I have had this happen to me a million times. I'll be talking to this woman and she feels the need to adjust her top, generally by moving a light sweater or accessory around in the middle of talking - usually something covering their breasts, which notably are typically already well covered by a shirt. I should note that this makes me self-conscious because my eyes out of habit follow whatever action is taking place in front of me and I feel like a perve for even looking when they prompted me to look in the first place. Why do women do this in the middle of conversation? I don't adjust my pants in the middle of conversation - that would be just plain awkward! So generally, and because I try to put women at ease with my talk and demeanor, I find it weird that this is something that they do which does not put me at ease. So is this adjustment some kind of sign of approval or sign of self-conscienceness or what? And what if anything should I do about it?
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