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Pregnancy - January 2007

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like deff. not period spotting but just a few drops she cant take a test until 1/26 so what could have been that bleeding

2007-01-22 02:39:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, i know people ask this question frequently.. but i kinda just wanted my own answers from you.

I'm 14 almost 15 weeks pregnant.. and I am still not showing. I'm 5'5" and about.. 153 pounds. So, I'm not heavy and I'm not tiny.

When did you start showing.. or when is it more normal to start showing (this obviously being my first pregnancy)

Just wondering.

2007-01-22 02:39:42 · 19 answers · asked by Kristie 2

I want to know what should I do in my conditions. I know that I can have medical assistance with my social security but I really don´t know how to start or where to go. Can someone please give me some direction? I just have 1.5 months of pregnancy but I need to start taking medical care and assistance. I don´t have a private insurance and I don´t have the money to pay private doctors and hospitals. Thank you very much for answering as soon as possible.

2007-01-22 02:26:43 · 11 answers · asked by carreradelia 1

because my grandparents are trying to make me get one and I dont want to get one..

2007-01-22 02:24:37 · 20 answers · asked by juicybaby92 1

My fiance and i found out we are pregnant. He is getting his own apartment soon and i will be moving in with him shortly after the baby is born. He really wants a cat but i am really afraid of the baby getting sick because of diseases that cats can carry. (toxoplasmosis) only spread through the feces. I brought this up to him and he told me hopw it is only spread through Feces but i would still like to wait until the baby is older to have a cat how do i ask him nicely

2007-01-22 02:12:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been on & off with my guy for about 5 years. (our relationship is EXCTLY like Big & Carrie from sex & the city) We've not always "been there" for eachother, but we've been though a lot and now that we're back on and have been for the last 4 months and things are GREAT but there is chance that i could be pregnant, and i'm afraid he'll freak out.

I'm 23 and he's 33. Both of us have steady jobs and health insurance (cause i know someone will ask about that)

How can I calm my nerves and just "wait it out" without telling him that i'm concerned and risk having him get weird.

2007-01-22 02:06:47 · 6 answers · asked by UNeverKnow 1

Do you want another one???????? or are you exasted? and maybe JUST REALLY WANT YOUR FREEDOM BACK? maybe go back to school, go kareoking? what would you choose???????? I LOVE LOVE BABYS!!!!!!
I must be crazy you think???????? help me

2007-01-22 02:02:13 · 10 answers · asked by ? 3

Can rough sex cause a miscarriage? My cousin is a lesbian and was pregnant through a donor, but lost her baby two months ago due to a miscarriage. She tell me it was because she was having rough sex and was unaware it could harm the baby. I myself am 5 weeks pregnant and she is basically warning me not to have rough sex, Is this true can it hurt the baby? And i am still trying to find out exactly what rough sex is, me and my husband have had just our normal sex which i guess could be considered a little rough. I dont know though. Also, a thing i was thinking about, like i mentioned before she is a lesbian, so her sex could be a little bit diffrent then typical sex because she uses toys, etc. know what i mean.


2007-01-22 02:02:07 · 7 answers · asked by bree680u1 4

It says that I am 7 wks pregnant but I conceived on December 24th so wouldnt that mean I'm 4 wks pregnant?? Mothers..please help...I have to wait until Feb 2nd to go to my OB appt. and I wanna know now!

2007-01-22 02:01:14 · 8 answers · asked by errnmann 2

Im 22.4 weeks pregnant and off to egypt next Monday for a nile cruise for a week of sunshine. The flight is 5 hours long and doc has said everythings ok and Im good to go. Anyone have any advice for me whilst travelling when pregnant? anyone done anything like this whilst pregnant? all help appreciated

2007-01-22 01:57:46 · 5 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5

I am 2 months pregnant me and my partner has been together nearly 2 years and are so happy were going to have a baby together. recently ive spent alot of time thinking and im starting to worry if im going to make i good mum did anyone who was having or is having thier first child feel like this?

2007-01-22 01:50:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will I just feel it where the uterus is, or in other areas of my belly also? I am a first time mom, and I know I should be feeling something because I am having twins but am not sure what to look for.

2007-01-22 01:48:28 · 8 answers · asked by rico2534@sbcglobal.net 2

2007-01-22 01:47:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 15 weeks pregnant and sometimes when I pee I smell "period" or iron. You know what your period smells like, well sometimes I smell that when I pee. I have had no period since September 27, 2006 and there's been no blood. What could be the cause of this?

2007-01-22 01:39:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 9 weeks 4 days, and just recently when using the bathroom i wiped a pinkish discharge, later that night it was brownish, but nothing as of now. I had a miscarriage in September 2005 at 7 weeks. If it will help I am 27 years old. I am so scared that it could be happening again. I really want this child. Please help! and no cramps, just a little soreness in the lower abdomen, but not extreme. Sorry if this was TMI, I'm just scared.

2007-01-22 01:36:02 · 8 answers · asked by Shannonsfirst 2

Me and my husband are ttc for 6 months, I started to track my ovulation today is 3dpo me and my husband had sex on the 15,17,19 which was during my fertile time anf on my ovualtion day. Was wandering what are some things to look for that are differnt after ovulation that would indicate success? Its going to kill me to wait 10 more days to test.

2007-01-22 01:30:01 · 5 answers · asked by Just hanging around 1

How can you tell if you are pregnant by feeling yr abdomen because obviously its getting bigger but like what are am I feeling for??

2007-01-22 01:26:46 · 22 answers · asked by ilovedthewayshesaidla 1

i am 14 and have had a period evry 10 days that last about 4-5 days i have had this truble for 2 and a bit years
. will it stop me havin kids in the future

2007-01-22 01:20:03 · 13 answers · asked by jessicamannuk 1

Signs such as hungry alot,and sleepiness.

2007-01-22 01:17:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am ready. Does anyone have an natrual way to stimulate labor. I tried sex and nipple stimulation. STILL NOTHING. Are there any teas or anything.

2007-01-22 01:05:18 · 10 answers · asked by nellshay 2

i am only about 8 weeks preg and am not sure if a virus will affect my baby's development

2007-01-22 00:59:45 · 16 answers · asked by Meliskell 2

I am supposed to be giving birth in a play. should i scream and sweat and have someone hold my leg while i am giving birth. what should i wear to do the birth. plese help

2007-01-22 00:54:40 · 5 answers · asked by Kirsty y 1

right before i found out i was pregnant and period was 4 days late i started feeling small cramps and i thought i was getting my period....but obviously it never came. Is that normal?

2007-01-22 00:52:49 · 7 answers · asked by *Italian*<3*Floridian* 2

has anyone delivered at 31 weeks gestation i have a friend who is 31 weeks preg and id dilated and baby has dropped and is almost fully effaced she asked me to ask this question in this forum because she does not have the internet. if you have had a 31 weeker please tell me what the babies stay in NICU was if a stay was even needed.

2007-01-22 00:49:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-22 00:46:30 · 8 answers · asked by cutie19 2

Hello, my husband and I are planning on starting a family this summer and I can't help but start thinking about the whole pregnancy and delivery process right now. I am tremendously terrified of the thought of child labor and I would like some information on natural vs. drug assisted labor. I am afraid of pain but I am also afraid of drugs and needles that can cause permanent damage on your spine. I was wondering if people who have first hand experience on either could tell me the pros and cons and realities of what they went through. Thank you :)

2007-01-22 00:44:30 · 12 answers · asked by Pinky 1

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