I swear, I feel like one of those kids in grade school that didn't get any valentines.
Today at work (I wait tables) one of the girls wrote on a little sheet of paper everyone that worked theres name except mine, and she wrote in in crayon. I haven't done anything to her, hell I've been nice to her. I tried being sociable, holding the door open for her, taking her food out. She's in particularly bitchy. I don't ask to hang out and I don't try to nag or scream for attention, and I'm not one to force friendships, but I work with a bunch of giggly, lip glossed obsessed girls that talk about nothing but boys, their hair and the latest trends. Imagine five chickens squawking. I don't want to be part of their little clique at work because I've graduated high school, I need not deal with that immature behavior, but it gets really lonely at work.
How do I work around this? I don't want to be the complete outcast, but I don't feel the need to dumb myself down to fit in with these people.
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