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Dream Interpretation

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I had a dream last night....please interpet....?
For all you sages, chaldeans, and magi's......
I had a dream about a physically beautiful woman....hot body...
but no face!!!.....she is about 5'3"-5'4"...slender, brown-black hair....but no face!!!!....she was wearing a flower print dress....and washing dishes in a blue kitchen....and I was in love with her! What the heck does this mean?

2007-06-21 07:36:56 · 6 answers · asked by Experimental876 4

Ok, so I had a dream once where I was in a very empty parking lot. I was in an old beat up gold colored cadillac. I was in this dream all alone. I was backing up out of a spot and had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting a car that came screeching very fast behind me. The action of slamming on the brakes actually jolted me and woke me up. I awoke (I was sleeping next to my fiance) and he then asked me if i was awake and i told him i had just woken up from a wierd dream, i was still half asleep and mumbled something about a car. He then told me that he had just woken up from a dream at the same time i did. In his dream he was driving in an empty parking lot in an old beat up gold cadillac. He was excited that he was by himself and he was driving around very fast and had to slow down when he realized there was a car backing up out of a spot.
Is it possible that he and i shared this dream? Him being the car that i braked for and vice versa? How odd is this?

2007-06-21 07:30:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

im single and i keep having wet dreams someone make them go away

2007-06-21 07:01:47 · 12 answers · asked by Ashley D 1


This dream started out normal.
I was on the phone with a friend that was confused about the recent news of another friend of ours that passed away. While I was making clear the facts 3 women came into my presence. One directly (she tried to distract me while I was on the phone) I said something to her quickly then I noticed my friend hung up. I said "HellO?" "HellO!".

So then the first woman became the focus of the dream She was saying things to me but it was blocked out of my hearing I backed her against the wall in a dominating and flirtatious way. The evening light shined dimly into the room. I Took her by the window where the other 2 were and started to handle all three. They all came together but didn't seem to be friends, they all had domineering energy and once the other two saw that I was with the 1st woman their energy did not change but they wanted me too.

2007-06-21 04:41:11 · 3 answers · asked by Ophiuchus 3

I dreamt that I walked into a cave & married the devil in the disguise of a floating joker face. we even slept in the same bed together (no intercourse). the following day (in the dream) i had a fight w/the face & headed out into my own real life livingroom (which was somehow located in the cave) to talk to my mom, sister, & grandmother. however, the face was so filled w/anger that it transformed into one of these evil talking trees & thrusted its head through the door window to yell at me. it brought along things like ghosts w/horrifying faces, black clouds&thunder, etc. i had to shield my grandmother from the horror so she would not die of fright, but she didn't make it & when she died, her body was placed against the wall & covered w/vines that ate her corpse. she died w/BRIGHT sky blue eyes & a golden crown placed upon her head. the devil's assistants (my STEPFATHER included as one of them!) took my sis, hung her over a ledge, & burned her. my mom & i were the only ones left

2007-06-21 03:05:48 · 3 answers · asked by whoaa tay bby! 1

I was at the waters/ocean's edge.
Someone kind of gave me this white rabbit.
I then, threw the little rabbit out into the ocean, (i seem to have thought this was fun or funny or something).

Then my friend (or the person who gave mne the rabbit) said something like --"oh no, rabbit is drifting out to sea"
I got a little worried and waded out a little bit but then stopped for some reason.

Later, on the beach i heard some kind of crying and i looked and there was the little white rabbit, wet and cold, i guess kind of hurt from the whole drifting-out-to-sea ordeal.
Then I work up.
Yes I know irts kind of a corny dream, but please tell me what it means???

2007-06-21 01:01:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

For some reason I'm frequently unable to see in my dreams, not always totally blind I just can't see anything but outlines....happens all the time....what does it mean??

Also had a dream the other night that I was in a nightclub and was carrying my headstone - they wouldn't take it in the cloakroom and I had to haul it round with me all night.....I'm only slightly alarmed by that!!!!

2007-06-21 00:07:32 · 5 answers · asked by piscesgroove 3

I am in a time after "the world has ended" but I have survived. The ground in flat smooth rock and there are very few of us. We are instructed to keep a guid with us at all times. There is a zoo like building with very narrow hallways and very close cages filled with monkeys. There are several rooms like this that are connected by doors. At the end the building has a big dome ceiling that has stars displayed. Two monkeys at the end two cages are apes. They are able to reach through the bars. A boy goes into the hall and they attack him. I go and tell the zoo keepers who are on top of a roof because the ape got out. We see the ape from the rooftop and the female keeper shoots it in the head. I decide having guides doesn't matter, escpecially since our guides are cats. My attitude is if something is going to happen its going to happen no matter what. The last part of my dream, there is a picture with a blur, then it begins to pixelate and becomes a cat.

2007-06-20 20:36:52 · 7 answers · asked by lilmisserikakane 1

I had a dream where I was in a rocky area with some people. There were different types of snakes in this dream, one of them happened to be a black two headed snake. I was being instructed to pick it up and I held it behind it's heads to avoid being bit, yet I was still bitten. I can't remember the other snakes now, although I do recall being bitten. Also at some point in the dream, there was a black wolf on the other side of a fence. He was very close to us and crossed the fence to our side. He did us no harm but it was wild to see one so close. I usually have pretty vivid dreams and I usaully am very good at remembering every detail of them but lately, not so much.
I know that people say that being bitten by a snake in a dream represents being hurt with words or something, but I really haven't had that sort of situation in my life, except for being fired from a job I had just started after only three weeks. :( Supposedly because people didn't enjoy the massage I gave.

2007-06-20 20:29:52 · 7 answers · asked by lilmisserikakane 1

and why does it feel more real when I'm dreaming than when I'm awake?

2007-06-20 19:55:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this possible that she does not dream (or even remember dreams)? She is not on any major medications either. I dream (and remember them often) quite vivid dreams. Please, serious, informed answers only. Thanks everyone.

2007-06-20 18:28:48 · 8 answers · asked by James R 1

Before someone I love gets sick or even dies, I already know it, before I even get the call. I usually dream about them or they are really heavy on my mind for a few days non stop. So I usually pray for this person, my guess is that God is putting them on my heart.

In one of my dreams I dreamed this preacher in his early 50s who was my cousin, died of a heart attack, a short time later, I found out that is exactly how he died. I dont want to be the messenger of bad news, so I have kept quite.

My last dream was of my brother-in-law, In my dream he was walking up the stairs, and he was really slim, had lost a lot of weight, I got a call not too long ago and I heard he had lost weight, and he has colon cancer. I almost wish I didnt have this, for some reason it scares me. I am a christian so please dont tell me I'm sycic, I believe thats wrong.

2007-06-20 17:43:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering, can anything affect if you dream or not. I enjoy dreams but I don't have them anymore. Is their any way to sleep or help you dream. Why do some people have them and others dont?

2007-06-20 17:01:40 · 8 answers · asked by Rachel 2

alright so i keep having these dreams where i'm in an ocean but i'm just floating there happily peacefully and alive! whenever i am submerged in any type of water i always just feel like a part of it! and if i don't swim i get really thirsty and hot like a fish out of water. i also know quizzes are totally random but every time i take an elment quiz or godess quiz it comes out as water one even said my soul was born in the ocean. so...

2007-06-20 14:08:05 · 16 answers · asked by KiKi-chan 1

5 years ago i had this dream and i need help with understanding it

i was walking down the road where i live and my friend sean was speeding up to me on his moped and told me he needs to get me home because i was in trouble because a man was after me
i get on his moped with him and he tock me home

i woke up that morning and the dream was really bugging me about 3 hours later i was told that sean had died that night
i really do need to understand this dream as its been 5 years since he died and im no closer to figgering out what it means

2007-06-20 11:35:39 · 12 answers · asked by animal 2

my fiance had a dream last night that my 2 year old daughter's hand fell off and we had to reattatch it somehow. in his dream she wasn't in any pain, but he and i were freaking out about it. just out of curiosity, do any of you know what this symbolizes?

2007-06-20 09:51:05 · 6 answers · asked by LoriBeth 6

2007-06-20 09:48:27 · 8 answers · asked by itsnot4girls 2

I have dreamt twice now about a wolf, one time it was attacking me from behind a door and I was struggling to fight it off. What does this mean and why twice in the same month?

2007-06-20 05:23:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a dream last night and me and my band we're doing our firt show. everybody shoved wires through their hearts (in the crowd) and everything was a mess. plus a person I fired was up there with me. please someone tell me what this mean!

2007-06-20 04:20:29 · 6 answers · asked by Chaos 1

okay here is the quick rundown , i had the discovery channelon and it was talking about the history of the devil, anway i guess i had fallen asleep and in my dream i was in church but this lady was trying to possess me , and i started speaking in tounges , and kinda shaking , but when i woke up i was realy doing this . i don't know about the speaking in tounges part but i know i was speaking in a language i don't even know, can someone help me out here?

sorry for the misspellings

2007-06-20 04:13:28 · 10 answers · asked by delana 4

I've read many many procedures on how to interpret my own dream but I really can't get it....
Please tell me the easiest way on how to interpret it on my own...

2007-06-20 03:15:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-20 02:14:20 · 8 answers · asked by Antoine J 5

I was on here the other day with this.I have been having dreams and day dreams that i pass away to be with my boyfriend or God gives him a second chance.I cant concentrate cuz theses dreams come in my head.They all end the same way,me and some1 else take him to the hospital wait for his results,the doctor says hes healthy and can go home.The other night i got on my knees and prayed to a statue angel that i can be with my boyfriend again,that God can have anything and everything,even me for my boyfriend to live again,when i was done i felt like some1 was with me the whole night,i was scared but relieved,and yesterday my heart litterally hurt and my head hurt,but not a headache but worser,i felt scared but relieved,cuz maybe im getting closer to be with him again.I had a dream that my counslor gave me a physic # and she told me i would be with my boyfriend on July 27th,his bithday,at 2:00pm,not sure if it is his bitrth time..Im convinced God is trying to tell me something.Is he?

2007-06-20 01:49:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-20 01:26:46 · 6 answers · asked by shock_girl 1

How often do you have such dreams, and how do you interpret what they mean?

2007-06-19 21:28:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was dreaming about my ex going to school in the river and then he came and talked to me. (my ex broke up with me a couple months ago he's a leader at a camp this summer. we haven't talked since we broke up except talking a couple times on aim but not really anything important except him asking me if I had any boyfriends and I said no. what is going on in my dream that's effecting my life? can someone please explain to me in detial if possible what he's thinking in my dream and what im doing in his dream? thanks

2007-06-19 21:22:23 · 3 answers · asked by princess 2

Don't be mean about this, I'm not psycho. I'm not going to say I hear voices cause that's just crazy. Maybe I'm still dreaming or something, but when I'm in the state where I'm not awake but not asleep, I've heard a man's voice. It's happened to me twice and scared the hell out of me. Both times I was by myself and the TV and radio were off so it wasn't that. The first time, it was really loud and sounded like it was coming from right in front of my face. It sounded like "Are you awake?" The second time I was stretching and when I brought my elbow down I heard someone say "oof" like I hit them. I never opened my mouth so it wasn't me. Once, I awoke because I knew someone was in my doorway and when I looked over I heard a noise like rushing wings and all but passed out. Am I nuts?

2007-06-19 19:38:06 · 11 answers · asked by hating the imprints & the girl 3

i had some dreams about demons.....they were everywhere. I was terrified and was praying in my dream.my dream was also kinda dark what does that mean

2007-06-19 19:37:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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