Me again
Fact: Bugs have a body diameter of only 2cm as they breather through spiracles and not lungs. The ratio of respiration with a concentration of oxygen at 21% (todays enviroment) prevents them from getting bigger as it would be extremely difficult to load oxygen over a lobnger distance to respirinig tissue.
This prevents bugs getting any bigger than 2cm in diamtere
Execptions to this are things like Stag or Rhino beatles, but their large body index is due to their exoskelteon casing, which is made up of chitin and is non respiring.
Back in the days..lets use evo years for arguments sake
bugs were gigantic, Everyones favourite paleontologist ross Geller from Friends has a fossil of A dragon fly with a wingspan over 30 inches on his wall i am sure you have all seen it.
Ok here's the second fact
A dragon fly may rise to an enormopus size and have a wing span over 20 inches becuase it's able to load its body with enoguh oxygen
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