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Society & Culture - 6 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I don't get hassle off muslims for not turning up at the mosque at Eid, from Jews for not lighting my Chanuka candles or from Hindus and Sikhs for not letting off fireworks for Dvali.

So why, when I don't join in all the Christmassy stuff at work, do I get berated?

Do you really want me to turn up at your religious festivals and take the mickey - because that's how it feels when you go through the motions but don't believe in any of it.

I'm quite partial to a bit of sarcasm, parody and the like, but even I have the courtesy not to ape you while your doing the God bothering bit - just because I don't believe it, doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to...

But then leave me alone if I don't want to spend money on trashy cards, crappy presents for somebody I barely speak to and going for schmoozy wine and dine style meals, when I'd rather be at the gym.

What gives? Not everyone wants to be involved, yeah?

2006-12-06 05:09:27 · 29 answers · asked by lickintonight 4 in Other - Holidays

He knows some people would pervertize his picture? Especially today?

Wht are the other reasons.

You people that believe "God is a fairytale he doesn't exist",

Dont' respond!

2006-12-06 05:09:20 · 18 answers · asked by i_ship_jolie_pitt_aniston_2getha 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Okay well my friend called her as sl*t and its ture she is shes so rich and brags about it my friend dont even get christmas cause shes so poor but today i called a sl*t and she says well i cant help it and she goes at least im not the ONE WHO ALMOST GOT RAPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to hit her so fricking bad im at school so should i hit her "?"?

2006-12-06 05:09:00 · 11 answers · asked by lilmissbearcat 1 1 in Etiquette

2006-12-06 05:08:36 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Like little sissies, any non-black comedian has to apalogize now for using the n-word. Heaven forbid you watch BET comedy and listen to those foul-mouth comedians: "crack" "white trash" "honky" "red-neck". Notice the only word edited out of here is ******.

2006-12-06 05:08:34 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Okay, say, for example, that someone was born in America and they moved to a foreign country when they were very young—old enough to talk, but young nonetheless. Let's say when they were 6-years-old. If they lived in the country they moved to for a long time, can they develope the accent of that country and sound like they were a native of that country? Not faking the accent, but subconsciously develope it and have that accent "stick" to them?

2006-12-06 05:08:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

I have heard of some people being so obsessed with God (Christians) and He's all they talk about.

Well how do they get obsessed if they don't know what He looks like?

2006-12-06 05:08:10 · 6 answers · asked by i_ship_jolie_pitt_aniston_2getha 1 in Religion & Spirituality

...are they unable to think their own thoughts?

...have they become trained geese?

2006-12-06 05:07:53 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I have read lots of questions on here, from people against gay marriage and/or gay people just in general, basically just wanting people to agree with them. OK fine, i guess that is 1/2 of what this forum is about. But what i want to know is why when you disagree with them & state your opinion on whatever it is they asked, they automatically assume that you're angry, defensive, not listening, etc etc etc?
What makes their opinions "just my opinions" & anyone who disagrees with them is either picking on them, being mean or in that whole angry, defensive, etc. category?
I just want to know why they can't say they are "just expressing their feelings/opinions" & can't accept that's what others are doing as well?
BTW i am not gay, i am a bi woman, well not that either, i am a straight woman who happens to like to include a certain woman in some sexual activities. Put whatever label you want on that.
Basically i just believe in equality. OK done with my rant - have on with yours.

2006-12-06 05:07:23 · 16 answers · asked by purple dove 5 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-12-06 05:06:56 · 2 answers · asked by ungidosmg 1 in Religion & Spirituality

“The legitimacy, power and influence of a government do not emanate from its arsenals of tanks, fighter aircrafts, missiles or nuclear weapons. Legitimacy and influence reside in sound logic, quest for justice and compassion and empathy for all humanity. The global position of the United States is in all probability weakened because the administration has continued to resort to force, to conceal the truth, and to mislead the American people about its policies and practices. ”

The legitimacy, power and influence of a government do not emanate from its arsenals of tanks, fighter aircrafts, missiles or nuclear weapons. Legitimacy and influence reside in sound logic, quest for justice and compassion and empathy for all humanity. The global position of the United States is in all probability weakened because the administration has continued to resort to force, to conceal the truth, and to mislead the American people about its policies and practices. ”

Message of H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
To the American People

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

O, Almighty God, bestow upon humanity the perfect human being promised to all by You, and make us among his followers.

Noble Americans,

Were we not faced with the activities of the US administration in this part of the world and the negative ramifications of those activities on the daily lives of our peoples, coupled with the many wars and calamities caused by the US administration as well as the tragic consequences of US interference in other countries;

Were the American people not God-fearing, truth-loving, and justice-seeking, while the US administration actively conceals the truth and impedes any objective portrayal of current realities;

And if we did not share a common responsibility to promote and protect freedom and human dignity and integrity;
Then, there would have been little urgency to have a dialogue with you.

While Divine providence has placed Iran and the United States geographically far apart, we should be cognizant that human values and our common human spirit, which proclaim the dignity and exalted worth of all human beings, have brought our two great nations of Iran and the United States closer together.

Both our nations are God-fearing, truth-loving and justice-seeking, and both seek dignity, respect and perfection.

Both greatly value and readily embrace the promotion of human ideals such as compassion, empathy, respect for the rights of human beings, securing justice and equity, and defending the innocent and the weak against oppressors and bullies.

We are all inclined towards the good, and towards extending a helping hand to one another, particularly to those in need.

We all deplore injustice, the trampling of peoples’ rights and the intimidation and humiliation of human beings.

We all detest darkness, deceit, lies and distortion, and seek and admire salvation, enlightenment, sincerity and honesty.

The pure human essence of the two great nations of Iran and the United States testify to the veracity of these statements.

Noble Americans,

Our nation has always extended its hand of friendship to all other nations of the world.

Hundreds of thousands of my Iranian compatriots are living amongst you in friendship and peace, and are contributing positively to your society. Our people have been in contact with you over the past many years and have maintained these contacts despite the unnecessary restrictions of US authorities.

As mentioned, we have common concerns, face similar challenges, and are pained by the sufferings and afflictions in the world.

We, like you, are aggrieved by the ever-worsening pain and misery of the Palestinian people. Persistent aggressions by the Zionists are making life more and more difficult for the rightful owners of the land of Palestine. In broad day-light, in front of cameras and before the eyes of the world, they are bombarding innocent defenseless civilians, bulldozing houses, firing machine guns at students in the streets and alleys, and subjecting their families to endless grief.

No day goes by without a new crime.

Palestinian mothers, just like Iranian and American mothers, love their children, and are painfully bereaved by the imprisonment, wounding and murder of their children. What mother wouldn’t?

For 60 years, the Zionist regime has driven millions of the inhabitants of Palestine out of their homes. Many of these refugees have died in the Diaspora and in refugee camps. Their children have spent their youth in these camps and are aging while still in the hope of returning to homeland.

You know well that the US administration has persistently provided blind and blanket support to the Zionist regime, has emboldened it to continue its crimes, and has prevented the UN Security Council from condemning it.

Who can deny such broken promises and grave injustices towards humanity by the US administration?

Governments are there to serve their own people. No people wants to side with or support any oppressors. But regrettably, the US administration disregards even its own public opinion and remains in the forefront of supporting the trampling of the rights of the Palestinian people.

Let’s take a look at Iraq. Since the commencement of the US military presence in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, maimed or displaced. Terrorism in Iraq has grown exponentially. With the presence of the US military in Iraq, nothing has been done to rebuild the ruins, to restore the infrastructure or to alleviate poverty. The US Government used the pretext of the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but later it became clear that that was just a lie and a deception.

Although Saddam was overthrown and people are happy about his departure, the pain and suffering of the Iraqi people has persisted and has even been aggravated.

In Iraq, about one hundred and fifty thousand American soldiers, separated from their families and loved ones, are operating under the command of the current US administration. A substantial number of them have been killed or wounded and their presence in Iraq has tarnished the image of the American people and government.

Their mothers and relatives have, on numerous occasions, displayed their discontent with the presence of their sons and daughters in a land thousands of miles away from US shores. American soldiers often wonder why they have been sent to Iraq.

I consider it extremely unlikely that you, the American people, consent to the billions of dollars of annual expenditure from your treasury for this military misadventure.

Noble Americans,

You have heard that the US administration is kidnapping its presumed opponents from across the globe and arbitrarily holding them without trial or any international supervision in horrendous prisons that it has established in various parts of the world. God knows who these detainees actually are, and what terrible fate awaits them.

You have certainly heard the sad stories of the Guantanamo and Abu-Ghraib prisons. The US administration attempts to justify them through its proclaimed “war on terror.” But every one knows that such behavior, in fact, offends global public opinion, exacerbates resentment and thereby spreads terrorism, and tarnishes the US image and its credibility among nations.

The US administration’s illegal and immoral behavior is not even confined to outside its borders. You are witnessing daily that under the pretext of “the war on terror,” civil liberties in the United States are being increasingly curtailed. Even the privacy of individuals is fast losing its meaning. Judicial due process and fundamental rights are trampled upon. Private phones are tapped, suspects are arbitrarily arrested, sometimes beaten in the streets, or even shot to death.

I have no doubt that the American people do not approve of this behavior and indeed deplore it.

The US administration does not accept accountability before any organization, institution or council. The US administration has undermined the credibility of international organizations, particularly the United Nations and its Security Council. But, I do not intend to address all the challenges and calamities in this message.

The legitimacy, power and influence of a government do not emanate from its arsenals of tanks, fighter aircrafts, missiles or nuclear weapons. Legitimacy and influence reside in sound logic, quest for justice and compassion and empathy for all humanity. The global position of the United States is in all probability weakened because the administration has continued to resort to force, to conceal the truth, and to mislead the American people about its policies and practices.

Undoubtedly, the American people are not satisfied with this behavior and they showed their discontent in the recent elections. I hope that in the wake of the mid-term elections, the administration of President Bush will have heard and will heed the message of the American people.

My questions are the following:

Is there not a better approach to governance?

Is it not possible to put wealth and power in the service of peace, stability, prosperity and the happiness of all peoples through a commitment to justice and respect for the rights of all nations, instead of aggression and war?

We all condemn terrorism, because its victims are the innocent.

But, can terrorism be contained and eradicated through war, destruction and the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocents?

If that were possible, then why has the problem not been resolved?

The sad experience of invading Iraq is before us all.
What has blind support for the Zionists by the US administration brought for the American people? It is regrettable that for the US administration, the interests of these occupiers supersedes the interests of the American people and of the other nations of the world.

What have the Zionists done for the American people that the US administration considers itself obliged to blindly support these infamous aggressors? Is it not because they have imposed themselves on a substantial portion of the banking, financial, cultural and media sectors?

I recommend that in a demonstration of respect for the American people and for humanity, the right of Palestinians to live in their own homeland should be recognized so that millions of Palestinian refugees can return to their homes and the future of all of Palestine and its form of government be determined in a referendum. This will benefit everyone.

Now that Iraq has a Constitution and an independent Assembly and Government, would it not be more beneficial to bring the US officers and soldiers home, and to spend the astronomical US military expenditures in Iraq for the welfare and prosperity of the American people? As you know very well, many victims of Katrina continue to suffer, and countless Americans continue to live in poverty and homelessness.

I’d also like to say a word to the winners of the recent elections in the US:

The United States has had many administrations; some who have left a positive legacy, and others that are neither remembered fondly by the American people nor by other nations.

Now that you control an important branch of the US Government, you will also be held to account by the people and by history.

If the US Government meets the current domestic and external challenges with an approach based on truth and Justice, it can remedy some of the past afflictions and alleviate some of the global resentment and hatred of America. But if the approach remains the same, it would not be unexpected that the American people would similarly reject the new electoral winners, although the recent elections, rather than reflecting a victory, in reality point to the failure of the current administration’s policies. These issues had been extensively dealt with in my letter to President Bush earlier this year.

To sum up:

It is possible to govern based on an approach that is distinctly different from one of coercion, force and injustice.
It is possible to sincerely serve and promote common human values, and honesty and compassion.

It is possible to provide welfare and prosperity without tension, threats, imposition or war.

It is possible to lead the world towards the aspired perfection by adhering to unity, monotheism, morality and spirituality and drawing upon the teachings of the Divine Prophets.

Then, the American people, who are God-fearing and followers of Divine religions, will overcome every difficulty.

What I stated represents some of my anxieties and concerns.

I am confident that you, the American people, will play an instrumental role in the establishment of justice and spirituality throughout the world. The promises of the Almighty and His prophets will certainly be realized, Justice and Truth will prevail and all nations will live a true life in a climate replete with love, compassion and fraternity.

The US governing establishment, the authorities and the powerful should not choose irreversible paths. As all prophets have taught us, injustice and transgression will eventually bring about decline and demise.
Today, the path of return to faith and spirituality is open and unimpeded.

We should all heed the Divine Word of the Holy Qur’an:

“But those who repent, have faith and do good may receive Salvation. Your Lord, alone, creates and chooses as He will, and others have no part in His choice; Glorified is God and Exalted above any partners they ascribe to Him.” (28:67-68)

I pray to the Almighty to bless the Iranian and American nations and indeed all nations of the world with dignity and success.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

2006-12-06 05:06:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-06 05:06:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

What got you obsessed in the first place and why are you obsessed?

2006-12-06 05:06:20 · 5 answers · asked by i_ship_jolie_pitt_aniston_2getha 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups


Tell the truth, would you have sex with a guy(if you're picky, and want him to be hot) would you do it for 1 million dollars, and not have anyone find out about it?
I'm obviously asking straight guys.

2006-12-06 05:04:32 · 13 answers · asked by krazy_libra_from_ac 5 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Revelations 18:1 After these things I saw another angel descending from heaven, with great authority; and the earth was lighted up from his glory. 2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a lurking place of every unclean exhalation and a lurking place of every unclean and hated bird! 3 For because of the wine of the anger of her fornication all the nations have fallen [victim], and the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and the traveling merchants of the earth became rich due to the power of her shameless luxury.”

4 And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues. 5 For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.

BABYLON the GREAT represents the empire of False religions....

2006-12-06 05:04:19 · 8 answers · asked by Tomoyo K 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Does anyone still believe Jesus dies on the cross? I believe all of that, but it seems like there's been a huge decline in people believing. Please tell me why this world is falling apart.

2006-12-06 05:04:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

all incorporate the same father of faith which is Abraham

2006-12-06 05:03:49 · 16 answers · asked by ton1ishere 1 in Religion & Spirituality

his interest are military, family, and he is a very simple guy

2006-12-06 05:02:56 · 6 answers · asked by vr 1 in Christmas

...and no I don't know where you live... :)

2006-12-06 05:02:48 · 12 answers · asked by tryingmypatience 4 in Christmas

It really helps cause the kids are out then...

2006-12-06 05:01:51 · 11 answers · asked by tryingmypatience 4 in Christmas

I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." We read this in Luke 22:31-32. As we continue to read through this chapter, Jesus is taken prisoner by the chief priests, captains of the temple, and elders and brought to the high priest's house. Peter followed afar off. Peter comes to warm himself by the fire near the judgment hall and denies Christ 3 different times when he is identified as being a follower of Jesus.
Remember the Lord for Peter that his faith would not fail, but Peter denied the Lord 3 times. Can anyone explain this?

2006-12-06 05:01:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Just water it and watch it grow;;;now that's what I'm talkin about.

2006-12-06 05:00:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

I know that gay guys have the whole right ear for gay thing but what about lesbians? Is there a piercing that symbolizes lesbians?

2006-12-06 04:59:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-12-06 04:59:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

I don't follow a specific religion but the last two years have made me doubt there is a God, My Father who was a quiet kind gentle man who worked hard even during his 4 year battle with cancer, has sadly passed away. My 5 year old Goddaughter is recovering from Leukhemia, and then there are bad people (murderers, rapists, peodophiles) who roam the earth. Why does God take the innocent when they have done nothing but good in their lives I'm finding it really hard to accept

2006-12-06 04:58:53 · 40 answers · asked by Berrylicious 2 in Religion & Spirituality

"If there is any peace it will come through being, not having."
-Henry Miller

Peace and Love

2006-12-06 04:58:35 · 7 answers · asked by digilook 2 in Religion & Spirituality


grandson saw an indian on appalose horse he could tell what he had on I ea time where he was around his house what does this mean??
he was 3yr old at the time--
nest where did diabetis and alopecia come from in my family--
will I get off diabetics & hubby off cancer

2006-12-06 04:58:18 · 2 answers · asked by budda 1 in Mythology & Folklore

fedest.com, questions and answers