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Other - Society & Culture - 20 March 2007

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Lets say they have all these females who hate you but they know nothing about you only your name and a few facts and they hate you so much and they act like they've known you for ever.

2007-03-20 11:39:41 · 8 answers · asked by prettyinpink 1

what are they fighting for????Is it the nuclear weapons program or the cheap american oil program hihihi??

2007-03-20 11:36:02 · 12 answers · asked by dred_locks33 2

Please help me°!!!

2007-03-20 11:33:39 · 37 answers · asked by pAuL 1


2007-03-20 11:33:01 · 5 answers · asked by Katieg101 2

asking a question but cant,in case you get a violation.

2007-03-20 11:29:56 · 8 answers · asked by LYNDA M 5

Have you ever noticed that ugly girls/women with average intelligence are alway jealous of the smarter, prettier ones? They will go out of their way to try to make us look bad when all they do is make themselves look bad. Who else thinks this is pathetic?

2007-03-20 11:23:23 · 5 answers · asked by Mary 3

that is what my human dev. psychologist teacher said. she said especially that black and white mixed kids have a lot of behavioral and cognitive defects. I notice this too, that they're very bad behaved. I also notice that half-white, half-asian kids have a lot of visible abnormalities.

2007-03-20 11:22:35 · 12 answers · asked by Jae Lynn 4

2007-03-20 11:20:19 · 8 answers · asked by ஐKatஐ 3

I have had this happen to me a million times. I'll be talking to this woman and she feels the need to adjust her top, generally by moving a light sweater or accessory around in the middle of talking - usually something covering their breasts, which notably are typically already well covered by a shirt. I should note that this makes me self-conscious because my eyes out of habit follow whatever action is taking place in front of me and I feel like a perve for even looking when they prompted me to look in the first place. Why do women do this in the middle of conversation? I don't adjust my pants in the middle of conversation - that would be just plain awkward! So generally, and because I try to put women at ease with my talk and demeanor, I find it weird that this is something that they do which does not put me at ease. So is this adjustment some kind of sign of approval or sign of self-conscienceness or what? And what if anything should I do about it?

2007-03-20 10:59:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

IF YOU SAY NO HOW DO YOU KNOW?? Do you go around looking down on Blacks & others...Hmmmm Think about it. Then answer!!!

2007-03-20 10:59:19 · 23 answers · asked by romieme 2

Is it just me or does it seem like more and more people not only choose not to have children or worse, look down on those who do have or want to have children? Have the terms "Breeder" and "Moo" been around always or is this a product of the feminist movement. I for one love my son and am pregnant with my second baby, so I am shocked at how many people seem to think that having babies is a mistake, and actually work their ignorant opinions into the conversation? I wouldn't hurt someones feelings over their opinions, but they seem to want to make me feel bad.
I just think this is a relatively new phenomenon and women (and men) used to do the normal thing and get married and have kids. Its biologically right, its morally right, and its the natural way of the species, not to mention tons of fun to boot!

2007-03-20 10:58:55 · 9 answers · asked by Jennifer 2

2007-03-20 10:56:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anikin 1

I go to a small university in N.C. and was raised in N.C.
I want to go to UConn for grad school....would this be a culture shock? Are people that much different in different places?

2007-03-20 10:52:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just in public places to start with,
just in the public eye for now?

2007-03-20 10:44:18 · 3 answers · asked by charlaxhice 2

what does LMAO mean?

2007-03-20 10:40:47 · 8 answers · asked by amandalicious07 2

I'm rebuilding a 1968 Pontiac Firebird. It is big, loud and mean sounding and I want to get funny plates. I don't want anything obvious like "badass". I prefer something less obvious and maybe a little subtle. A few ideas i have are:



2007-03-20 10:37:47 · 5 answers · asked by datar s 2

2007-03-20 10:37:19 · 10 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5

i have to dress up as a secretary for a friends birthday. i have the black skirt, white top and black glasses, but how do they typically do their hair?

2007-03-20 10:37:02 · 6 answers · asked by noddy87 2

i hate the world that i live in. i love listening to marilyn mnason .
i love emo songs and bands i love rock i do not wear eye liner or or emo stuff? i just hate most people on this planet and i dont think they deserve any attention >

2007-03-20 10:36:56 · 6 answers · asked by peterson a 2

It is hilarious to see these weirdos with their disgusted look while I am puffing on my Salem.........LOL

I say F U weirdo......LOL

2007-03-20 10:32:06 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

the ''one drop rule'' said if you have one drop other race blood,
you are not white anymore.
but, l knew lots of '' white'' americans have Native american blood.
bass on the ''one drop rule'' l believe no one in america can
consider ''white''.

2007-03-20 10:30:16 · 9 answers · asked by kiki k 1

The name I currently have is longggg. I am training to be a doctor and I feel that this will be a setback. I'd be grateful to know exactly what I need to do, and all the changes that I have to make. Thank you all in advance :)

2007-03-20 10:27:23 · 6 answers · asked by sunshowers 1

most dance and hip hop feel to it

2007-03-20 10:24:57 · 2 answers · asked by rjhamuk 2

It drives me mad.

2007-03-20 10:22:23 · 9 answers · asked by ? 6

2007-03-20 10:21:30 · 10 answers · asked by rjhamuk 2

An old man asks a very good question...


2007-03-20 10:19:54 · 7 answers · asked by Barrett G 6

despite western governments pouring millions to get them out of their ghetto culture, they sill want to live in the mud.

2007-03-20 10:19:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

do women generally talk about smells. i am fascinated about.

becuase a few women, perhaps when i am out for a meal or a coffee, have said that, this and that smells off

2007-03-20 10:18:26 · 5 answers · asked by rjhamuk 2

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