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Pregnancy - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

somone plz help me im only 13 ,.. i used pertection but i think somthing went wrong

2006-09-04 12:31:09 · 21 answers · asked by Maranda D 1

Ive had two periods last month one the first week and one the last week and spotting in between!

2006-09-04 12:13:18 · 22 answers · asked by Kristi W 1

I am 18 weeks with my first set of twins. My middle name is Jordan. Do you think that my daughters middle name should be Jordan. My husbands middle name is Morgan. Do you htink that we should name our kids after our middle names, their middle names will be ours. We love the names Kaitlyn Morgan and Elizabeth Jordan Or Kaitlyn Jordan and Elizabeth Morgan. If you ever had twins please e-mail me. I want to chat with other moms or moms to be of twins. Thanks.

2006-09-04 11:52:52 · 30 answers · asked by Kylie B 1

i had just given birth c-section five days ago. i'm home now. i have blood coming out of my incision everytime i sit, cough, stand, bend etc. the doctor says this is normal.

i also had a c-section a year ago, but this never happened. has anyone experienced the same thing?

2006-09-04 11:43:54 · 12 answers · asked by *¤Little Mimi¤* 4

how early should you start feeling pregnancy syptoms, because im i havent had my preiod for two weeks now and i have been having stomach pains, migranes and my stomach feels swolling and i feel weak.

2006-09-04 11:40:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago, i bled with lots of clots and cramps for 2 weeks. the bleeding has stopped now and i was wondering if i should go to the doctors and get checked out even tho i feel soo much better than i did when i was pregnant.

2006-09-04 11:39:05 · 18 answers · asked by am_i_prego 1

i had sexual intercoure for the first tme. earlier i was just had sex without intercourse, but this time i had intercourse but i felt pain, and i dont think so that the the penis went totally in. but i fear i might get pregnant. my partner he had the condom on, but it tore and once he forgot to wear. please can you help. my mensturation date is 12th and today is 4th. will i have my periods?

2006-09-04 11:38:04 · 4 answers · asked by isha s 1

hi my name is mary and i was suppose to get my periode on the 31st but it didnt come and i took a prego test a couple weeks ago it cmae back positive now all the others come back negative and now today i started to spot waht dose this mean and i have been pregnant before i know when i am pregnant and when i am not could i be pregnant even though i am bleeding i bleeds the stops ? i have all the signs,

2006-09-04 11:29:23 · 10 answers · asked by ? 1

2006-09-04 11:20:53 · 15 answers · asked by tinasingh1982 1

2006-09-04 10:45:12 · 30 answers · asked by bobbi n 1

2006-09-04 10:37:55 · 9 answers · asked by bobbi n 1

Conceiving date would be August 30th, 2006 if I took a home pregnancy test one of the early ones would this show up....And if so what would be a good one to take....I read that there are some urine pregnancy tests that can show if your pregnant after 6 days of conceiving....let me know

2006-09-04 10:18:41 · 6 answers · asked by kck3186 1

2006-09-04 10:18:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 16 and a lot of my friends are getting pregnant. I counted 6 girls in the last year, and I live in a fairly small town.They all seem very happy, and I was wondering why are none of them upset about being pregnant at such a young age? I know they used protection, but how did so many of them get pregnant? Do you think they did it on purpose? Thanks for answering my question :)

2006-09-04 10:17:18 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey slept togther on dec 14th. but she also slept with another man. bu if its his baby she should have the baby on september six. but her due date is sept 11. if she does not have it on sept six does that mean is not his baby.

2006-09-04 10:12:25 · 14 answers · asked by cuttiee 1

i have taken four preg. test 3 came back faint positive. 2 came back negative. i stat college this week and cant focous and feel really tiered. my bf insists it cant be pregnant because he smokes so his fertility is low!is that true???

2006-09-04 09:59:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are some reasons you dont have your baby on your due date. could the date the baby was concived be wrong.

2006-09-04 09:54:29 · 9 answers · asked by cuttiee 1

Have any of you taken a pregnancy test (at when you thought you were about 4 weeks past conception) and still got a negative and later it turned out to be positive? If so why do you think it was? I took one at 4 weeks which turned out to be negative and just feel like i am and have numerous symptoms. I took the test at lunchtime after i hadalready been for a wee and had fluid inside me (so maybe it was too diluted and it was just a little wee) also my period wasnt due due to the fact im on the pill and take three packs and then a 7 day break as i suffer with painful periods.

2006-09-04 09:36:24 · 15 answers · asked by isla j 1


Did anyone expereiance any slight dizziness, in their warly weeks of pregnancy? Maybe it nausea??? ( Sorry first pregnancy if i am indeed pregnamt.) Kinda that on a boat feeling, just without the whole throwing up factor??

If pregnant i am 7 weeks 1 day. I get the results of the blood test tomorrow. ( man waiting sucks. I just had to take it on a holiday weekend!)

FYI: This is a wanted pregnancy. Thanks in advance for the answers and God Bless.

2006-09-04 09:29:26 · 7 answers · asked by ♥♥Soon to Be Mrs.F♥♥ 6

i saw my period 19 th 2004

2006-09-04 09:23:01 · 27 answers · asked by ham 1

I don't want to spend more than $50 per pair, do you know of any places that sell jeans and stuff that come in LONG sizes?

2006-09-04 09:20:30 · 7 answers · asked by Ask me anything! 2

And if it is true usually how long is it after this symptom starts?

I am 37 weeks and looking to get this out!!

2006-09-04 09:14:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you have any suggestions that a prego mommy can drink that doesn't have caffiene or a ton of sugar and no artifical sweeteners, like sacrin?

2006-09-04 09:10:20 · 27 answers · asked by Ask me anything! 2

Ok i had sex with my boyfriend and he used a condom and the sex wasn't long at all but the condom spilt open inside of me while he was cumming but see he told me it didn't shoot out it just like leaked out, and i'm only 15 i had my last period like a month ago i guess mine started in the middle of the month and like after i found out the condom broke i didnt even flinch, i just fell down crying my eyes out. and i was walking around alot and after the sex i was standing up and someone told me that i couldnt get pregnant if i stand up after sex. And this happened like 3 days ago and ronnie (my boyfriend) told his mom and his mom got me the morning after pill but my mom would let me take it cause it might kill me cause i'm small.
I dont keep track on my periods neither because i know when i'm going too start a day before my period but sometimes it skips and someone told having a period at the age can get funny. People are saying thereS A 98% chance i'm not pregnant.
me (9/4/2006 10:45:27 AM): hi i'm brittany s from yahoo answers
sam (9/4/2006 10:45:34 AM): hi
Sam (9/4/2006 10:45:43 AM): hope i didnt offent you
Sam (9/4/2006 10:45:47 AM): offend
me (9/4/2006 10:45:51 AM): no you didnt.
me (9/4/2006 10:46:21 AM): my boyfriends mom got me the morning after pill but my mom wont let me take it
Sam (9/4/2006 10:46:49 AM): thats not good hun, does your mum want to be a granny
Sam (9/4/2006 10:47:14 AM): or are you RC in faith
me (9/4/2006 10:47:41 AM): she wouldnt mind, but see my boyfriend doesnt think i'll get pregnant and same with my mom
Sam (9/4/2006 10:48:11 AM): OK then lets see
Sam (9/4/2006 10:48:20 AM): when was your period
me (9/4/2006 10:48:31 AM): like a month ago
me (9/4/2006 10:48:46 AM): it was like in the middle of the month
sam (9/4/2006 10:49:12 AM): Have you marked in your diary the date of the start
me (9/4/2006 10:49:58 AM): not really i dont keep track because i can feel it when i'm gonna start and i start spotting a few days before my period
Sam (9/4/2006 10:50:29 AM): OK how soon after your period did the 'accident' happen
me (9/4/2006 10:51:16 AM): this happened like 3 days ago and my period stopped like 6 weeks ago or a month ago
Sam (9/4/2006 10:51:45 AM): are your periods regular?
me (9/4/2006 10:52:15 AM): it really depends sometimes it skips a month or a few days
Sam (9/4/2006 10:52:30 AM): can I ask what age you are
me (9/4/2006 10:52:37 AM): i'm 15
Sam (9/4/2006 10:52:55 AM): Thats fine they can be a bit funny at that age
Sam (9/4/2006 10:53:28 AM): by this rekoning then you could be due one about now
me (9/4/2006 10:53:48 AM): what my period?
Sam (9/4/2006 10:53:51 AM): yes
me (9/4/2006 10:54:24 AM): i'm really worried when i found out the condom broke i started crying
me (9/4/2006 10:55:44 AM): i was looking all the up on the net and it says if your very active then you wont be pregnant on most chances, and my boyfriend said i'm too small too have a kid and i'm not delveped yet
Sam (9/4/2006 10:56:53 AM): the situation is this, at the time of your period you are least fertile, this means days before, during and after your period there is very little chance for you to be pregnant
Sam (9/4/2006 10:57:26 AM): If you have a period in the next few days then you are not pregnant.
Sam (9/4/2006 10:58:08 AM): a woman is most feritle during ovulation, this is about 10 days from the end of the last period
Sam (9/4/2006 10:59:19 AM): basically near the mid poind between two periods is when you most fertile
me(9/4/2006 10:59:30 AM): ok
Sam (9/4/2006 10:59:55 AM): outside this the chances of getting pregnant are at the lowest, very low infact
Sam (9/4/2006 11:00:02 AM): is this helping?
me (9/4/2006 11:00:11 AM): yes
me (9/4/2006 11:00:33 AM): so theres like a 90% chance i wont get pregnant
Sam (9/4/2006 11:01:25 AM): if your period is due about now then yes the chances are 98%
Sam (9/4/2006 11:02:01 AM): You will be really glad when this one does come!!
me (9/4/2006 11:03:03 AM): yeah i know =] ronnie (my bf) said theres a 15% chance i'll get pregnant
Sam (9/4/2006 11:03:17 AM): is he older
me (9/4/2006 11:03:25 AM): yeah
me (9/4/2006 11:03:27 AM): hes 17
Sam (9/4/2006 11:03:47 AM): I persume your mum is miffed with you
me (9/4/2006 11:03:58 AM): miffed?
Sam (9/4/2006 11:04:03 AM): not happy
me (9/4/2006 11:04:41 AM): inside she really isnt with the whole sex thing but him being 17 isnt really all that bad
Sam (9/4/2006 11:05:09 AM): what about his mun
me(9/4/2006 11:06:01 AM): she really does care as long as i'm not pregnant shes fine i guess but she is the one who got me the morning after pill
me (9/4/2006 11:06:11 AM): *doesnt
Sam (9/4/2006 11:06:32 AM): she seems to be more forward thinking
Sam (9/4/2006 11:06:45 AM): are you in the USA
me (9/4/2006 11:06:54 AM): yes
Sam (9/4/2006 11:08:29 AM): the morning after pill needs to be taken within 120 hours of sex, (that is 5 days) if you take it, it can upset you a little cause it is a high dose pill
me (9/4/2006 11:09:14 AM): hmmmmmmmm can we talk on the phone about this if thats cool with you
Sam (9/4/2006 11:09:37 AM): to be totally safe I think you should chat to your bf's mum. and explain that your mum wont let you take it..
Sam (9/4/2006 11:09:45 AM): i'm in the UK
me (9/4/2006 11:09:56 AM): ohhh lol
me (9/4/2006 11:10:06 AM): ronnies mom understands
me (9/4/2006 11:10:26 AM): mom wont let me take it because it can kill me
me (9/4/2006 11:10:40 AM): i'm 5 foot and i'm 106 pounds
Sam (9/4/2006 11:12:01 AM): A GP can advise on this for sure, but that sounds fine for your height and age
Sam (9/4/2006 11:13:59 AM): I can't see how it would kill you, thousands of them are taken by women every day.
me (9/4/2006 11:14:18 AM): yeah i know but my mom thinks it will kill me, she trying too ruin my life
Sam (9/4/2006 11:14:37 AM): Are you athletic, (fit), that is do you take regular exercise
me (9/4/2006 11:15:23 AM): i guess you can say fit i exercise like almost everyday
Sam (9/4/2006 11:15:57 AM): then it doesn't sound like a problem
Sam (9/4/2006 11:16:11 AM): do you or your mother have the tablets at the moment
me (9/4/2006 11:16:51 AM): we have one but my mom isnt really here now
Sam (9/4/2006 11:19:13 AM): If it was me, i would talk it. At 15 i would have too much life ahead of me to be worrying about things. But I can't make the decision for you. This is why I said to talk to your BF's mother and get another one and don't tell your mum you took it
Sam (9/4/2006 11:21:09 AM): I must tell you though about 50% of people who take the pill feel dizzy for a while after
me (9/4/2006 11:22:07 AM): well i might be going too a doctor tomarrow and my mom said if that pill shows up in the blood work shes gonna be mad
Sam (9/4/2006 11:22:46 AM): You will still be within the 120 hour window after then
Sam (9/4/2006 11:23:50 AM): if you can try to get to see the doctor WITHOUT your mum in the room, as this might hinder you from asking any questions you have
Sam (9/4/2006 11:24:40 AM): she might not want this but I feel you should insist, you can then speak freely with the doctor
me (9/4/2006 11:25:27 AM): yeah, but i heard it works greatly within 72 hours
Sam (9/4/2006 11:25:58 AM): its still effective beyond that
Sam (9/4/2006 11:26:07 AM): http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/0755.html
me (9/4/2006 11:26:26 AM): true
Sam (9/4/2006 11:26:29 AM): Have i helped at all
me (9/4/2006 11:26:54 AM): yes very much, but i'm still kinda worried that i might get pregnant
Sam (9/4/2006 11:27:20 AM): I think you breath a little easier from what i have heard
Sam (9/4/2006 11:27:37 AM): can i ask who was on top when it happened
me (9/4/2006 11:28:00 AM): my bf
Sam (9/4/2006 11:28:28 AM): did you only realise when he had finished and was pullin out
me (9/4/2006 11:28:49 AM): what do you mean?
Sam (9/4/2006 11:29:09 AM): when did you find out the condom split
me (9/4/2006 11:29:34 AM): after he took it out and was like "oh my god"
me (9/4/2006 11:30:06 AM): i didnt even flinch when i saw that i just fell crying
Sam (9/4/2006 11:31:23 AM): did you lie together long after he came, of did he come out of you more or less straight away after he came
me (9/4/2006 11:32:01 AM): no i was standing up the whole time after
me (9/4/2006 11:32:17 AM): i was crying too much too lay down
Sam (9/4/2006 11:32:35 AM): did any run out of you
me (9/4/2006 11:33:51 AM): then we went too CVS too see if they had any birth control pills but they didnt have any, well like right after the sex and all that like when i walking i felt wetness and i was like what the hell then ronnie said its the sperm coming out of you
Sam (9/4/2006 11:34:45 AM): its possible, though i'm not totally sure
Sam (9/4/2006 11:35:42 AM): thats why i was asking how long he was lying on top of you - after he *** but before he pulled out of your vagina
me (9/4/2006 11:36:27 AM): ohh it wasnt long at all
me (9/4/2006 11:36:46 AM): maybe like 3 to 5mins
me (9/4/2006 11:37:05 AM): after he *** he took it out
me (9/4/2006 11:37:12 AM): like really fast
me (9/4/2006 11:37:45 AM): he was on top of me for 4 mins then he starting cumming then we stopped like a sec later
Sam (9/4/2006 11:37:51 AM): did you get to see the condom
me (9/4/2006 11:38:00 AM): yes
Sam (9/4/2006 11:38:42 AM): was there a split or hole, (was his penis protuding thu the laytex)
me (9/4/2006 11:39:04 AM): it split
Sam (9/4/2006 11:39:51 AM): at the end ot the condom there is spermaside that helps kill the sperm
me (9/4/2006 11:40:21 AM): do they have that for all condoms?
Sam (9/4/2006 11:40:28 AM): yes
Sam (9/4/2006 11:40:41 AM): durex, jiffy etc
me (9/4/2006 11:40:55 AM): ohhh i thought it was for one type of condom
Sam (9/4/2006 11:41:17 AM): apart from the flavoured ones
Sam (9/4/2006 11:41:40 AM): most major brands like durex, jiffy etc have it
me (9/4/2006 11:42:07 AM): what about trogin or however you call it
Sam (9/4/2006 11:42:32 AM): they should have it as well you should be able to check the website
Sam (9/4/2006 11:43:07 AM): i can't understand why it split they are normally so reliable
me (9/4/2006 11:43:16 AM): i know
Sam (9/4/2006 11:44:14 AM): at least you are using them, there are too many silly people not using them
me (9/4/2006 11:45:15 AM): yeah i know thanks, i think ronnie accident put it in wrong like the condom cause he put it on in the dark
Sam (9/4/2006 11:46:04 AM): aww hun, sex in the dark don't sound good
Sam (9/4/2006 11:46:42 AM): well i hope i have helped in some way
me(9/4/2006 11:47:30 AM): you did, so do you think theres a huge chance i'm not gonna be pregnant
Sam (9/4/2006 11:48:04 AM): yea, I hope the period comes soon
Sam (9/4/2006 11:48:35 AM): you let me know how you get on, that is of your mum doesn't send you away to a convent
me (9/4/2006 11:49:06 AM): she wont
me (9/4/2006 11:49:39 AM): shes supporting me really because that night i was crying sooo much this was my 1st time too
me (9/4/2006 11:50:31 AM): and like i learned my lession tho, my mom was like "well if your pregnant your pregnant and fi your not atleast you got a good scare'
Sam (9/4/2006 11:50:52 AM): you mean you were a virgin
me (9/4/2006 11:51:00 AM): yeah
Sam (9/4/2006 11:51:07 AM): aww hun
Sam (9/4/2006 11:51:33 AM): how long were you going out
me (9/4/2006 11:51:44 AM): 3 months and 2 weeks
me (9/4/2006 11:52:02 AM): he wants too marrie me
Sam (9/4/2006 11:52:24 AM): i really how it works out ok
Sam (9/4/2006 11:52:28 AM): hope
Sam (9/4/2006 11:52:52 AM): were you afraid
me (9/4/2006 11:53:26 AM): afraid about what? the condom breaking?
Sam (9/4/2006 11:53:36 AM): no having sex for the first time
me (9/4/2006 11:53:53 AM): kinda
Sam (9/4/2006 11:54:59 AM): can i ask was your hymen broken before this or did it hurt because this was the first time it was broken
Sam (9/4/2006 11:56:13 AM): the reason i am asking is would this have possibley been a contributing factor for the condom splitting
me (9/4/2006 11:57:00 AM): it hurt cause it was my 1st time and it broke

2006-09-04 08:58:56 · 9 answers · asked by birttany s 1

If you know little about egg donation, Check here for more info:

2006-09-04 08:52:18 · 12 answers · asked by Pitt T 1

2006-09-04 08:41:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-04 07:55:25 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

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