humanity itself is pretty cruel. but maaaaybe people who see evil going on but do nothing to stop it.
2006-10-20 14:01:10
answer #1
answered by Grey Girl 2
No-by way of fact human beings are the clarification for what's cruel and evil and all of those evil human beings may well be long previous. So some families would be harm whilst their loves ones are long previous, that could restart the full evil ingredient returned.
2016-10-15 06:08:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The person who can go through life and never help another in anyway, those who are selfish and thoughtless and will never take into the consideration that another's life may possibly be more important then their own. The person who doesn't see the beauty in the world, who doesn't care for the beauty in the world and the person who doesn't accept that everyone is special and wonderful in their own way.
2006-10-20 14:34:16
answer #3
answered by tarnishedhalo85 2
The person who chose Ricki Rachtman as the VJ for Headbanger's Ball in the 1980's
2006-10-20 16:53:57
answer #4
answered by Didgeridude 4
I agree George ,Our own elected leader,The churches all voted for him because he said he was against abortion and stem cell research,but look how many babies he,s killed not to mention our own 18 tru 20 year old sons.It's not like he actually had any say so about abortion anyway it,s a supreme court decision.I hope voters are smarter this coming election day.Now I hear churches calling him the anti-Christ.
2006-10-20 17:58:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I've watched Discovery Channel's "Most Evil Men In History" and "Most Evil Woman In History". Try looking for this video clips and it may give you an answer. I've downloaded it in Bearshare. Try downloading BearFlix too to be able to download these videos for free.
2006-10-21 05:45:55
answer #6
answered by Jeanjean 4
Any person who have manner to cruelly kill a 6 year child (ex John bennette Ramsy); Any son or daughter who have no manner to treat their parents respectably; and any human who think and cruelly & eagerly expect anything bad gonna happen to their ennime.
2006-10-20 15:46:01
answer #7
answered by mswathi1025 4
any body acting cruel to humanity deemed to be cruel human.
so all humans acting selfishly for their riches at the cost of others are most cruel.
2006-10-20 14:08:33
answer #8
answered by prince47 7
I think Fidel Castro has to be up there in the top 5
2006-10-24 08:34:05
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I believe Adolf Hitler and the first person who believed that slavery was a good idea.
2006-10-20 14:04:27
answer #10
answered by stacey t 2