Last September (2005) I started the depo shot. This was right after my second son was born. I was so good about continuing my depo shots on time etc. Well, somehow I missed my last depo shot. It was due no later than May 16th. Well, IF and WHEN my Hubbie and I did anything we STILL used a condom everytime (he is parranoid) the last time I can remember do anything was in the shower and the condom came off but not inside me. I found out the second week of June that I had missed my shot and I needed to take some pregnancy tests before I could get back on the shot. Well, Birthright offers free tests.. So I took one and there was a faint line which meant +. So we did 2 more the same day. Out of the 3, 2 looked + but 1 looked -. That same day I went to the doctor for a blood test which was -. 4 days later I took another urine test and it was +. Today I bought a home test and it was -. What is the deal?? I am still breastfeeding but that shouldnt matter. Am I prego or NOT?
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