Question: Galileo discovered the four major moons of the planet Jupiter in 1610. The nearest one, Io, has a period of 1.7699 days and is 5.578 Jovian radii (Radius of Jupiter) from the center of the planet. Use this data (not from your book's table of planetary information) to calculate the density of Jupiter.
Okay, I've discovered that the Period in seconds is 152919.36 seconds.
Here are some relevant equations:
Density= Mass/volume
Volume= (4/3)*pi*r^3
Period^2=((4*pi^2)/(G(Mass of Jupiter)))*r^m
I know I need to figure out what the Mass of Jupiter is and the radius of Jupiter too. In addition, I need to then find the mass and volume in order to get the density.
Please help me if possible, any information is greatly appreciated!
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