everything was left as is. you are all completley aware of the situation and grouped together. all perishable foods have disapearred except for natural occuring and still living, all running potential dangerous things have disapearred or shut down. (including unnattended nuclear powerplants, running cars, airplanes, missles, etc) You have all realized what had happened through a series of events and received information from many sources. Youve never met any of these people, but everyone is attractive and young around 19 -23 yrs of age. If you are a woman, there are four other women and 2 men. If you are a man, there are 5 women and one other guy. You are currently in a nice city in Australia, allthough none of the other people are Australian. All wildlife and natural occuring things have been untouched. This happens May 22, 2007. You all have no objects on you, just your clothes. You are in the middle of a field, quarter mile away from the city.
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