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Dream Interpretation

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Comment on this wierd crap. Anyone else having stuff like this?

A friend, some other people, and I are hiding in a house on the main street through my home town. I've known this particular guy since kindegarten. We're all looking out the basement windows, watching a convoy go by. The first vehicle, I think, is some kind of armored car- it's painted gray and it has a strange blue and green symbol (I don't remember what) painted on the hood and sides. Then a lot of pickups go by, civillian models, but with the symbol spray painted on the doors. Each pickup is towing a gooseneck flatbed trailer, a multi purpose one like farmers use to carry hay. Each trailer has four metal posts welded to the bed, at opposing corners, but about 3 feet from any side. A person wearing rags, with flat eyes that don't look around at anything, is chained to each pole. As I'm watching, my friend says (and I remember this almost verbatim)

2007-06-17 11:57:46 · 1 answers · asked by linoleum_my_friend 1

i know that everyone dreams several times a night but it is during the nights that i can remember my dreams that i dont wake up rested. does anyone have an advice?

2007-06-17 10:14:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Had a dreams two nights ago that has been really bugging me, because i m trying to understand its meaning.

i m only going to mention the part that i think is the symbol of my dream, cuz the rest of it is long, and doesnt make sense, and didnt mean anything to me.
My dreams symbol was me catching on fire. As scary as it sounds, i didn't seem to be That alarmed about it in my dream (i was more like surprised). it didn't feel good to be on fire but i felt or expressed no true pain.

i wanted to get your opinions and suggestions, so i can try to decipher this bothersome dream. please and thanks :)

2007-06-17 01:46:53 · 4 answers · asked by Switchblades 2

i was dreaming that my younger son was being taken away from me and my wife tells me that i was crying out loud as well while sleeping, does anyone know what this means?

2007-06-16 22:25:55 · 5 answers · asked by Ivan D 1

sometimes it is houses of people i know, sometimes it is unfamiliar. i have to hide and creep so i won't get caught, and it is kind of fun actually. what could this dream mean?

2007-06-16 19:36:29 · 10 answers · asked by missmelissa80 5

This dream has haunted me in what this dream would mean...

In the dream I was standing in the middle of a field (similar to the one in the first gladiator battle with the trees). The sky was filled with arrows heading towards me. I walked into the line of fire of the arrows. Whenever I got hit, it hurt, I could feel the pain from the dream and couldnt move that part of my body/face. I walked several hundred feet away in the opposite direction and landed on my knees with arrows in my face and arms. In knowing that I didn't want to be disfigured I decided to pull the arrows out of my wrists to end my life. Once pulled out, I started feeling tired and fell on my back looking up at the skyu, gazing at the beautiful scenery.

When I woke up, I was fine, so I know it was all in my head, but I can't interpret it.

2007-06-16 19:20:03 · 4 answers · asked by Duggenfruzze 1

2007-06-16 17:40:22 · 6 answers · asked by stewiecrazy 2

Last night i had a dream that one of the guys from my class moved away and then my bestest guy friend said he was moving too.

i don't really remember much about the dream but i remember that in my dream i was really depressed and i wanted to move too.

i also remember somthing about highschool next year, exept instead of it being a normal school on the ground, it was in a tree, i think i was in band class...

next year in high school the two of us won't be in any classes together, so maybe that's where the dream comes from, help please <333

2007-06-16 17:01:08 · 3 answers · asked by rukia319 2

it all started at night in the living room of my new house............me and my brother were playing a video game called rampage..........and then my bro picked this horrible red pig character that looked like the devil........so i was creeped out.....and i had this bad feeling........about that nasty red pig...........so then whe begun the game........and all of a sudden that pig started hitting my character........and when me and my bro play we never beat each other we only get the buildings......so i was like stop it to him but he wouldn't stop it.......it was like the pig was contoling him or something........and i hit my bro........but all he would do was laugh at me and it was like he was possed by that character.....i was scared...a feeling of dread came over me.....and i felt like some force was in the pig or in my bro or something.... so i was scared....so we turned it off.

later that night i was listening to a song that my other bro sings...........and that was before bedtime and when i fell asleep i had a dream......i woke up kinda scared but not really.......my dream was a nighmare....and it was about these 2 little girls they were dead and they were under u know where ..........they had died somehow nut they could not remember.....why...and i was there with them brushing their hair and trying to help them figure out how they died....and so one of the little girls had her face all burned and the other on had her face deformed...so in the morning i woke up and i was telling my mom the dream and then i finished....and i was like maybe i had that nighmare because of the song i was listening to.......it went........swimming through the ashes of another life..........meaning swimming through the ashes of death.......so i was all freaked out...and i was repeating that phrase and going up the stairs and i reached the top step and ...........i was turning to go to my room....when out of the corner of my eye i see the death...........that thing that has a black coat on with a hoodie and i saw it there floting in my mom's room and i took one look at it.......and i dashed down the stairs and i was pale.......my mom was like what is wrong .............and i told her what i saw......and she got scared and i was so pale i was about to faint seriously...........so that was the end of that

next night i was falling asleep in my room with my mom bye my side.......but i felt so nervouse and scared..........but eventually i fell asleep......when i woke up it was 6:28 am and i remember the exact time because i was terrified!!...........so i woke up and the i had had another bad dream.......my first thought was i'm gonna run to my mom's room but then i remember she would be downstairs............so i was like no i can't go all the way down stairs i can't take seeing the death thing again......i would faint......so i was like well i can turn on the lights........so i did ............and i was like i should go back to sleep but i could not so i was like i'll just saty her till my mom comes up here to check on me .............but then at the end of my bed...i saw this skeleton thing looking at me from the other end of my bed ......so i jumped out of my bed and i ran downstairs like crazy.......i was pale again.......and then i told my mom and everyone what had happened and tehy were scared.........biut i was terrified.....they had not seen death they had not seen the skeleton and the dreams.......and i was the only one seeing the things.....so i was scared.....and later that morning my uncle told me and my mom that he had a dream that a little girl was dead but she was telling him how she died and he doesn't remember though so he was scared too

2007-06-16 16:38:02 · 7 answers · asked by S.Love 3

I needed to know if anybody out there is really psychic. If you are, prove it to me by telling me my name, state, and age. Tell me details about me.

2007-06-16 14:58:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been having consistant nightmares everytime i sleep for almost 2months now. its gotten to the point where i dont even attempt sleep anymore because i know il just be woken up in 20minutes by a nightmare.
i get them no matter what time of the day i sleep or wether or not i eat before bed. i cant think of what it could be. i used to never have nightmares before the last couple months.
help meeeeee -_- zzzZZZZZZ

2007-06-16 12:43:59 · 13 answers · asked by tessin34 2

For the last year, I've had the biggest crush that I've ever had on this dude from my school. But then, he moved away and I still see sometimes. I told him I liked him and he didn't respond so I took that as a "no." So I took down our picture and all reminders of him and I let him go.

After that, I started dreaming about him- EVERY NIGHT. Even up to last night. Everywhere I go, something reminds me of him or he just jumps into my thoughts. Someone said it's because I'm really in love with him. I mean it was just a crush, I didn't even talk to him that much. I asked God to stop letting me dream of him if we can't be together but the dreams still come. I don't know I just wanna know what someone I don't know thinks about this.

2007-06-16 11:51:08 · 2 answers · asked by Rina 4

In the past year maybe, I've had about 7 different dreams involving a tornado. Every dream is a little different (in one dream it was actually the end of the world and volcanoes were erupting as well). But even though they are all different, they all involve me looking out a window and seeing the funnel cloud actually form out of the sky and hit the ground. I had the dream again last night and was actually hiding from the funnel behind a tree. It felt as if it were like a person or something, looking for me. It disappeared but I could still feel it was there, invisible and looking for me. Anyone have any thing to say about what this might mean?

2007-06-16 07:51:21 · 5 answers · asked by stencil-geek 2

ok... i have been in a realtionship with my bf for almost 2 years now and last night, i had a vivid!!!! dream about me nd one of my friends from highschool who i have not talked to in atleast 4 months. this was very strange for me, bc i have never had one of "those" type drems...hint hint... nookie!
help me please!

2007-06-16 07:16:47 · 3 answers · asked by Punkin Pippi 1

The past three nights i've dreamed that i was involved with marijuana, in all reality i have a friend that does marijuana, and my Uncle is very worried about me doing drugs, im 17, ive never done Drugs before! but on wednesday night i dreamed that i was very against marijuana but i was with my friend who smoked it, Thursday night i dreamed that i had some but didnt want it, and friday, i dreamed that i was actually "Eating" marijuana leaves. can someone tell me why im having these dreams?

2007-06-16 06:53:35 · 4 answers · asked by ThatoneGirl90 1

I had heard that as you go to sleep say "I will dream about__" and you will dream that. I have never been successful at that.

Do you have any methods whereby you can manipulate your dreams?

2007-06-16 04:05:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-16 03:43:32 · 3 answers · asked by sameer k 1

I keep having dreams about theme parks. they aren't all the same dream. My alarm clock woke me up at 8:30 am and I went back to sleep. Then I entered R.E.M. I dreamt about going to a theme park with the neighbors. When we were almost to the hotel the neighbor got me to drive ( I'm only thirteen. I got into a huge pileup and one of my teachers from the previous school you had gotten killed. We were cleared of any charges and went to the hotel. The next morning I looked over the balcony and saw the teacher that I killed with some bald guy. We then went to the theme park I Kept jumpingout of the rollercosters so I could grab onto the railing and climb down it.

If you can interperet this dream I would Appreciate it.

2007-06-16 03:30:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep having dreams that my husband is cheating on me. I have always been scared that he will. He swears he doesn't believe in cheating and I have been suspicious of it here lately. I wondered about t before the dreams started. Now I am having them about once a week. What does this dream mean?

2007-06-16 02:39:58 · 13 answers · asked by Julie 2

this sounds weird, and know that no racism is involved!!! i live in FL and i have this colored boyfriend...and i haven't told any of my family about him yet...they all live in NY...but my brother keeps telling me that he has dreams that me and a colored guy have a child together...i took a test and it was negative, so how comes my brother keeps calling me saying that he keeps having this dream??? it's weird right? could it mean something?

2007-06-15 23:42:49 · 6 answers · asked by julie h 2

I had a wierd dream last nigth about my cat getting eaten by 2 evil people also i had a dream that my top toot wos wobbly can any one tell me what these dream means please ♥

2007-06-15 23:09:58 · 11 answers · asked by KazZzIlOuU 1

I dream of a house that has a few rooms that are rotting or not safe. I've had similar dreams over many years and I always go back to this house (I sense it) in the dream even if the look of the house has changed.
Are reoccurring dreams/nightmares significant?

2007-06-15 22:51:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

You've all heard of false awakenings, in which one dreams that they have awakened from sleep...but falling asleep in a dream? I've experienced the former many times, but recently I dreamt I crawled into bed, fell asleep, and woke up (while really still being asleep). Upon reflection, I realized that during that period of "double sleep", it was as if my consciousness had stopped existing completely - there's just a mental/time gap between going to bed and waking up in the dream.

Can anyone explain how this happened? My mind has never shut off completely like it did then, whether awake or asleep.

2007-06-15 22:46:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

when I have a busy day or sleep late I never dream, but when my day is less active like during the weekends my night is ussually filled with dreams. is this how dreams comes about or what?

2007-06-15 22:40:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What does it mean when I have dreams of God talking to me using nature (clouds and etc.) but in the end it always leads to something bad?

Like the end of the world or someones dies.
I myself always seem to have a hand in these bad things too in the dream.

2007-06-15 22:21:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

It usually happens with me. Iam not scared of water but if I see a tooooo big pool, I feel like dieng. Its from my birth. But I haven't scene real sea from long and I still get such dreams in which water is waiting for me or I am saved from drowning.
Somebody told me its meaning , but anybody has got a better answer.

2007-06-15 19:53:56 · 13 answers · asked by A2 2

No dream is exactly the same, just the details. Every time, I am in the front passenger seat. The driver loses control, and the car/van/truck slides recklessly (turning the steering wheel furiously clockwise and counter-clockwise), usually through a "woodsy area" and at night. I'm always the passenger. Sometimes I have time to put on my seat belt, but EVERY time the vehicle flips through the air violently, and EVERY time I have just enough time to pray for forgiveness while the vehicle is rolling. I always pray to "Dear Lord". At the moment of impact I wake up with my heart feeling like I drank five red bulls. What the hell? I'm not religious, but in these dreams I know I'm about to die violently and close my eyes and pray. Sometimes there's blood and noise, but always the swerving and praying. I always wake up at the moment of impact. Somebody out there please help me. It's becoming quite annoying.

2007-06-15 18:06:03 · 10 answers · asked by adamwohltman 1

i love telling my dreams. i forgot mine that i had last night but if you want to hear it tomorrow, tell me. if you want to, it will be posted around 1:00. Maybe earlier. Probably not later. if it's not, check later. but probably 1:00. TELL IF U WANT TO HEAR IT!!!!

2007-06-15 16:56:21 · 3 answers · asked by DaNcE RoX!!!! 2

happily married for nearly 8 years now. The dream always has the same theme, the uncertainty, the insecure feelings that were real then.She even dreamed she had remarried him and he left her again for the same woman. These dreams only started during the past few months.

2007-06-15 16:02:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i frequently have dreams that are some kind of nonsense then i end up waking up crying. do i have some kind of conscience or something?

2007-06-15 15:31:38 · 12 answers · asked by jaDe 2

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