Iraq policy is severely flawed so that even his most loyal allies agree that it is not working.

He's in a no-win situation, which is why I believe the process to replace him began so much earlier than it has typically begun at the close of previous administrations.

2007-05-14 05:00:10 · answer #4 · answered by Scotty Doesnt Know 7 · 4 1

i think He is doing the best that He can do. which really isn't saying too much, i don't agree with the decisions he makes, nor did i vote for him.
what really makes me laugh is that so many people supported his decision for this war after 9/11 (they voted for him to become president again) and now they have changed their minds. that is what happens when people are focused on revenge and rage, and i hope those people chose the next president more wisely!!

2007-05-14 05:10:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I believe that there were better choices that could have been made and that he is not considering the needs of all citizens. He also sounds like an idiot, which doesn't help. I think anyone could have done a better job.

2007-05-14 05:02:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

if the president is doing a good job, I'm seriously going to think about suicide.

2007-05-14 05:00:04 · answer #7 · answered by Matthew A 1 · 1 1

some areas, particular. in spite of the undeniable fact that, while it is composed of border protection, unlawful immigration and pardoning Ramos & Compeon HE SUCKS! Bush is a moron and a finished fool. He would not pay attention to what maximum individuals elect concerning amnesty. i'm not a raving Bush hater the two. I voted for him two times - the ideas have been a comedian tale!

2016-11-28 03:00:31 · answer #8 · answered by joyan 4 · 0 0

Depends what you define 'good' as, I guess. Or President. Or come to think of it, 'personally'.

Hope that helped :-)

2007-05-14 05:03:10 · answer #9 · answered by thing55000 6 · 0 1

He is doing the best he can do under the circumstances. If the liberal harpies would leave him alone he'd probably do a much better job.

2007-05-14 04:59:51 · answer #10 · answered by ♥♥The Queen Has Spoken♥♥ 7 · 0 2

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