"Space" is where everything occurs, but so is the universe. The difference between space and the universe is this: the universe consists of all matter. Space consists of...space. The thing is, once you get to the edge of the universe, space just keeps on going...and going...and going, ad infinitum. Try and get your head around what that really means. It means that nothing is of any true size; if it weren't for stuff with which to compare other stuff, there would be no way to measure. No measure ment is absolute; every measurement and every dimension depends on other measurements and dimensions. Space has no dimensions; there is no place where you can go and say, "Over there is where space begins." Nothing contains the entirety of space. Space is infinite in every direction. The universe is flat, they say, but space is not constrained by any concept of geometry...or distance. My mind boggles when I try to conceive the inconceivableness of SPACE.
Any thoughts on this?
8 answers
asked by
Gregory T