What can I actually *do* to make a difference in the world? I already volunteer at the local humane society and at my parish, I'm founding a gay-straight alliance at my high school, I try to be polite, not pollute, or take up too many resources, and I would vote if I were old enough to do so. But I know that I am not doing enough to improve the world. What can I do?
Many people throughout the world have no healthcare, food, water, shelter, or hope. Politics are corrupt. People are often so wrapped up in their own lives that they never stop to think about the well-being of others, if they think at all. Money is god if sex is not. War kills and maims people throughout the world, and we're killing our own planet.
I do not mean to be depressing, I mean to ask what can I do to honestly make a real difference in this world. I realise that I'm disillusioned but at least I'm thinking. It just seems that either everyone is too big to care or too little to do anything.
How can I help?
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