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Psychology - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2006-10-31 08:12:24 · 9 answers · asked by Spadesboffin 3

really. tell me why if you like.

2006-10-31 08:06:52 · 8 answers · asked by lifechanges4thebetter 2

2006-10-31 08:00:15 · 3 answers · asked by Jon M 1

boa sankes

2006-10-31 07:57:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. A house with no window shades or doors.

2. A car that ran off of manure.

2006-10-31 07:53:29 · 8 answers · asked by lifechanges4thebetter 2

Would you try something new, in spite of having absolutely no interest in it, whatsoever? Can you learn to enjoy something new that you originally had no interest in?

2006-10-31 07:51:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know those dreams where your falling off a building, and right befor you hit the ground, you wake up, and as you wake up, your kind of rolling towards the end of your bed? I heard that if you don't wake up befor you hit the ground that you actually die, is this true?

2006-10-31 07:46:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My co worker and I are having this arguement about the human mind. She is under the impression that humans lack the ability to be creative because there are too many outside factors that help mold whatever thoughts that might pass through one's mind. Basically, she's saying only blind people can be truly creative. I beg to differ. I think that 'using' these very factors, we are able to create and develop ideas... I'm confusing myself here. Listen, help me out..

A mom
An 8 year old son
An ex boyfriend (mom's)

Without thinking of any TV shows, movies, songs, books, or ANYTHING like that, can ANYONE give these people a story? Nothing generic. She's betting everyone will come up with the 'Mom meets new man, son doesn't like him 'cause he's not dad, but eventually warms up to him... happily ever after' story. Add stuff, take stuff away, but go nuts. We HAVE to prove her wrong!! (We're each at our desks hitting 'refresh' every 2 seconds). PLEASE???

2006-10-31 07:45:55 · 5 answers · asked by monie0078 2

I think that there are a lot of girls and women out there on the autistic spectrum that have not been diagnosed. I'm not trying to argue that it is as common in girls as it is in boys. I'm interested in the possibility that there is a whole population of autistic girls and women out there who have been undiagnosed or misdiagnosed or misunderstood.

I'm curious about what people think and I'd also like to hear from women/girls who have autistic traits.

2006-10-31 07:32:58 · 4 answers · asked by Cindyrella 1

I just had the most detialed dream:

i was sitting in a classroom @ my college and a stranger is next to me. we are alone but it wasn't random it seemed to be normal. I i applyed lip gloss and while smearing it moving my lips the lower right corner of my mouth/lip feling like it was twisting and wrinkled. I could taste blood and it started hurting so i asked the girl if it looked weird.

She gave me a mirror and i looked to see a huge hole was slopply under the corner of my lip. I freaked at first then I had a flash back and say it must be my lip ring i played with it 2 much and it over streched. (I have never had a lip ring) (recently i have been emionally attrached to 2 boys who hurt me, one has 2 lip rings the other has 1). The girl gave me a cream told me it would close the wound but once it healed I shouldn't try to put it in anymore, that it wasn't worth the effort to get scared agein.

Is this telling me to stop seeing those boys?

2006-10-31 07:28:14 · 1 answers · asked by Coxie Megan 4

2006-10-31 07:26:13 · 1 answers · asked by asuoonline 3

Do they really mean it's out-and-out evil?

2006-10-31 07:24:20 · 8 answers · asked by mesun1408 6

does this show that my computer has developed thoughts and feelings of its own. could it be that spam has waged a war on my computer. answer fast, my spam blocker may not hold up forever

2006-10-31 07:12:08 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

When trying to change jobs I can't overcome the overwelmness to hand in a resume' or apply for an application. I feel I will not live up to the job, or will do something so stupid that I will get fired over it. It is very distressful and hurting my family because of it. What to do?

2006-10-31 07:00:29 · 6 answers · asked by lifescircle 5

that they are asleep for a very long time?

2006-10-31 06:54:02 · 9 answers · asked by I owe it 2 my boys..... 1

2006-10-31 06:49:24 · 5 answers · asked by pembertonkaleem 1

i keep on having dreams and the dreams come true, like i had a dream of an apple once, just sitting on a table, and i turned on the tv that morning and it was a commercial with what i had dreamt of exactly. i had a conversation with someone in a car once, and i said "lipstick" and a lady pulled up next to us doing her lipstick...this occurs about 5-6 times a day, and its starting to scared me! i once put it to use, and i predicted my friends love life exactly...is it just a luck streak? or is this supernatural?

2006-10-31 06:40:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-31 06:39:26 · 8 answers · asked by Ã?â?¥Ã?ÄPixie Queen~* 3

I didn't remember talking inside my head when I was little, but then it just happened. I forgot since when, but in my 28th birthday last month it popped inside my head. When did we start talking or hearing stuff from our brains (or heart)?

2006-10-31 06:32:43 · 8 answers · asked by girliegirl 2

This is directed to those of you who as a rule answer with at least one whole sentence.

Question #1: Do you choose questions to answer based mainly on your interests, qualifications or both?

Question #2: Do you generally find those questions by

a-Searching Categories
b-Searching Q & A Homes of persons you've previously found to ask questions you like to answer
c-Searching YA Front Page for new questions
d-More or less haphazard approach, leaving things largely to chance
e-Other (please specify)

2006-10-31 06:27:55 · 8 answers · asked by Seeker 4

They are able to just their inhibitions go and the dwell within the moment....

2006-10-31 06:19:44 · 8 answers · asked by Papa 1

In some ways I think 9/11 was an even bigger event than people realize, America's collective psyche really took some damage, a lot of people turned to embracing religion etc.. right after it, I still don't think Americans have recovered from it, it was something that seemed inconcievable at the time, attacking the heart of the USA. I suspect there are still many people that are "shell schocked", that haven't come to terms with it (I don't mean just people in NY).

2006-10-31 06:12:44 · 4 answers · asked by Nick F 6

Why do some RS users feel the need to constantly and relentlessly respond to unprovocative questions with abuse and insults?

2006-10-31 06:09:33 · 17 answers · asked by Chevalier 5

dontworry iam not homosexual...ty for response

2006-10-31 05:42:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

wat u think it mean being pregnant in dream

2006-10-31 05:35:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do you say to yourself

(i mean real friends with the capacity for unconditional love when needed)

2006-10-31 05:17:55 · 12 answers · asked by Eden 1

Is there a way to get the person to forgive or understand why you did it?

2006-10-31 05:15:52 · 9 answers · asked by missy 4

Does that ever happen to you? You might be working on something and then your brain might switch off or think of something completely random and then your thinking why did that happen?

I was wondering if there is a course that trains the brain to concentrate better? I hope these are not the signs of madness as I am only 25!

2006-10-31 05:15:32 · 20 answers · asked by Siu02rk 3

i say and act stupid things i dont mean . i can't seam to stop myself???????????????please any thing has tobe better than not ever seeing my kid?

2006-10-31 05:14:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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