I know this sounds weird. I do like to look at teen girls. But I find a girl, any girl really, disgusting when they are naked. I'm not big into nudity of any form and I don't really find it too arousing. Like I would prefer to go to a mall to see all the girls walking around in tank tops, short short and flipflops then go to a strip club. Legs and feet and sometimes hands are my thing. I do not have a thing for butts, breasts, etc. Is this weird? I also usually prefer to look at girls under 21. But who doesn't. I'm a male in my 20's by the way. I am much more aroused to see a girl in a situation such as at a diner late a night, dressed up like she is getting back from a school dance then to see the same girl naked. Also, if she takes off her shoes, that drives me nuts. Is this common? Also if she is wearing stockings, I think it is more arousing to her legs and feet. Also, if I see a teen girl in a real school uniform, I also find that arousing. Is this wierd?
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