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Science & Mathematics - 18 September 2007

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T one time there was only two kindoms, Plantae and Animalia. Then a third kingdom was formed. What was this third kingdom? Why was it formed?

2007-09-18 14:49:41 · 3 answers · asked by Gabbs 3 in Biology


2007-09-18 14:46:39 · 6 answers · asked by mexicanmorra_12692 1 in Mathematics

What class is it and where are the fulcrum, effort and load?

2007-09-18 14:46:14 · 1 answers · asked by just somebody 1 in Engineering

I am trying to transport logs over a rough terrain, I think the best method maybe to suspend wire cable between two trees and use an electric winch to raise the logs and then move the load along the cable.

2007-09-18 14:44:57 · 2 answers · asked by ? 5 in Engineering

My calc teacher is horrible and explains things so bad. I really don't understand how to do this problem. Thank you!

2007-09-18 14:44:49 · 2 answers · asked by Paulllll C 3 in Mathematics

A cylindrical container with a cross-sectional area of 65.2cm^2 holds a fluid of density 806 kg/m^3. At the bottom of the container the pressure is 116 kPa.

What is the depth of the fluid?

What equation do i have to use to figure depth out

2007-09-18 14:41:45 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-09-18 14:40:12 · 4 answers · asked by Samantha RIOT! 2 in Chemistry

What is the normal force of the pool bottom on the rock (in Newtons)?

2007-09-18 14:39:58 · 2 answers · asked by ryoukai_chang 1 in Physics

A 0.37 kg particle moves in an xy plane according to x(t) = - 16 + 2 t - 2 t3 and y(t) = 19 + 5 t - 4 t2, with x and y in meters and t in seconds. At t = 0.6 s, what are (a) the magnitude and (b) the angle (relative to the positive direction of the x axis) of the net force on the particle, and (c) what is the angle of the particle’s direction of travel?

2007-09-18 14:39:21 · 1 answers · asked by keeptheuroalive 2 in Physics

2007-09-18 14:33:48 · 3 answers · asked by cayla s 1 in Biology

A soccer player kicks a rock horizontally off a 38.0 m high cliff into a pool of water. If the player hears the sound of the splash 3.4 s later, what was the initial speed given to the rock? Assume the speed of sound in air to be 343 m/s.

2007-09-18 14:33:29 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

What is the function of each and example of each

2007-09-18 14:33:10 · 4 answers · asked by Kat 2 in Biology

One of the fastest recorded pitches in major-league baseball, thrown by Billy Wagner in 2003, was clocked at 101.0 mi/h (Fig. P3.22). If a pitch were thrown horizontally with this velocity, how far would the ball fall vertically by the time it reached home plate, 60.5 ft away

2007-09-18 14:29:46 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

list the subunits that makes up each of the following
cellulose, proteins, polypeptides, fats, nucleic acids, glycogen, enzymes, and starch.
Its for a project that is due tommorow please help me i need to know all the sub units of all of them

2007-09-18 14:29:28 · 3 answers · asked by money pimp 1 in Biology

A stinky meteorite just fell in Peru, making hundreds sick. Is this for real, or do the locals take just their comics too seriously? Alley Oop et al's Aug-Sep 2007 adventure was to save Moo from the toxic fumes of a meteorite. A pure coincindence would be mind boggling.

2007-09-18 14:29:00 · 3 answers · asked by Dr. R 7 in Astronomy & Space

2007-09-18 14:26:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I realize that a(b+c) = ab + ac. It works. But why? I can create a geometric proof... even an algebraic proof... so see how it works for integers. But how can it be verified that it works for all rational and irrational and even transcendental numbers?

2007-09-18 14:24:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-09-18 14:24:23 · 2 answers · asked by oh snap! 1 in Biology

In the javelin throw at a track and field event, the javelin is launched at a speed of 31 m/s at an angle of 36° above the horizontal. As the javelin travels upward, its velocity points above the horizontal at an angle that decreases as time passes. How much time is required for the angle to be reduced from 36° at launch to 19°?

2007-09-18 14:23:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

I don't understand this...PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!! thanks

A train travels between stations 1 and 2. The engineer of the train is instructed to start from rest at station 1 and accelerate uniformly between points A and B, then coast with a uniform velocity between points B and C, and finally accelerate uniformly between points C and D until the train stops at station 2. The distances AB, BC, and CD are all equal, and it takes 5.00 min to travel between the two stations. Assume that the uniform accelerations have the same magnitude, even when they are opposite in direction.
a) How much of this 5.00 min period does the train spend between points A and B?
b) How much of this 5.00 min period does the train spend between points B and C?

2007-09-18 14:20:58 · 1 answers · asked by lilcbcgurl 1 in Physics

When it has reached a height of 590 m, its engines suddenly fail so that the only force acting on it is now gravity.

What is the maximum height this rocket will reach above the launch pad?
How much time after engine failure will elapse before the rocket comes crashing down to the launch pad?
How fast will it be moving just before it crashes?

2007-09-18 14:20:23 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

I don't understand these...PLEASE HELP!!! thanks

Two cars are traveling along a straight line in the same direction, the lead car at 25 m/s and the other car at 35m/s. At the moment the cars are 45m apart, the lead driver applies the brakes, causing the car to have an acceleration of –2.0m/s(squared).
a) How long does it take for the lead car to stop?
b) Assume that the driver of the chasing car applies the brakes at the same time as the driver of the lead car. What must the chasing car’s minimum negative acceleration be to avoid hitting the lead car?
c) How long does it take the chasing car to stop?

An ice sled powered by a rocket engine starts from rest on a large frozen lake and accelerates at 13.0m/s(squared). At t1 the rocket engine is shut down and the sled moves with constant velocity v until t2. The total distance traveled by the sled is 5300 m and the total time is 90.0s. Find t1, t2, and v

2007-09-18 14:19:39 · 1 answers · asked by lilcbcgurl 1 in Physics

What is the container's volume?

What is the pressure if the temperature is raised to 150 degrees Celsius?

2007-09-18 14:17:37 · 2 answers · asked by ryoukai_chang 1 in Physics

does anyone know how to do this?...im really confused and don't know how!thanks

A professional race-car driver buys a car that can accelerate at 5.9 m/s(squared). The racer decides to race against another driver in a souped-up stock car. Both start from rest, but the stock-car driver leaves 1.0s before the driver of the sports car. The stock car moves with a constant acceleration of 3.6 m/s(squared).
a)Find the time it takes the sports-car driver to overtake the stock-car driver.
bFind the distance the two drivers travel before they are side by side.
c)Find the velocities of both cars at the instant they are side by side

2007-09-18 14:15:51 · 1 answers · asked by lilcbcgurl 1 in Physics

i know math isnt the end of the world
history is but i really hate it

1) 4 to the third power divided by 2 - 6 to the third power divided by three

2) 2 to the third power divided by 2 - three to the second power divided by three

3) 3 . 3 . 4 - 3 . 2 . 5
4) 3 . 3 to the fourth power - 3 . 2 to the fifth power
5) 3 to the fourth power . 3 - 2 to the fifth power . 3
6) one more than the product of x and 7
7)the difference between the cubes of x and y
8)three times x, decreased by three times y
9)twelve increased by the qoutient of x and 6
10) the product of 5 and the square of x
11) the sum of x and the fifth power of y
12) the qoutient of 1 and the product of x and y

2007-09-18 14:14:28 · 6 answers · asked by Ashley S 2 in Mathematics

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