I have been working on theories regaurding dark matter which no one has been able to explain what , or where it is. I bealive that the dark matter is right infront of our face, (empty) space. My theory states that for any thing to exist it must have mass(no matter how small that mass may be). If space truely was nothingness as most scientist belive, there would be no way for energy from the sun to reach the earth. Energy moves in waves, these waves must pass through an oblect with mass in order to trasfer its self from one place to another. To describe this I use dominoes, lay out a set of 20 dominoes then have a space of 10 inches between the next set of five. When you push on the first dominoe in the set of ten just those ten fall over, when they reach the gap the dominoes energy stops( as energy must pass through an object with mass to move) Does my theory hold water? I have around 30 theories that I am working on if any one wants to hearmore of them let me know.
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Astronomy & Space