A slave was used to carry out work that somebody else couldn't do. Several groups were tried as slaves in the beginning but black people seemed to be more fruitful to the trade and that's why the Atlantic was crossed many many times. A slave was also often abused both physically and verbally. I don't know if we should call that hatred or dislike for the slave. And this is where the other perspective comes in.
If the slave was disliked so much that he was constantly abused why did they continue to bring or breed more of what that society claimed to not like. Wasn't this because the slave had alot of value/was of great value to the business then? This argument can be strengthened by the fact that both the African western coast as well as the eastern coast experienced this. People were exiting from all directions. So is it true that a slave can be degraded/devalued, through language and action, by the very same society to which he is/ has been of great value. Don't you think so?
14 answers
asked by
Mrs. Midnightbully
Other - Cultures & Groups