If you are against abortion or causing your own miscarriage, please do not comment this is very serious and right now the b/s isn't necessary. I have a friend that recently went to the doctor to have an STD exam, there is a possibility that she could be infected with gonheria or chlamydia. The doctors also told her she was 13 weeks pregnant. She doesn't want a child right now. It was a surprise becasue her stomach is the same size and she also been taking birth control for the entire 13 weeks of her pregnancy. She now tries home abortion rememdies because she has no money to afford a medical abortion. She overdoses on birth control, taking up to 4 to 5 pills a day. She also takes dietary supplents that contain ascobic acid 15 pills a day, that is suppose to be dangerous to a fetus. i am worried because she complains of cramping and she is spotting. Could her infecton be causing this problem or the home abortion rememdies, or both? Does any of these thing cause abortion?
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