My son who is 7 is due to start Junior school in a few days and at the new school is a pupil who has not got her hand. My son is absolutley petrifeid of going up to the new school because of this. We have sat down and explained that this pupil would not hurt him and that she has feelings too, and he understands all this and he is not being mailious or anything about this but he is really scared. He cried the whole time he was on a visit to the school and he just says that he is frightned of this pupil. I have been in contact with the school who basically said it's something he will have to get used to but how can i help him overcome this? The school don't want this pupil made to feel upset through this so they won't even consider "introducing" him to her so he can try and understand that she is just a normal little girl. The last thing i want to do is upset this other pupil with this but i am really in need of some ideas on what to do. I get the impression that the school dosen't care!
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