I know there are similiar questions on this subject that have already been answered on here but i thought i'd just ask a question from my situation.
In my group at college most of the people are very loud and outspoken, i feel very uncomfortable around these people and i feel i cant say anything infront of them because i'll make myself look stupid. However,i have made a few good friends who are on the same level as me, who i can be myself infront of and we have a laugh together, then as soon as it goes back to being infront of the loud people, i go really quiet and hardly say anything, i try but i just cant. none of the loud people can understand why i'm quiet, they think i'm being rude or ignorant. it's so difficult for me and i'm now known as the girl who never speaks, which frustrates me because i know that i'm not that girl, not meaning to sound big-headed but i can make people laugh and i am a happy person but i just cant break out of the shell incase people dont like it!:(
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Other - Social Science