With all the Nuclear and Atomic threats in the world today, not to mention all the blasts that have been in the past, isn't it feasable that a strong enough explosion in any specific angle from our planet would affect the orbit it has around the sun? Very much like the shuttle and satillites use relatively small bursts to adjust their orbits, one would think that the size of our nuclear explosions would easily (if not already has) thrown our planets orbit at a differnt variation of it's origanal path. I'm not saying 1 blast would send us into the sun or out of the system, but we could think it's possible that some of this global warming could be attributed to a slightly decreased distance from the sun as well as the other attributes of polution and the destruction of our rain forests.
What are some other peoples thoughts on this? Or am I just being a "worry wart"? <(^-^)>
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Astronomy & Space