More than half the world's thousands of languages are in serious trouble and may die out in the next few decades. In most cases the causes are multiple, but in the end the younger generation simply doesn't learn, the middle generation understands but isn't fluent, and only the oldest speakers retain the full richness of the language.
Most of the the reasons are either political or economic- people are often forced by majority speakers to adopt the new language (even where minority speakers were the original population). In other cases the language is felt by speakers to be an impediment to economic success in the larger society. Yet most of the world's people are multilingual, so how can keeping the old language hurt you? Is it because it identifies you with a group held in lower regard by the majority?
How do you feel about societies that try to wipe out minority languages and culture? Is this healthy? Should effort be made to stop this, or reverse it? What if it costs money?
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