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Cultures & Groups - 29 September 2007

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender · Other - Cultures & Groups · People with Disabilities · Senior Citizens

This has happened a few other times and I am not now nor have I been part of yur stupid high school girl petty way ...If I wanted any problems as you seem to have I would take my ex back I for one hate fighting and gossip

2007-09-29 05:57:05 · 12 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6 in Senior Citizens

I wonder if they are as insulting to people in their everyday interaction as they are on Yahoo. I am all for passion but really.

2007-09-29 05:38:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

1. Do you listen to any radio programs? If yes, what?

2. Do you collect anything? If yes, what?

3. What is your favorite season or time of year, and why?

4. What do you put in your cocoa? Marshmallows, fluff, syrup, etc.?

2007-09-29 05:19:58 · 20 answers · asked by Sarah 2 in Senior Citizens

Ok so i'm gay, i have tryed to have boy friends and the same thing happends everytime, they try and thouch me and i run away and they never see me again, so it has been one year since my last try to have a bf so i desided to try again i met a guy who was a real cutty and very nice and things were going good for about a week, then he tryed to hold my hand and i pulled back i told him i wanted to take things slow and he was fine with that but then another 3 weeks past and he tryed to kiss me and i pulled back and got sick all over him we never talked again, and i think everyone could understand why. i have tryed not to be gay since i was 12 and now i'm 20 and i will not go through the embarrassment of trying again so if i can't be gay i'll be along the rest of my life and i'm willing to do that because i am a christian and want to do the right thing by god .So this is my last try i need to know is it really wrong to be gay and why? it would help alot if you could maybe add a bible veirs

2007-09-29 05:13:14 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-09-29 05:13:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

A man had finished his work one day. He went to bed but first he had a glass of water, got into bed and tuned off the light. In the morning, the man turned on the TV. The news was on. The newsman said: A boat has crash through the night, 100 people died. The man said that it was all his fault. Why?

2007-09-29 04:50:38 · 4 answers · asked by ஜG♥LღA♥MღO♥RღO♥UღSஜ 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender


that al pacino`s best role was in the devils advocate?

2007-09-29 04:09:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

In my opnion, I don't find this fair seeing is how I cannot get married. But, I here stories of transgendered men and women getting married all the time in any state they choose. But, they do it by stating they are members of hte opposite sex. Now, is this entirely true? I don't really think so. But, that's my opinion. Are transgendered people fighting for equality for gays/lesbians and bi-sexuals who cannot get married? I never hear them talk about the injustice of it when they are intereviewed other than gloat about their marriage - which is false. Opinions?

2007-09-29 04:08:44 · 7 answers · asked by Kyle 4 Ty (Sparkles can watch) 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

now when you read that question don,t you think that i was saying it like "man miss usa etc is bla bla bla" as if i was dissing it noooo...im truly asking it honestly ...now we got that cleared...answer it away...

2007-09-29 03:52:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

The Obese children
The neglegent parents

2007-09-29 03:41:37 · 15 answers · asked by flyingc0ws 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
4. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

2007-09-29 03:29:21 · 20 answers · asked by Pebbles 5 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Do u think there are woman who are physically stronger than avg built man? or man is the only gender who is strong do u think there are woman who could lift and carry man in her arm have u ever seen these type of woman

2007-09-29 03:14:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

The first canned beer to come out with a pop top lid?? They were so sharp they would slice your thumb to the bone.

2007-09-29 03:09:06 · 11 answers · asked by lilabner 6 in Senior Citizens

1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality?
2. When and how did you first decide you were a heterosexual?
3. Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?
4. Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of?
5. Isn't it possible that all you need is a good gay lover?
6. Heterosexuals have histories of failure in gay relationships. Do you think you may have turned to heterosexuality out of fear of rejection?
7. If you've never slept with a person of the same sex, how do you know that you wouldn't prefer that?
8. If heterosexuality is normal, why are a disproportionate number of mental patients heterosexual?
9. To whom have you disclosed your heterosexual tendencies? How did they react?
10. Your heterosexuality doesn't offend me so long as you don't try to force it on me. Why do you people feel compelled to seduce others into your sexual orientation?
11. If you should choose to nurture children, would you want them to be heterosexual, knowing the problems they would face?
12. The great majority of child molesters are heterosexuals. Do you really consider it safe to expose your children to heterosexual teachers?
13. Why do you insist on being so obvious, and making a public spectacle of your heterosexuality? Can't you just be who you are and keep it quiet?
14. How can you ever hope to become a whole person if you limit yourself to a compulsive, exclusive, heterosexual object choice, and remain unwilling to explore and develop your normal, healthy, God-given homosexual potential?
15. Heterosexuals are noted for assigning themselves and each other narrowly restricted, stereotyped sex-roles. Why do you cling to such unhealthy role playing?
16. How can you enjoy a fully satisfying sexual experience or deep emotional rapport with a person of the opposite sex, when the obvious, biological, and temperamental differences between you are so vast? How can a man understand what pleases a woman sexually, or vice versa?
17. Why do heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex?
18. With all the societal support marriage receives, the divorce rate is spiraling. Why are there so few stable relationships among heterosexuals?
19. Shouldn't you ask the fringe straight types, like swingers, Hell's Angels, and Jesus freaks, to conform more? Wouldn't that improve your image?
20. How could the human race survive if everyone were heterosexual, considering the menace of overpopulation?
21. There seem to be very few happy heterosexuals. Techniques have been developed with which you might be able to change if you really want to. Have you considered trying aversion therapy?
22. Do heterosexuals hate or distrust others of the same sex? Is that what makes them heterosexual?
23. Why are heterosexuals so promiscuous?
24. Could you really trust a heterosexual therapist to be objective and unbiased? Don't you fear he/she might be inclined to influence you in the direction of her/his own feelings?
If you really took this questionnaire seriously, right now, you're probably feeling a bit depressed, defensive, and maybe even a little ashamed. Well, now imagine that this were real, not just a little exercise. Rather, it was all of society, your family, your friends asking you these questions and really wanting the answers. Not only is your own knowledge of your own sexuality, feelings, and body questioned, but now you must defend a whole group of people who happen to have one similarity with you, most of whom you've never even meet because to fail to do so in any way, in anyone's eyes is to say that you are *fill in the stereotype or negative image*, just like they are.
Now you have a better idea of how LGBT persons feel every day.

2007-09-29 03:03:58 · 22 answers · asked by Anthony C 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I'd say 90% of american white people, Not all because there probably are some good ones out there. And all those white people that say "they have black friends" are BIGOTS, if that is your defense it is lame and a dead givaway to a racist.

2007-09-29 02:45:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

i just wanna know whos mixed or pure and what are they
im brazilain dominican cuban black jewish scotish irish and japanese lol wat a combination

2007-09-29 02:39:28 · 15 answers · asked by sean 4 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I'm off to watch my nephews that are 6 yrs. old play football and it is so much fun. Then I'm off to watch my granddaughter play soccer. What would we do without grandkids??? Have a wonderful day and may peace be with us all!!!

2007-09-29 02:12:05 · 15 answers · asked by ndnquah 6 in Senior Citizens

2007-09-29 01:54:57 · 21 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6 in Senior Citizens

Only the very young at heart. """

2007-09-29 01:50:23 · 16 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6 in Senior Citizens

Although still no wiser about his sire - we have found that in the mists of his ancestors he had a Great Great Great Grand Sire who wrote books.

One of them that you might have heard of was :


2007-09-29 01:47:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

What's the best way to take care of that?

2007-09-29 01:44:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

2007-09-29 01:39:32 · 14 answers · asked by GREGORY M 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Mine are: Kiss my grits, Whatever bangs your shutters, Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out, If what you have to say will add to the silent then by all means say it.

2007-09-29 00:56:58 · 34 answers · asked by dragon 5 in Senior Citizens

This time I am more worried.Read the following exchange between me and She who must be obeyed.
Me: "Have you seen my mobile phone, I've looked everywhere"?
She. "What 's that in your hand",
Me " Oh, how did that get there?"
She. " Maybe you had something to do with it".
Me. " I wish you wouldn't keep moving my things about."
She " You're going Gaga mate".

Question is She right?

2007-09-29 00:07:53 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

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