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Pregnancy - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

She has never missed one before. Is it possible to just be a few days late? Then have your period later?

2007-01-22 16:26:58 · 21 answers · asked by jermaine350 2

well i know im pregnant cause at night and sometimes during the day i feel something move inmy stomach and i should be 6 months pregnant. but anyways how do i tell my boyfriend that i am pregnant ..........advice please im only 15 and he is 16

2007-01-22 16:20:58 · 27 answers · asked by *pretty girl* 1

Okay so here it goes.....I had sex on the day of my ovulation but we were using the "pull and pray" method. By the way just a little background information I'm 19. So, I was 4 days late on my period and a little stressed, but once I realized I was on it I stopped worrying. Recently, I have been feeling very pregnant. EXTREME nausea and headaches, excess saliva, sore boobs, crazy mood swings, tiredness.....Well, when I thought I was in the clear with my period my sister let me take some accutane, only 1 (I have been perscribed that a few years ago). Now I am extremely worried that if I am pregnant, my baby could suffer serious birth defects. I'm so scared.

If I were pregnant I would be 7 and a half weeks....

2007-01-22 16:08:10 · 11 answers · asked by whitney w 1

my friend is 13 and she got pregnant by a 19 yr old. no the 13 yr old is not me its really my friend. she told her mom, and her mom freaked out. and in PE when we changed in the lockers she showed people her stomachand you can tell shes pregnant. but she wears big shirts so you cant really notice, plus shes only like 3 months. shes not telling the PE teachers but i told her she should because doing PE can harm the baby. she is not getting an abortion, she doesn't want to tell the school because she thinks they will expell her and stuff. wil they really? and what should she do? i'm trying to help her out.

2007-01-22 16:05:55 · 26 answers · asked by amy 1

I would like to know are you allowed to go on air plane while u r pregnant? If yes, how many months of pregnancy???

2007-01-22 16:03:56 · 10 answers · asked by Bun#2 in the oven 2

I took a pregnancy test, it was an ept, which is a plus sign is positive, and a minus if negative...well, at first i thought it was negative then i looked at it again and there is a faint line going up and down, resulting in a plus sign, i ran it up to my husband and he agreed that there was a line, now my question is, do you think that it could be wrong, because the line is so faint. Now also i am on trazadone for sleeping, should i not take it tonight?

2007-01-22 16:01:52 · 20 answers · asked by alexandra82387 2

I am 30 weeks pregnant and am supposed to be counting his movments. However, he doesn't move at any predictable time and his movements go from having a spaz attack and non stop one day to almost not moving at all the next. I get really worried when he doesn't move. Am I just being over paranoid?

2007-01-22 15:54:37 · 14 answers · asked by eva 1

ok i have asked a lot and ok i have one last thing to ask "what dose the plug falling out looks like" i don't know if it happened last night or not with me so i need help

2007-01-22 15:54:34 · 6 answers · asked by justinandbarbi 2

I am writing an essay on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and i completely went blank!!! HELP PLZ

2007-01-22 15:53:48 · 11 answers · asked by Gui 2

If you go by my period date, I am 5 weeks pregnant. If you go by when I ovulated, I am 3 weeks pregnant. So when I want to look up, growth of baby, symptoms...etc. which week do I go by? Aren't most time lines based on your last period?

2007-01-22 15:46:41 · 16 answers · asked by Westi 2

Hey here is what has happened.
My period was supposed to show up on Jan 15, but it didnt. Yesturday i felt dizzy and sort of nausuous. Today my back hurts and my stomach feels different, a different im not used to. Im on the pill and currently in a rural area too far from a place to buy a test, so i was planning on doing that on saturday when i get to see my fiance. But i dont want to get his hopes up. Already he seems happy, even though it just a possiblity since i skipped my period. What do you think are my chances of being pregnant?

2007-01-22 15:45:41 · 4 answers · asked by Leslie N 2

I am having such a hard time doing anything lately. I am always so tired and cranky. And i cant even go from one room to another without being out of breathe. I have had a fever for the past 2 days that usually comes @ night. .. I guess im trying to ask is, what can i do so i will feel a little better and what not? Thanks!

2007-01-22 15:39:40 · 10 answers · asked by Jessica D 2

i just found out i am pregnant and have been experiencing cramps. is that normal?

2007-01-22 15:27:46 · 6 answers · asked by vempire 1

So, I lost mine and my husband's first baby. (I had a bad fall on ice.) My mom was telling me about her aunt from her father's side (blood related), who couldn't have kids, and adopted a son, and that son recently died like a year ago or something. So, is it possible that I can never get pregnant if I don't use condoms, the pill, etc? We have a family history of it of some sort.


2007-01-22 15:25:14 · 17 answers · asked by Singer 1

My girlfriend has been feeling weird in her stomach and getting headaches. She said she is gets sick when she is around food and she has been a little tired lately. She has an eatting problem. Like she will go the whole day without eatting, but she also said that she has been going pee in the middle of the night and said that it isn't normal for her. She is about a week from having her period. I need to know if she is pregnant. Any answer would be awesome.

Thank you for the help.
Nervous Guy

2007-01-22 15:08:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

'm thirty six weeks pregnant and my doctor wants to do a amniocentesis when I'm thirtyseven weeks because I'm a general diabetic. And they want to perform an inducation, so they want to make sure the baby lungs are mature. But I'm still concern being that I'm so far a long. And I don't really know the risk. An a resident will be preforming the amniocentesis, but a Doctor will be there, but I'm stilll ver scared.

2007-01-22 15:03:00 · 10 answers · asked by Beatrice K 1

2007-01-22 14:58:12 · 15 answers · asked by blondie79 2

I had unprotected sex December 13. He pulled out but I know that there is always a possibility of pre-***. I was supposed to start my period on or around January 3rd. I have taken 5 tests. I took my first one on January 6 and then thoughtout the next 2 weeks I took the other 4. All negative results. The first 2 tests I took were Clear Blue Easy digital and then 2nd ones I took were EPT. All NEGATIVE but still no period. The last test I took was January 18th. I have been under a lot of stress and with me waiting to start my period it is stressing me out even more, which im sure isnt helping. Wouldn't the pregnancy hormone show up on the test since this happened over a month ago? What are the chances that I could be pregnant? Im so worried!!

2007-01-22 14:57:43 · 11 answers · asked by NeedinUrAdvice 1

please help me!! i have inserted my hole finger in ***** many time but there were no bleeding.i want to know that what is % of chance to come blood when i will do sex first time becouse next month i m going to do marrige and my husbond strongly belive that blood must come when girl do sex first time.

2007-01-22 14:55:51 · 25 answers · asked by Tina 1

I know that pregnant women aren't supposed to eat cold cuts because of the risk of listeria which is almost always harmless to the mom but is often fatal to the baby.

The recommendation is to heat any cold cuts until they are "steaming" which kills the bacteria. Now most of us don't like our cold cut sandwiches nice and steamy but I have found that a grilled ham & cheese is nice.

My question is, if I nuke the ham in the microwave, then let it cool a bit so I can have a more "traditional" ham & cheese sandwich, how long can I let it cool before it becomes a risk again? Could I stick it in the fridge for 20 minutes?

What do you think?

2007-01-22 14:54:34 · 14 answers · asked by Jen 3

Is there any tests my girlfriend can take that doesn't require a doctor or parents??

2007-01-22 14:52:49 · 7 answers · asked by justin_karp56 1

My girlfriend is still receiving her periods but we had unprotected sex a few times. I'm just wondering if she can still be pregnant? Also, is their any way to tell without a doctor to get a better understanding? She has missed a few days of taking the pill but has taked 2 or 3 in one day.. her last period came 2 days early, and im thinking it's because of the few days missed with taking the pill.. Her next period is in like 2 weeks.. gimme your thoughts.

2007-01-22 14:45:20 · 12 answers · asked by justin_karp56 1

I'm 20 weeks 2 days pregnant and I'm hungry way more than usual
I can eat a meal and be wanting something to eat like 2 hours later I drink lots of water but I still feel hungry anyone else feel like they can eat way more than they thought they ever could and way more often they ever could ?

2007-01-22 14:36:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can I get a diaper bag with flowers on it for a boy also even though its not pink or would that be too weird? To paint a better picture here is the diaper bag http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2466393&cp=2255982.2255980.2256158&view=all&parentPage=family ..... would this be considered a girls only bag? thanks

2007-01-22 14:33:38 · 20 answers · asked by cheerychumms 1


i have a girl and a boy on the way what names do u like?

Girls 1. June Elizabeth 2. Riley Raynae 3. Amanda May

Boys 1. Tristain Mark 2. Ryan scott 3. Aidan ray

2007-01-22 14:33:05 · 9 answers · asked by ArkansasMommy 2

A little background... I have a 10 1/2 year old DD. My DH and I have been TTC since April 2005. I just got a confirmed blood test with HCG level of 91. The day of my last period was Dec 18. My due date is Sept 24. Okay here goes. This pregnancy is nothing like the first no real morning sickness or breast tenderness. What I do have is low back pain, dry and stuffy sinuses, yeast infection like symptoms (mostly itching ..sorry about the TMI) and these weird pulling type pains around my c-section scar. I am extremely tired, I know that's normal. I'm just concerned about the other stuff...anyone who can shed light on this would be great. Thanks in advance

2007-01-22 14:32:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do real labor contactions feel like Vs. Braxton hicks? Also are they much stronger than braxton hicks? Details will help alot. Thanks.

2007-01-22 14:27:54 · 6 answers · asked by Daddy2BeAgainAndAgainAndAgain! 2

I had sex on the fourteen days after my period started in December (the 17th). I was two days late on my period but once I got it, I just dropped all the thoughts of being pregnant. Recently, I have been feeling EXTREMELY nauseous and tired. Deep down i feel like i am pregnant, what are the chances?

Additional Details

7 minutes ago
Also, my breasts have grown from an A to a B and I have gone from 99 lbs. to 104 lbs (naturally petite usually), I also have this burning sensation above a belly button along with a dull ache.

Thanks guys....any response is appreciated!

2007-01-22 14:24:23 · 7 answers · asked by whitney w 1

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