It's called welfare fraud. The country is rampant with it. I DON'T think that the government should be giving MY tax dollars to lazy people that don't want to work. That is proof that they just want to sit around eating candy, barbecuing, and making telephone calls.
2006-10-20 16:20:38
answer #1
answered by Alex 3
He's buying stuff with his food-stamp card that he really shouldn't be buying. Some stores just want the money and don't care what people buy. The main reason DHS changed the food stamps over to the card is because everybody was selling them for cigarettes,liquor,etc.
2006-10-20 16:23:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The food stamp card also has cash on it too. It was suppose to keep welfare recipients from spending the money on drugs, but like most things in the system there are still flaws that need to be worked out. I hope that I was some help.
2006-10-20 16:30:27
answer #3
answered by carmen d 6
A food stamp card can carry two accounts, one for food only, and also a cash account. Not everyone qualifies for this, and it's a pretty recent development, but it's supposed to be for things like charcoal to cook your food with. No, it's not welfare fraud or anything like that, he was just using his cash account to pay for that... no matter what store it is, you can't buy anything but food w/ the food stamp account.
2006-10-20 16:28:02
answer #4
answered by curious 3
Why are you so concerned with what this man was doing? Instead of talking about him, why did you not pay for his items for him. Obviously, you are in better shape then he is. If he is receiving government food stamps that must mean he is really down on his luck. God forgive you for judging. Careful, judging others, God has a way of making you feel that situation first hand.
You have to be pretty down and out and poor to receive food stamps, so i would not be so judgmental. Careful your steps and how you talk and think of others. god bless you.
2006-10-21 01:32:44
answer #5
answered by ? 7
Candy bars cost about 89 cents here. Sometimes they have specials, like 3 for $2.
2016-05-22 06:33:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
What's wrong with that? Maybe he bought groceries from a grocery store and needed to barbecue his food, give his kid some candy, and call relatives. Or maybe he doesn't have heat and uses the charcoal for heat.
2006-10-20 16:17:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The casheir is not supposed to take it. To be fair, I have worked at several casheiring jobs and never had a meeting on how to handle food stamps/EBT cards.
2006-10-21 03:08:28
answer #8
answered by nursesr4evr 7
The food stamp card as you referred to it is a Electronic Transfer Purchase card. It is at his discretion as to what he purchases. Oh and by the way he can give you the card to use also.
2006-10-20 18:06:11
answer #9
answered by Iamamom 2
Some people with the card have just food stamps, which pays for just food. other people recieve other benefits which can be used to pay for anything except cigs and alcohol.
2006-10-20 16:18:06
answer #10
answered by Mary S 3