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[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Community Service

2006-10-21 17:48:18 · 10 answers · asked by alfie87 1

What can I actually *do* to make a difference in the world? I already volunteer at the local humane society and at my parish, I'm founding a gay-straight alliance at my high school, I try to be polite, not pollute, or take up too many resources, and I would vote if I were old enough to do so. But I know that I am not doing enough to improve the world. What can I do?

Many people throughout the world have no healthcare, food, water, shelter, or hope. Politics are corrupt. People are often so wrapped up in their own lives that they never stop to think about the well-being of others, if they think at all. Money is god if sex is not. War kills and maims people throughout the world, and we're killing our own planet.

I do not mean to be depressing, I mean to ask what can I do to honestly make a real difference in this world. I realise that I'm disillusioned but at least I'm thinking. It just seems that either everyone is too big to care or too little to do anything.

How can I help?

2006-10-21 16:56:52 · 8 answers · asked by Rat 7

I saw it in Oklahoma this weekend.

2006-10-21 16:52:25 · 11 answers · asked by ? 7

2006-10-21 15:45:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

is 15 too young to stay at home by yourself?
can someone report someones mom for making their 15 year old stay home alone everyday until night?

2006-10-21 15:22:35 · 19 answers · asked by ♥Londoners♥ 1

Why is it my responsibility to pay so much money to the government so that lazy people who do not work can get an Entitlement Check each month, get free health care etc......any thoughts?

2006-10-21 14:02:31 · 7 answers · asked by cdfrx 2

why do ppl say they have puffy nipples when its really flat nipples?
i made that mystake last night on one of my questions on here. i even posted a pic of my flat nipples b/c i didnt know if they were normal or not. but some ppl who answered made me uncomfortable...

2006-10-21 11:37:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What area is better for booking a hotel, Victoria, Paddington....?
Could you suggest interesting things to do for free?
I want to visit Oxford and Liverpool, which is the quickest and less expensive means of transport?. I'll appreciate your tips.

2006-10-21 10:56:50 · 10 answers · asked by Elisa D 3

Has anyone ever got in a fight in their job. How did it happen and why did you do. Also what reason for it to occur?

2006-10-21 08:17:16 · 3 answers · asked by ken31pop 2

Every day, in TV, Radio, Internet, Newspapers, etc, Many things were said about Poverty in the Underdeveloped Countries of the World, Supposing you are one of those living in these type of Countries, and you have Knowledge about the other Developed Countries, meaning you are educated, What will you do to support your country to become a developed Country, or What type of Advise can you give to the Citizens of these types of Countries to Support their Nation and become a Developed Country?

2006-10-21 08:12:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-21 06:54:15 · 7 answers · asked by jay s 4


this is really something im having a lot of trouble thinking about.
bascially to cut a long story short, someone sent a letter to my house.addressed to my dad and not written in english.but in my other language which i do not know how to read or write.my dad didnt open it my mum did.it bascially said to my dad that im [his daughter] and my name was written, i am going around with some guy and it named most of the places we apprently went to.it says ive ben to his house, the west end and along with few other places.the letter was almost detailed account fo what i did.and the worse thing is how does this person happen to turn up at all these places and whats it got to do with this person.if sone one is so concerend about my whereabouts, wouldnt normal people just come up to and talk to me, or even tell my dad face to face, why write a anonymous letter im really shcoked.......im 21 for gods sake and i wasnt even doing anything wrong....how dare this person who i have no idea who it is, why are they doing this.dont otehr people do this.i know a million people go to a kmillion places everyday i just cant see why this happened to me.the letter bascially said that my dad should have more control of me and that i was going out with some bloke [and i shouldnt be...]letter said that my paretns are really good peole and how cold i bring a bad name to them,/it was writeen in a sympathetic tone towards my father but that would obviously make it look believable.

ps..] the event they spoke of happened more than 6 months ago....so they all mentioned old things
2] it was written in another language...i dnt know anyone my age who can write in that language excpet someone my dads ages.....like an uncle
3] i just done understand why someone wud write a letter home.why not just tell my dad to his face...are they being cunning or doing something they think is for the best
the letter said i didnt want to tell you to your face as it would embarses my dad
but writiing a letter? that wouldnt make it worse?how could someone be so cunning...i just dont get it..why someone would do it....wouldnt writing a letter cause more grief?
AND APPenrently everyone is talking about me....probly saying `oh look at so and sos daughter the slag` even though i am not.....
im sscared as someone might be follwing me or i have no idea whats going on....its making my life a nightmare.....
whats going on
i havent showed my dad yet mum said it may cuase more bad than good...what shall i do...

2006-10-21 05:54:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

the weirdest thing you have everdone .

2006-10-21 00:03:05 · 4 answers · asked by baby dust for me 5

Please do provide proper survey and the aspects of efforts which church can apply

2006-10-20 22:46:28 · 6 answers · asked by Vimal f 1

...by companies that cheat and/or lie to their public?

2006-10-20 21:10:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

can i wear dark brown eyeliner if i have like really jet black hair? if not whats the best color..

2006-10-20 18:57:08 · 5 answers · asked by ♥Londoners♥ 1

ith his food stamp card and no cash. I have seen examples of this many times. what's up?

2006-10-20 16:16:36 · 15 answers · asked by benzhowz 3

Okay. sometimes i feel weird inbetween my legs in my u no what. well, sometimes when i take my pantys off, i open it up and see a yellowish, creamy substance on the nub. its not sightly yellow but its really yellow, almost looking organge.
what can this be? std

2006-10-20 15:29:26 · 9 answers · asked by ~keneisha~ 1

Who is the most cruel human in the world?
Are politician, gangster, lier, women hunter?, ......who else?
Tell me? And what they did....

2006-10-20 13:56:25 · 21 answers · asked by tasha 2

We have serious problems in our neighborhood with people of a certain ethnic group. The police have been called repeatedly, and all it ends up in is the police doing nothing, and then those same members of the ethnic group retaliating by throwing eggs, breaking windows etc. We really need the Klan here to clean this place up. we live in a small town in a rural county and have never until recently had any problems like this. You even used to be able to sleep with your doors open at night up until about 2 yrs ago. If the police won't handle the problem then someone has to. I already know how to get the Hell's Angels here, but the Klan would work much better. I am not a racist person, but it does seem that whenever you have a group of people of that certain ethnic persuation gathered together there is always trouble started. Hope someone can help me here.

2006-10-20 11:00:42 · 9 answers · asked by D.L. 1

I am a Junior in HS and I would like to raise money for a non-profit org which helps poor with their health neccesiities in Asia. I don't know how to start it and how people can trust that I will be giving away the money. My mom is willing to make some complimentary snacks to give it to the people who donate.

2006-10-20 08:57:22 · 6 answers · asked by lucky 1

I have had it on my heart to become a foster parent and it's been on my heart for a long time. I finally picked up the phone and called the children's aid society and they'd like me to come for orientation on Monday. Any advice for me if I do become a foster parent? I'm a singlemom with a 7 year old daughter, if that info helps. Thanks.

2006-10-20 08:54:15 · 6 answers · asked by Light 3

i want to start a business that will fulfill the needs of people that are not currently being met. please tell me what these needs are!

2006-10-20 08:45:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

cost of living, wages, home prices

2006-10-20 07:59:07 · 9 answers · asked by ejayli 1

I would really like to help animals, but I am open to any ideas.

2006-10-20 07:26:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

fox-trot dance

2006-10-20 06:42:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I have an idea for a grocery/medicne delivery service, but I'm trying to get a sence if anyone would even use it.

2006-10-20 05:28:10 · 11 answers · asked by Michael E 2

fedest.com, questions and answers