Thank you all for the response to my questions regarding the low-waist hipster look. Some of you have taken the time to write friendly, detailed answers which help me to understand this phenomenon. However, there are also those who make assumptions about me which are totally wrong. !st: I'm not old. 2nd: I don't come from a country with an oppressive regime that doesn't allow women to express themselves with their clothes and I value freedom as much as anyone.3rd: I'm not a follower of any religion --- Islam, Christianity or any religion. It's strange that people jump to such quick conclusions and, in attacking me, who simply ask a question out of curiosity, so readily attack people of another faith and culture. Maybe that militant attitude explains why some of the problems of the world see no hope of ever being resolved. While people have the right to wear what they please, they should also realize that others have a right to say what they think about the way they dress.
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