1. What I loved and was interested in doing, rather than choosing subjects with a future career in mind.
2. That the things I thought were important, weren't.
3. The people I wanted to impress the most weren't as cool as I thought they were.
4. It doesn't last forever - which is both good an bad.
2007-03-20 14:09:41
answer #1
answered by redjake 2
well i am still in high school -- i will be out of it in june, though, so i suppose i can still answer a bit... right?
1. I wish i knew how to pay attention in class
2. I wish i knew of a way to be more social
3. I wish i knew how to juggle my time better
4. I wish i knew the quadratic formula, the pythagorem theroum, and any other math obstacle by heart
5. I wish i knew the entire spanish language fluently
6. I wish i knew how to win any guy's heart
7. I wish i knew how to get on every teacher's good side.
8. I wish i knew how to be active in gym class.
9. I wish i knew how to write those essays/research papers in less than an hour
10. I wish i knew what clothes to wear
2007-03-20 21:10:35
answer #2
answered by sam 2
I wish i was able to realize how easy high school was in compared to University work. As well as how I shouldv'e tried harder instead of 'just getting by.'
2007-03-28 13:14:20
answer #3
answered by athlete100 2
I wish i knew that grades really do count.
2007-03-20 21:08:14
answer #4
answered by sarah s 3
That life would get better and everything that happened in high school would be pretty much insignificant
2007-03-20 21:59:59
answer #5
answered by ? 6
I wish I'd have known how to handle bullies
2007-03-28 12:11:31
answer #6
answered by sylvia a 3
That the wallflowers of yesterday are the long stemmed roses today, and the roses of yesterday, have wilted and died & seeing how it's been 23yrs out of high school...God, Thanks for the reminder..though... ughh lol
2007-03-28 13:21:22
answer #7
answered by momof3 5
To buy stock in best buy..
went from like .05 per share to like 75$ per share..
Oh well.
2007-03-20 21:08:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
That everyone is about the same, no matter how different they try to be or act.
2007-03-20 21:08:11
answer #9
answered by merlin_steele 6
That your brain will eventually fill up and not be able to learn anything new.
2007-03-20 21:51:46
answer #10
answered by lmnchcgfl2000 3