"MTH 1473 Math For Critical Thinking" is the easiest class. As you can see, the classes get harder as you go down. You shouldn't take the easiest class just to make it a blow-off class. Take calculus. It's not hard at all. Challenge yourself.
2006-11-20 08:29:42
answer #1
answered by عبد الله (ドラゴン) 5
Admissions committees do look at full scores. Math may not be "the same" as English, but your ability to perform math functions (perhaps not trinomials, but others in major classes/exams) can signal your logical ability. Also, funny as it sounds, some things like diagramming sentences, understanding languages (like Old English, Shakespeare's Modern English, and everything in between), and balancing grammatical structures is very much like a mathematical equation. I wouldn't blow off your math courses, but I would aim at getting a respectable score.
2016-05-22 00:50:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I suggest you to try *MTH 1715 College Algebra and Trigonometry. Since there are multiple subjects studied in one course, I will assume that all materials will be boarder and not in depth, which would make the course easier.
2006-11-20 08:36:46
answer #3
answered by Sora Aoi 2
Normally, the lower a number (at least in introductory courses), the simpler the course. What you really ought to check out, though, is which courses satisfy the requirements for the degree you are seeking. If you are attending a 4-year, that should be easy enough to accomplish. If, as I suspect, you're at a 2-year, you should talk to a counselor about which courses are likely to transfer (or contact a counselor at your intended 4-year to ask the same question).
2006-11-20 08:31:50
answer #4
answered by bgdddymtty 3
College Algebra is the easiest.
2006-11-20 08:47:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It really depends on the instructor teaching the course. Talk to students who have taken the instructors and get their opinions before you take a strangers word from the internet.
2006-11-20 08:36:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
math 1513
2006-11-20 08:35:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i say analytic geometry and Calculus I
***best of luck*** (i suck at math too... though i kinda like it when i get the answers right) :D
2006-11-20 08:37:41
answer #8
answered by Jaiz Z 1