week:"So i went to my mandarin class which is an advanced conversational class..this morning and sat in class for 4 hours and couldn't understand anything. My mandarin teacher speaks very little english and I was lost..It was like I was listening to a language that I had never heard before;;I've been studying mandarin for years....etc,etc,etc..Has this happen to anyone trying to learn a foreign language..It's like a part of my brain wouldn't turn on?"
I received this answer form IZZY..which I thought was so funny that I almost fell off my chair laughing "....I have an friend who grew up with his Russian Grandmother who spoke only Russian to him.Some years after she passed away, he went on a trip there, you know to connect with his roots,but no one could understand a thing that he was saying.Upon his return,troubled,his asked is Aunt:"was my Granny really Russian?" Yes, she was, but no one could understand her because she had no teeth!"
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