On an Electronics project I'm working on, I need to light and LED if at least two of the four inputs are at a logic 1. The boolean for this would be:
Obviously I can simplify this to:
But still, I'm using too many gates.. Is there any way to simplify this even more?
Or, as a bonus alternative, is there a chip that takes 4 inputs and gives a different output depending on how many inputs are at a logic 1?
I also need to do this for 3 LEDs, the boolean for which would be (A.B.C)+(A.B.D)+(A.C.D)+(B.C.D)
Which simplifies to (A.((B.C)+(B.D)+(C.D)))+(B.C.D)
-> (A.((B.(C+D))+(C.D)))+(B.C.D)
Which, again, takes too many gates.
So, simplification of the two boolean statements would be wonderful, or information of a [common] chip that takes 4 inputs and gives an output dependant on the number of inputs that are at a logic 1, please!
1 answers
asked by
Genki G