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Politics - 15 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I am for Hilary Clinton, because I agree with her thoughts on domestic programs, and that we definitely need to be spending more money on domestic issues before hypocritically trying to perfect other nations. Most of my friends (I am in High School, so most conversations about politics are really incompetent) say "If Hilary wins the election, I'm moving to Canada!" and then laugh like they said the most original joke out there. I ask them why they think Hilary would be such a bad president, and they don't have a true answer. I truly think it's because one person who opposes having a woman president started to say Hilary would be a horrible president, and so many people followed for they had no true opinion on the election, they just wanted to appear like they know about politics. I just want to know why people are against Hilary, and I want intelligent political answers here, not just that she's a bitc* (if she was a man she would be considered tough).

2007-06-15 05:39:06 · 17 answers · asked by kperk_56 2

Rangers recored during bush era

1989 83-79 .512 4th
1990 83-79 .512 3rd
1991 85-77 .525 3rd
1992 77-85 .475 4th
1993 86-76 .531 2nd

2007-06-15 05:35:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

It sure would be entertaining!

2007-06-15 05:28:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

How Demorcrats will do what ever it takes to pander to special intrest groups and to get elected no matter what it takes, even if it means ruining people's lives?

2007-06-15 05:26:52 · 5 answers · asked by Holbrook 5

How can anyone seriously consider voting for someone who is afraid of a news organization? If they're afraid of FOX News,how can we expect them to stand up to world leaders?

2007-06-15 05:22:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Consider Gaza gone - Israel will not have a fundy group right there. What do Palestinians think of this?

Israel and US aside, what do Palestinians think of this latest problem?
How about the deafening silence from the "Arab" world. Not one of these nations summoned the leaders of Fatah and Hamas to have a discussion - yet on the world stage they incessantly whine about Israel.
Please, some useful insights!

2007-06-15 05:18:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its safe to say that most retired Generals do not get breifed on a minute by minute basis as to the conditions or sucsesses being made in Iraq?Are they doing America Harm by giving unIntelegent statements?Its like the blind leading those who see.

2007-06-15 05:18:01 · 10 answers · asked by john 2

A congressman
A Senator
A policeman
A trial lawyer
A Used Car Saleman
A CNN reporter
A Cleric
A TV Preacher
An ACLU member

2007-06-15 05:11:14 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

different perspectives as possible while conservatives, evangelicals, neocons...etc are not? Are we obliged to tolerate everything including intolerance? Can we be all inclusive without appearing weak, self-contradictory ununified and indecisive?

2007-06-15 05:00:30 · 15 answers · asked by socrates 6

Military is 100% Voluntary~ In case the left has not noticed... Their is NO DRAFT~
I have never seen a baby Volunteer to be aborted?
I have never seen a baby die for a good cause!

this is absurd to even compare the two!
The military is about fighting.. therefor if you are a pacifist why would you even join.. its not about playing checkers and goint to parties .. its about fighting for our freedom and keeping OUR home safe!

How is Abortion anything like the Military?

2007-06-15 04:58:59 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think the respondents to answers on yahoo fairly represent the American demographic - liberal, conservative, or otherwise? I never have these types of conversations in real life . . . Do you?

2007-06-15 04:49:02 · 19 answers · asked by CHARITY G 7


2007-06-15 04:45:03 · 28 answers · asked by nom de paix 4

Let's pretend for a moment that the US packed up, cut and ran, and completely left Iraq like liberals & democrats want. Let's pretend that they actually convince eveyrbody that defeat and failure truly is our only option........

Will democrats take responsibility for the aftermath of what happens in the middle east after the US retreats? With US forces gone, will they take responsibility if Iran becomes more aggressive and expands into Iraq? Will they take responsibility when millions are killed in a civil war between shiites and sunnis? Will they take responsibility when the entire region is destabalized and gas is $10 a gallon?

Or are they going to hide under their desks, blame Bush and the republicans, and insist that this wasn't their mess to clean up in the first place?

2007-06-15 04:35:38 · 18 answers · asked by ? 3

It looks like Hamas, Iran, Palestine, etc. will never stop unless they will destroy Israel. Currently they associate Israel with West, rightfully so, I am assuming. What should be done? I am by no means qualified to suggest anything, but here are some choices:

A. Invade Iran, Syria and Palestine?
B. Disown Israel?
C. Stop supporting without disowning Israel?
D. Nuke entire Middle East and give Israelis equivalent amount of land in Florida? Call it “Promised Wonderland”?
E. Overthrow Hamass and put west friendly Fatahass back in Gasa?
F. Baptize all Muslims into Christianity? Or convert into Judaism or Buddhism?
G. Do nothing and let UN “resolve” situation?
H. Force peaceful resolution until next nut case in ski mask will smoke some hash and dig out his AK 47 from the hole in dessert?
I. You opinion?

2007-06-15 04:34:54 · 12 answers · asked by Mr. Beef Stroganoff 6

2007-06-15 04:32:52 · 5 answers · asked by Page 4

Is it okay that she made millions off the destruction of the environment,pharmaceutical giants letting people die with over priced AIDS drugs,and the evil industrial military complex,as long as she sold the stock before she tries to be elected president?

2007-06-15 04:20:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

They go on and on about how Gore and Kerry won the popular vote. Why don't they realize that this makes NO difference and if it did, there wouldn't be equal representation? Liberal coastal CA would run the country every time. Hardly fair to the mid-westerners, southerners or any other part of the nation that isn't composed of liberal elitists.

I have NEVER heard an argument as fruitless and silly as this one and the democrats EAT it up...and yes, this comes from someone in a Northeast liberal hotbed.

2007-06-15 04:02:38 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's a serious question looking for hard statistics to support your answer. I don't know which is higher. Pro gun folks claim that owning a gun protects people from criminals - how many lives have been saved - what's an estimate?
Gun control advocates say that guns end up causing more loss of life through homicides and suicides. What are the numbers?

2007-06-15 04:02:05 · 16 answers · asked by Dastardly 6

2007-06-15 03:59:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

We seem to give Rupert Murdoc a free pass on News.

He openly admits that he has a tight editorial control on what is published as News.

2007-06-15 03:52:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-15 03:49:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

it seems to be Israel or the Islamic nations ( jordon seems to stay out of the fray somewhat as well)

2007-06-15 03:44:17 · 12 answers · asked by ThorGirl 4

2007-06-15 03:39:27 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fred's not the first actor to express his desire to be a Presidential candidate.

Hillary played one of Tim Allen's kids for a number of years on 'Home Improvement'!

2007-06-15 03:39:11 · 12 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

OK, when I was a kid, I got to run around ALL DAY without my parents even checking up on me. My kids got almost the smae treatment, but with a little more supervision. But thy are growing up, and I am worried their kids won't even be able to play outside, because of all the crazy people out there.

Why is our country becoming like this? does anyone know the reason?

Because punishment is not harsh enough for sex offenders?
Because groups like NAMBLA are free to spread the idea that child molestation is OK?
Because the "free love" movement made people think that all sex is OK?

WHY has this country become so crime ridden, especially sex crimes? Does anyone know the answer? And what can we do to stop it????

2007-06-15 03:33:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

that with all the money, time,effort,and collaboration with the christian countries of europe and america that their efforts to remake 'islam'and the muslims is backfiring in their faces?since 911,hamas,hezbollah,al-qaeda and countless other groups have become like gods in their lands.if elections were held today you would see an islamic revolution thru-out the world.from indonesia,malaysia to africa and all between.do you think their policies have had the opposite effect?

2007-06-15 03:30:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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