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Mythology & Folklore - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

School project. Need statistics.

2006-09-17 09:53:57 · 31 answers · asked by Pursue Happiness 3

Keep it clean folks and no points gaming.

Lori Lemaris(Superman Comics)
Ariel(The Little Meramid)
Venus(the PAX channel Movie "Mermaids)
Aquamarine(you know)
other you name

2006-09-17 09:50:06 · 6 answers · asked by gerbil31603 5

2006-09-17 09:31:31 · 5 answers · asked by donsha k 1

If you had 3 whishes one for yourself, one for your country and one for the world what would they be? My whishes would be a big house by the beach, cure for cancer and end wars

2006-09-17 09:15:04 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love buying antiques and have a few.....do you think the previous owner left "traces" on them? like could that person still be "attached" to it and follow that item where ever it goes? do you think they get angry/happy/sad when someone else buys it and calls it their own? has anyone had an expericence with this?

2006-09-17 09:12:20 · 11 answers · asked by Shana 2

ok for the past 2 weeks i've been having wet dreams...like having sex in my dreams with people i dont know and some i do...i talked to na Indian, as in someone from India, and he said it's a bad sign and that it's evil...i talked to someone who's in wicca she said that basically i'm just expressing and embracing my womanhood...so what does it mean when i'm having sex in my dreams??? thank you oh an dalso can you tell me where your sources come from?

2006-09-17 08:48:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am doing a school project and I need as many people to tell me yes or no quickly. Vote more than once. I don't care. I just need statistics.

2006-09-17 08:40:42 · 18 answers · asked by Pursue Happiness 3

Where can i get those sorts of stories free on the internet?

2006-09-17 08:37:47 · 3 answers · asked by shelldelmar 1

2006-09-17 08:31:58 · 9 answers · asked by 〜ベラベル〜 4

I would like the meaning behind dreamcatchers my boyfriend bought me a beautiful one for my birthday it has a Indian head and eagle head in the middle I would like to know the truth behind dreamcatchers

2006-09-17 08:21:32 · 6 answers · asked by temptress196269 1

Jedi, Shaolin monk, Jihadist, Crusader Knight, Japanese Samurai or Ninja, Spartan Hoplite, Norse Vikings, Roman Gladiator.
Consider all cultural, societal, religious and mythological factors in a free for all choose your own type of weapon, magic and lore included.

2006-09-17 08:10:20 · 7 answers · asked by Shangri-La 4

can i have a link please! i have this assignment due tomorrow.

2006-09-17 07:59:19 · 6 answers · asked by ArcticMonkey_BooYah 2

I need to see a few different symbols of Aura for a project. Celtic ezpecially.

2006-09-17 07:52:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


hase any one els been haveing nightmares where you feel like if you die in the dream youl die in real life and if you dont wake up in time youl be trapd there forever?

2006-09-17 07:18:57 · 13 answers · asked by daidiiro 2

2006-09-17 07:18:53 · 10 answers · asked by mistic_eyes03 3

2006-09-17 05:23:05 · 22 answers · asked by http://hogshead.pokerknave.com/ 6

heres the sum of it-
once all people had 2 heads 4 arms and 4 legs, zeus got angry and threw lightning and split everyone in half so they had one head 2 arms and 2 legs and humans were doomed to spend the rest of eternity searching for their other halves.

i need the name or where i can find the rest of the story i vaguly remember reading it in high school and it stuck with me
thank you in advance for answering

2006-09-17 05:18:53 · 7 answers · asked by redbra24 2

i simply asked if migets were mutants? i guess the better question is... are MUTANTS, midgets? that should do it. :)

2006-09-17 05:08:47 · 6 answers · asked by el duderado 2

2006-09-17 05:08:20 · 18 answers · asked by jedi kilo 1

I would like someone to point me to a website that has time details on the greek and roman gods.

I am trying to find out just how long the greeks and the romans believed in their gods, as in, a time period. It does not matter which gods, what order, or anything like that, I am just trying to figure out the total number of years they believed in gods other than what we believe in today.

Does that make sense?

I have googled everything I can think of, and not found my answer. I would like specific time periods, such as 5000bc - 300ad, or whatever. I know the romans switched to current cristianity sometime in 300ad, was it 317 ad? Not sure. But when did they first start believing in their gods? Same with greeks. Thank you!

2006-09-17 05:01:44 · 10 answers · asked by iswd1 5

this is a question i thought of when i was young and have heard lots of different answers from the sublime lies from adults to the amusing witt of the drunk at my local pub. all answers will be appreciated as im pretty sure there isnt a straight forward one.

2006-09-17 04:59:05 · 9 answers · asked by phil_anderson13 1

or would you want me to prove it

2006-09-17 04:56:36 · 46 answers · asked by cardog 3

these creatures are terrifying , and most of the time I wake up like this morning crying , they always have me closed in , Im never alowed to leave , and most of the time my life is always threatend , in some dreams the people around me once the sun goes down transfer into the beast and start eating the people around me.........I'm done ......my mom said when i was just real little i came into her room and told her that wolves were eating my brain......and now im 35 , and my soul just wants to cry out ,im tired of being haunted my these deamons . please help me , if you can. this morning it wasent warewolves this time it was wolves and deformed wolves that these crazy people had created, and they were very ugly and mean.

2006-09-17 04:05:08 · 15 answers · asked by dawn c 1

Years ago there was a rumour going around about the lead singer of the band 'soft cell'. It was said that at a gig on night he collapsed on-stage and was taken to hospital, where they found 5 pints of semen in his stomach - and this caused him to pass out!
I searched the internet and found many websites such as:
which talked about it and said he had to get his stomach pumped.

Can anyone shed some light on this once and 4 all? Do you believe it happened?

2006-09-17 03:43:11 · 16 answers · asked by Kevin O 1

I hear voices sometimes, it's like I'm wearing headphones except I know I'm not. They usually say random, ordinary-type things but a few nights ago, two voices (both sounded male) said my name. What do you think this is?
Does this ever happen to you?

2006-09-17 03:34:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-17 03:20:47 · 13 answers · asked by mistymiss 6

or am i uninformed? did any psychic predict this event (and do not say Nostradamus, because he did not!)? Wouldn't such a huge ensuing disaster release a great deal of psychic energy into the airwaves?

2006-09-17 03:18:01 · 22 answers · asked by kmm4864990 1

2006-09-17 03:07:19 · 11 answers · asked by manas hemrajani 2

This has been bothering me ever since my father died in 1985. He died just a couple of hours after my birthday. That night, even though it was calm and quiet, I heard a kind of whistling noise outside the house. The atmosphere was heavy and sad; after we went away, then came back again several days later, the heaviness had lifted. Can anyone explain this for me, please?

2006-09-17 01:59:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

and i mean like the major important ones.
i know one of them is zeus.
does anyone know the rest??

2006-09-17 01:51:57 · 14 answers · asked by pearly_cherry 4

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