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Society & Culture - 14 September 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

For people who believe in god
do you think angels help you to connect to god?
or do you think they give you messages?

2006-09-14 09:33:13 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Teachers across the nation are fighting a losing battle to maintain control in the classroom. Too many parents are failing to do their jobs by instilling in their children high standards of comportment. It is clear that the disenfranchised have recognised that the only place in civil society that they can exercise some power is at their childs school and they do not hesitate to exercise that power hence undermining the authority of the teacher and the school. Too many parents also find that by having their child diagnosed with such nefarious ailments as ADHA, Dyslexia etc etc etc, this relieves them of all responsibility and gives the child free reign to do as it pleases. The under-educated, work-shy and benefit (charity) recipients are in effect directing state education in this country. Schools and the educated middle classes seem to be at the mercy of the underclass.

2006-09-14 09:32:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I knew a woman who did that for Halloween one year.

2006-09-14 09:32:25 · 14 answers · asked by thundershark 2 in Other - Holidays

some ppl here accused muslim with forcing ppl to convert is this true ? NO ,you wanna prove :
i live in arabic islamic country (egypt) its known with its highest population of orthodax (christians) they are around 7 million now
if this was true ,do you think there would may any christians here,would all of them be forced to convert
do you know that the richest man in egypt is christian( nagim sawyris) the owner of communication company ( mobinial) ?
do you know that we have christian professors in colleges?
do you know that we have christian ministers? do you remeber botros gally (the former secertary general of un ) he was christian egyptian
we live with christians over 1300 years now ,we know how to co-exist ,yeah sometimes happen indivial accient from both sides but we pass them ,DO YOU know why cuz we all believe that egypt is for all of us
the same thing in syria,lebanon and many others
plz ppl stop hearing from one side and if you dont believe me ,come and see .

2006-09-14 09:31:27 · 10 answers · asked by SARAH 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Like in that movie.

2006-09-14 09:31:21 · 26 answers · asked by george_the_cat 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I'm guessing 3-4 inches but I want the EXACT measurements. I could just go outside and measure it but I'm too lazy.

2006-09-14 09:30:37 · 4 answers · asked by ♫ I just crush alot ♫ 2 in Other - Society & Culture

There is a woman Hilka that my dad worked for, (hes a carpenter). they were really good friends, she gave us 3 paintings, 1 is one of my house, 1 is of a very pale boy with white hair climbing a branch in the dark, and the other one is amazing, its a white puffy cloud on the left and a dark cloud on the right, with a liittle boy playing the fiddle in the middle, and in the clouds you can see what looks like a native, an angle,. about 4 small angle like bodies standing, sails, and a castle with a horse man riding to it. and we bought one from her and its a forest, with unicorns drinking from a stream. i'm pretty sure there is a few things in the forest, but you'd have to look for yourself. and i went to her house, way out in the boonies and very seemed very artistic and honest. she has a whole bunch of sculptures outside and it looks really beautiful, she said she seen a few elves crossing the road. oh and she had a picture of her feeding a bear, that comes right up to her.

2006-09-14 09:30:27 · 8 answers · asked by piano_man_969 2 in Mythology & Folklore

When fat black ladies who have hair weaves get pissed off and narrow their eyes at you and do the cobra neck. They basically look like they're gonna rip you a new hole from here to next week. Then the say "Oh, heyell no!!"

2006-09-14 09:29:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I really do want to have faith and I've searched for it all my life. However, I am a scientist and I don't seem to be able to accept faith. I've considered looking into unitarianism, anyone know much about it? I still need faith for unitarianism don't I?

2006-09-14 09:27:21 · 24 answers · asked by Poppies_rule 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Please don't mock me. I'm just curious.

2006-09-14 09:25:06 · 14 answers · asked by missgigglebunny 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I have been offered a position in a firm in Bootle Merseyside. If I decide to take it although it would mean a significant rise, It would also mean that my family and I would have to relocate. This is quite tempting as the house we currently live in means that we have a wide choice of areas - but are not sure where's best, obviously living close to work would be a + point, however would I be advised to live further a field and commute? What are the schools like in Bootle / Wirral area?
And the area(s) in general?

2006-09-14 09:24:47 · 2 answers · asked by Nicholas h 1 in Community Service

I asked atheists "How do you explain miracles?" and NONE of them could explain it! They said "They don't happen" or "You don't have proof a miracle has ever happened" or "That's all crap"--well those answers just prove to you that there is a God. They can't explain miracles! Don't say "Miracles don't happen"--because I've witnessed them before. I've seen God work and that is something atheists can't argue with.

2006-09-14 09:24:41 · 49 answers · asked by SummerSweetheart 1 in Religion & Spirituality

fired if I take an afternoon nap? Coz am really sleepy. Its real nice and quiet here at my office.

2006-09-14 09:24:21 · 10 answers · asked by Atheist Eye Candy 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Does it really make sense that people use the response that "something had to create the universe"? Can't the matter that makes up the universe have always existed just as easily?

If the answer that everything always existed is too hard to believe, why is it easier to accept that god created it? Who created him?

2006-09-14 09:24:12 · 9 answers · asked by nebulasleuth 2 in Religion & Spirituality


Who do you think is the most DEE DEE DEE person on earth?

2006-09-14 09:23:52 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2006-09-14 09:23:36 · 16 answers · asked by owner4nothing 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Is there a direct connection? Do they have so much ego and pride in being able to solve their own problems they feel they don't need God and disregard him because of that, or does it run deeper than this?

2006-09-14 09:22:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Or Native Americans as everyone calls us!! People are screaming "racism" because of the ethnic groups but Natives didn't even make the cut. Did you all forget about us? Native Americans catch the most racism these days, but you don't see us crying everytime we get a chance....WHERE ARE THE NATIVES??

2006-09-14 09:22:23 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Without the shedding of blood, who shed their blood for your sins how are you going to get remission of sin for yourself?

2006-09-14 09:22:22 · 4 answers · asked by wisdom 4 in Religion & Spirituality


2006-09-14 09:22:06 · 29 answers · asked by mukesh k 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Can you explain why Muslims, who not eat anything made or come from pigs,- how they can eat bread.?
Do the "bread" fields not get the pigs urine to help it grow up??

2006-09-14 09:21:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-09-14 09:20:59 · 17 answers · asked by wisdom 4 in Religion & Spirituality

leaving in which country is easier? USA or Mexico

2006-09-14 09:20:41 · 4 answers · asked by Captain B 1 in Other - Society & Culture

alright, ive always thought i was straight, but lately i have found myself attracted to this guy, who happens to be somewhat of a friend of mine. Im almost positive he is gay, as i have found out from a source or two that he told them. Now he also told them who he liked (guy), but he is still somewhat in the closet. i would like to pursue something, but i am wondering if there is anyway to tell if he likes me as i am sure it is either me or one other guy. Any help would be appreciated!!!!

2006-09-14 09:20:01 · 5 answers · asked by wildchild18198 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Here's my idea. I want to get lots of religious and not religious people to take the IQ test at www.iqtest.com. It is a very reputable site and is the top result for a search of "IQ test" on google. It only takes about 13 minutes of your time. Something like 5 million have taken their test. The average score is a 108. I'm guessing the non religious will score higher. Prove me wrong if you're not too scared! Besdies, if you score low you can always just say that the test was bs lol.

PS - I got a 139 last night. I'm an atheist.

2006-09-14 09:19:24 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

story of adam 10. And We have given you (mankind) power in the earth, and appointed for you therein a livelihood. Little give ye
11. And We created you, then fashioned you, then told the angels: Fall ye prostrate before Adam! And they fell
prostrate, all save Iblis, who was not of those who make prostration.
12. He said: What hindered thee that thou didst not fall prostrate when I bade thee? (Iblis) said: I am better than him.
Thou createdst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud.
13. He said: Then go down hence! It is not for thee to show pride here, so go forth! Lo! thou art of those degraded.
14. He said: Reprieve me till the day when they are raised (from the dead).
15. He said: Lo! thou art of those reprieved.
16. He said : Now, because Thou hast sent me astray, verily I shall lurk in ambush for them on Thy Right Path.
17. Then I shall come upon them from before them and from behind them and from their right bands and from their
left hands, and Thou wilt not find most of them beholden (unto Thee).
18. He said: Go forth from hence, degraded, banished. As for such of them as follow thee, surely I will fill hell with
all of you.
19. And (unto man): O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden and eat from whence ye will, but come not nigh
this tree lest ye become wrong doers.
20. Then Satan whispered to them that he might manifest unto them that which was hidden from them of their shame,
and he said: Your Lord forbade you from this tree only lest ye should become angels or become of the immortals.
21. And he swore unto them (saying): Lo! I am a sincere adviser unto you.
22. Thus did he lead them on with guile. And when they tasted of the tree their shame was manifest to them and they
began to hide (by heaping) on themselves some of the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called them, (saying): Did
I not forbid you from that tree and tell you: Lo! Satan is an open enemy to you?
23. They said : Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If Thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, surely we are
of the lost!
24. He said: Go down (from hence), one of you a foe unto the other. There will be for you on earth a habitation and
provision for a while.
25. He said: There shall ye live, and there shall ye die, and thence shall ye be brought forth.
26. O Children of Adam! We have revealed unto you raiment to conceal your shame, and splendid vesture, but the
raiment of restraint from evil, that is best. This is of the revelations of Allah, that they may remember.
27. O Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you as he caused your (first) parents to go forth from the Garden and
tore off from them their robe (of innocence) that be might manifest their shame to them. Lo! he seeth you, he and his
tribe, from whence ye see him not. Lo! We have made the devils protecting friends for those who believe not.
28. And when they do some lewdness they say: We found our fathers doing it and Allah hath enjoined it on us. Say:
Allah, verily, enjoineth not lewdness. Tell ye concerning Allah that which ye know not?
29. Say: My Lord enjoineth justice. And set your faces, upright (toward Him) at every place of worship and call upon
Him, making religion pure for Him (only). As He brought you into being, so return ye (unto Him).

2006-09-14 09:19:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I left her on a bench in Kensington Park six or seven days ago, went on holiday, came back, and it looks like someone's made off with her. She's about 5 foot nothing and has blue hair. She has a red, alligator bag, and she's wearing a housecoat with "Piss Off!" across the back and she yells "Bullocks!" every now and again for no reason.

2006-09-14 09:19:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Community Service

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